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100 Most Often Mispelled Misspelled Words in English
2010/04/11 08:54:56瀏覽7062|回應6|推薦13

I wish to collect at least 100 most often mispelled words of my students' and even classify them with their years of English learning.

Recently I am working on some checklists which can help students complete their own writing and enjoy the writing process. ( Revising Checklist, Editing Checklist, )

Besides, I will also collect the possible writing topics with a list of  helpful word bank.

Instead of using the boring words, try to use some other expressions. ( ( I wish to collect another list of interesting expressions.)

Moreover, the commonly used sentence patterns will be collected and organized.

I will also work on some cards which include " Descriptive words, Action words, Transition Words, Sensory Words, Overused words, possible Writing topics, High Frequency Word List, helpful Writing Guide, commonly mispelled words, graphic organizers, writing samples, writing styles prompt cards, .....)

100 Most Often Mispelled Misspelled Words in English



  • acceptable - Several words made the list because of the suffix pronounced -êbl but sometimes spelled -ible, sometimes -able. Just remember to accept any table offered to you and you will spell this word OK.
  • accidentally - It is no accident that the test for adverbs on -ly is whether they come from an adjective on -al ("accidental" in this case). If so, the -al has to be in the spelling. No publical, then publicly.
  • accommodate - Remember, this word is large enough to accommodate both a double "c" AND a double "m".
  • acquire - Try to acquire the knowledge that this word and the next began with the prefix ad- but the [d] converts to [c] before [q].
  • acquit - See the previous discussion.
  • a lot - Two words! Hopefully, you won't have to allot a lot of time to this problem.
  • amateur - Amateurs need not be mature: this word ends on the French suffix -eur (the equivalent of English -er).
  • apparent - A parent need not be apparent but "apparent" must pay the rent, so remember this word always has the rent.
  • argument - Let's not argue about the loss of this verb's silent [e] before the suffix -ment.
  • atheist - Lord help you remember that this word comprises the prefix a- "not" + the "god" (also in the-ology) + -ist "one who believes."


  • believe - You must believe that [i] usually comes before [e] except after [c] or when it is pronounced like "a" as "neighbor" and "weigh" or "e" as in "their" and "heir." Also take a look at "foreign" below. (The "i-before-e" rule has more exceptions than words it applies to.)
  • bellwether - Often misspelled "bellweather." A wether is a gelded ram, chosen to lead the herd (thus his bell) due to the greater likelihood that he will remain at all times ahead of the ewes.


  • calendar - This word has an [e] between two [a]s. The last vowel is [a].
  • category - This word is not in a category with "catastrophe" even if it sounds like it: the middle letter is [e].
  • cemetery - Don't let this one bury you: it ends on -ery—nary an -ary in it. You already know it starts on [c], of course.
  • changeable - The verb "change" keeps its [e] here to indicate that the [g] is soft, not hard. (That is also why "judgement" is the correct spelling of this word, no matter what anyone says.)
  • collectible - Another -ible word. You just have to remember.
  • column - Silent final [e] is commonplace in English but a silent final [n] is not uncommon, especially after [m].
  • committed - If you are committed to correct spelling, you will remember that this word doubles its final [t] from "commit" to "committed."
  • conscience - Don't let misspelling this word weigh on your conscience: [ch] spelled "sc" is unusual but legitimate.
  • conscientious - Work on your spelling conscientiously and remember this word with [ch] spelled two different ways: "sc" and "ti". English spelling!
  • conscious - Try to be conscious of the "sc" [ch] sound and all the vowels in this word's ending and i-o-u a note of congratulations.
  • consensus - The census does not require a consensus, since they are not related.


  • daiquiri - Don't make yourself another daiquiri until you learn how to spell this funny word-the name of a Cuban village.
  • definite (ly) - This word definitely sounds as though it ends only on -it, but it carries a silent "e" everywhere it goes.
  • discipline - A little discipline, spelled with the [s] and the [c] will get you to the correct spelling of this one.
  • drunkenness - You would be surprised how many sober people omit one of the [n]s in this one.
  • dumbbell - Even smart people forget one of the [b]s in this one. (So be careful who you call one when you write.)


  • embarrass (ment) - This one won't embarrass you if you remember it is large enough for a double [r] AND a double [s].
  • equipment - This word is misspelled "equiptment" 22,932 times on the web right now.
  • exhilarate - Remembering that [h] when you spell this word will lift your spirits and if you remember both [a]s, it will be exhilarating!
  • exceed 0 Remember that this one is -ceed, not -cede. (To exceed all expectations, master the spellings of this word, "precede" and "supersede" below.)
  • existence - No word like this one spelled with an [a] is in existence. This word is a menage a quatre of one [i] with three [e]s.
  • experience - Don't experience the same problem many have with "existence" above in this word: -ence!


  • fiery - The silent "e" on "fire" is also cowardly: it retreats inside the word rather than face the suffix -y.
  • foreign - Here is one of several words that violate the i-before-e rule. (See "believe" above.)


  • gauge - You must learn to gauge the positioning of the [a] and [u] in this word. Remember, they are in alphabetical order (though not the [e]).
  • grateful - You should be grateful to know that keeping "great" out of "grateful" is great.
  • guarantee - I guarantee you that this word is not spelled like "warranty" even though they are synonyms.


  • harass - This word is too small for two double letters but don't let it harass you, just keep the [r]s down to one.
  • height - English reaches the height (not heighth!) of absurdity when it spells "height" and "width" so differently.
  • hierarchy - The i-before-e rule works here, so what is the problem?
  • humorous - Humor us and spell this word "humorous": the [r] is so weak, it needs an [o] on both sides to hold it up.


  • ignorance - Don't show your ignorance by spelling this word -ence!
  • immediate - The immediate thing to remember is that this word has a prefix, in- "not" which becomes [m] before [m] (or [b] or [p]). "Not mediate" means direct which is why "immediately" means "directly."
  • independent - Please be independent but not in your spelling of this word. It ends on -ent.
  • indispensable - Knowing that this word ends on -able is indispensable to good writing.
  • inoculate - This one sounds like a shot in the eye. One [n] the eye is enough.
  • intelligence - Using two [l]s in this word and ending it on -ence rather than -ance are marks of . . . you guessed it.
  • its/it's - The apostrophe marks a contraction of "it is." Something that belongs to it is "its."


  • jewelry - Sure, sure, it is made by a jeweler but the last [e] in this case flees the scene like a jewel thief. However, if you prefer British spelling, remember to double the [l]: "jeweller," "jewellery." (See also pronunciation.)
  • judgment - Traditionally, the word has been spelled judgment in all forms of the English language. However, the spelling judgement (with e added) largely replaced judgment in the United Kingdom in a non-legal context. In the context of the law, however, judgment is preferred. This spelling change contrasts with other similar spelling changes made in American English, which were rejected in the UK. In the US at least, judgment is still preferred and judgement is considered incorrect by many American style guides.


  • kernel (colonel) - There is more than a kernel of truth in the claim that all the vowels in this word are [e]s. So why is the military rank (colonel) pronounced identically? English spelling can be chaotic.


  • leisure - Yet another violator of the i-before-e rule. You can be sure of the spelling of the last syllable but not of the pronunciation.
  • liaison - Another French word throwing us an orthographical curve: a spare [i], just in case. That's an [s], too, that sounds like a [z].
  • library - It may be as enjoyable as a berry patch but that isn't the way it is spelled. That first [r] should be pronounced, too.
  • license - Where does English get the license to use both its letters for the sound [s] in one word?
  • lightning - Learning how to omit the [e] in this word should lighten the load of English orthography a little bit.


  • maintenance - The main tenants of this word are "main" and "tenance" even though it comes from the verb "maintain." English orthography at its most spiteful.
  • maneuver - Man, the price you pay for borrowing from French is high. This one goes back to French main + oeuvre "hand-work," a spelling better retained in the British spelling, "manoeuvre."
  • medieval - The medieval orthography of English even lays traps for you: everything about the MIDdle Ages is MEDieval or, as the British would write, mediaeval.
  • memento - Why would something to remind of you of a moment be spelled "memento?" Well, it is.
  • millennium - Here is another big word, large enough to hold two double consonants, double [l] and double [n].
  • miniature - Since that [a] is seldom pronounced, it is seldom included in the spelling. This one is a "mini ature;" remember that.
  • minuscule - Since something minuscule is smaller than a miniature, shouldn't they be spelled similarly? Less than cool, or "minus cule."
  • mischievous - This mischievous word holds two traps: [i] before [e] and [o] before [u]. Four of the five vowels in English reside here.
  • misspell - What is more embarrassing than to misspell the name of the problem? Just remember that it is mis + spell and that will spell you the worry about spelling "spell."


  • neighbor - The word "neighbor" breaks the i-before-e rule and invokes the silent "gh". This is fraught with error potential. If you use British spelling, it will cost you another [u]: "neighbour."
  • noticeable - The [e] is noticeably retained in this word to indicate the [c] is "soft," pronounced like [s]. Without the [e], it would be pronounced "hard," like [k], as in "applicable."


  • occasionally - Writers occasionally tire of doubling so many consonants and omit one, usually one of the [l]s. Don't you ever do it.
  • occurrence - Remember not only the occurrence of double double consonants in this word, but that the suffix is -ence, not -ance. No reason, just the English language keeping us on our toes.


  • pastime - Since a pastime is something you do to pass the time, you would expect a double [s] here. Well, there is only one. The second [s] was slipped through the cracks in English orthography long ago.
  • perseverance - All it takes is perseverance and you, too, can be a (near-)perfect speller. The suffix is -ance for no reason at all.
  • personnel - Funny Story: The assistant Vice-President of Personnel notices that his superior, the VP himself, upon arriving at his desk in the morning opens a small, locked box, smiles, and locks it back again. Some years later when he advanced to that position (inheriting the key), he came to work early one morning to be assured of privacy. Expectantly, he opened the box. In it was a single piece of paper which said: "Two Ns, one L."
  • playwright - Those who play right are right-players, not playwrights. Well, since they write plays, they should be "play-writes," wright right? Rong Wrong. Remember that a play writer in Old English was called a "play worker" and "wright" is from an old form of "work" (wrought iron, etc.)
  • possession - Possession possesses more [s]s than a snake.
  • precede - What follows, succeeds, so what goes before should, what? No, no, no, you are using logic. Nothing confuses English spelling more than common sense. "Succeed" but "precede." (Wait until you see "supersede.")
  • principal/principle - The spelling principle to remember here is that the school principal is a prince and a pal (despite appearances)--and the same applies to anything of foremost importance, such as a principal principle. A "principle" is a rule. (Thank you, Meghan Cope, for help on this one.)
  • privilege - According to the pronunciation (not "pronounciation"!) of this word, that middle vowel could be anything. Remember: two [i]s + two [e]s in that order.
  • pronunciation - Nouns often differ from the verbs they are derived from. This is one of those. In this case, the pronunciation is different, too, an important clue.
  • publicly - Let me publicly declare the rule (again): if the adverb comes from an adjective ending on -al, you include that ending in the adverb; if not, as here, you don't.


  • questionnaire - The French doing it to us again. Double up on the [n]s in this word and don't forget the silent [e]. Maybe someday we will spell it the English way.


  • receive/receipt - I hope you have received the message by now: [i] before [e] except after . . . .
  • recommend - I would recommend you think of this word as the equivalent of commending all over again: re+commend. That would be recommendable.
  • referred - Final consonants are often doubled before suffixes (remit: remitted, remitting). However, this rule applies only to accented syllables ending on [l] and [r], e.g. "rebelled," "referred" but "traveled," "buffered" and not containing a diphthong, e.g. "prevailed," "coiled."
  • reference - Refer to the last mentioned word and also remember to add -ence to the end for the noun.
  • relevant - The relevant factor here is that the word is not "revelant," "revelent," or even "relevent." [l] before [v] and the suffix -ant.
  • restaurant - 'Ey, you! Remember, these two words when you spell "restaurant." They are in the middle of it.
  • rhyme - Actually, "rime" was the correct spelling until 1650. After that, egg-heads began spelling it like "rhythm." Why? No rhyme nor reason other than to make it look like "rhythm."
  • rhythm - This one was borrowed from Greek (and conveniently never returned) so it is spelled the way we spell words borrowed from Greek and conveniently never returned.


  • schedule - If perfecting your spelling is on your schedule, remember the [sk] is spelled as in "school." (If you use British or Canadian pronunciation, why do you pronounce this word [shedyul] but "school," [skul]? That has always puzzled me.)
  • separate - How do you separate the [e]s from the [a]s in this word? Simple: the [e]s surround the [a]s.
  • sergeant - The [a] needed in both syllables of this word has been pushed to the back of the line. Remember that, and the fact that [e] is used in both syllables, and you can write your sergeant without fear of misspelling his rank.
  • supersede - This word supersedes all others in perversity. As if we don't have enough to worry about, keeping words on -ceed and -cede ("succeed," "precede," etc.) straight in our minds, this one has to be different from all the rest. The good news is: this is the only English word based on this stem spelled -sede.


  • their/they're/there - They're all pronounced the same but spelled differently. Possessive is "their" and the contraction of "they are" is "they're." Everywhere else, it is "there."
  • threshold - This one can push you over the threshold. It looks like a compound "thresh + hold" but it isn't. Two [h]s are enough.
  • twelfth - Even if you omit the [f] in your pronunciation of this word (which you shouldn't do), it is retained in the spelling.
  • tyranny - If you are still resisting the tyranny of English orthography at this point, you must face the problem of [y] inside this word, where it shouldn't be. The guy is a "tyrant" and his problem is "tyranny." (Don't forget to double up on the [n]s, too.)


  • until - I will never stop harping on this until this word is spelled with an extra [l] for the last time!


  • vacuum - If your head is not a vacuum, remember that the silent [e] on this one married the [u] and joined him inside the word where they are living happily ever since. Well, the evidence is suggestive but not conclusive. Anyway, spell this word with two [u]s and not like "volume."


  • weather - Whether you like the weather or not, you have to write the [a] after the [e] when you spell it.
  • weird - It is weird having to repeat this rule so many times: [i] before [e] except after...? (It isn't [w]!)
( )
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Writer's Checklist
2010/04/21 23:42


Writer's Checklist

1. Grammar



      Verb Form

    Sentence Structure

      S - V relationship

      Clarity (Is it clear or confusing)





2. Vocabulary

    Word choice

    Any translation?

3. Organization

      General statements

      Thesis statement



      Concrete examples



4. Overall Effect
    What is the main message?

    Is it interesting to read?

    How does it look?

      Paragraph division


Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-21 23:44 回覆:
Describing Action in Progress

In this picture,* there are many people riding on a bus. Some of the people arestanding and some are sitting. The bus driver is talking to a young man who is just getting on the bus. An old woman is standing in the aisle and is leaning against a post. She looks very tired. Next to her, there is a shopping cart full of groceries. Two men are standing near the old woman. They are arguing about something. On the right side of the bus, there is a bald man looking out the window, and sitting behind him is a young man listening to the radio. On the left side of the bus, there are some girls chatting happily while someone is smoking in the seat behind them. I think this looks like a typical day on the bus in Taiwan.

Describing Action in Progress:

    Present Progressive TenseHe is standing.

    They are sitting.

    There is


    There are

    to show movement and position

    in, on, by, near, over, under,

    next to, in front of,

    on the right (side)

    OpinionsI think . . .

    It looks like . . .

    They look tired.

    They appear to be tired.

See also: Grammar: Present Progressive Tense
Speaking: Talking about Here and Now
Speaking: Describing a Picture

*See Look Again Pictures, Riding on a Bus, page 27.

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-21 23:45 回覆:
Getting Ideas Organized

1. Make a list. (Get your ideas down on paper.)

2. Select those items that are most interesting/appropriate.

3. Formulate a topic sentence.

4. Arrange ideas in an outline.







Professional Sports



Sports medicine


Being in shape

Heart rate


Team sports


School Contests

Revised Topic: High school sports competitions require that athletes be in good shape, follow their coach, and work together as a team.

High school sports competitions

    1. Be in good shape


      heart rate


    2. Follow the coach

      leader of the team

      conditioning of the athletes


    3. Work as a team


      team spirit


    Topic: Sports
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-21 23:48 回覆:
Topics for Writing

The following Topics for Writing are just a small sample from the game, Roll Play, by Dymon Publications.


    What would you do if you were late for an important appointment?
    What would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didn't commit?
    What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city?
    What would you do if you left something in a locked building?
    What would you do if your best friend stole something from you?
    What would you do if you didn't have enough money to pay your bills?
    What would you do if your children were caught shoplifting?
    What would you do if your car got a flat tire on the freeway?
    If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?
    If you could change one major historical event, what would it be?
    Describe a famous park or recreation area in your home country.
    Describe an interesting neighbor you have had.
    Describe something you could never give away.
    Describe a place you will never forget.
    Describe a sporting event you attended recently.
    Describe a memorable birthday celebration.
    Describe a place you go for recreation or exercise.
    Describe your childhood home.
    Describe someone you respect deeply.
    Describe the nightlife in a city you are familiar with.
    Tell about a recent interview.
    Tell about a time when you lost something.
    Tell about one of your fondest childhood memories.
    Tell about a time when you lied to your parents, boss, or teacher.
    Tell about a time when you were treated unfairly.
    Briefly tell about a movie you saw recently.
    Tell about something you made ?from scratch.?
    Tell about a "close call" you had recently.
    Tell about something you wish had never happened.
    Tell about a time when you inadvertently caused trouble for someone else.
    What is your opinion about cellular phones?
    What is your opinion about women in the military?
    What is your opinion about a current politician?
    What is your opinion about violence on television?
    What is your opinion about fortune telling?
    What is your opinion about the tabloids?
    What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
    What is your opinion about the welfare system?
    What is your opinion about cloning?
    What is your opinion about recycling?

    Tell how to find something on the Internet.
    Tell how to feed family members who drop by unexpectedly.
    Tell how to dump a boyfriend/girlfriend.
    Tell how to get from your house to the supermarket.
    Tell what to do in an earthquake.
    Tell how to get someone to fall in love with you.
    Tell how to make a paper airplane.
    Tell how to get a good table at a restaurant.
    Tell how to get a discount on an expensive item.
    Tell how to discipline an unruly child.

Sample Personal Essay Topics
Argumentative Essay Topics (from Glendale Community College, Arizona)
Writing Prompts/Journal Topics from Can Teach

See also: TOEFL Writing Topics (from Kazuo.com)
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-21 23:51 回覆:
Tips for Practicing Writing

What do I write about? How do I write?
      Thinking of ideas
      Arranging ideas
      Putting ideas together
    Revising ideas
      Final check

Why do I write?

    To fulfill a task
    To discover your ideas
    To gain experience in communication
    To express your views
    To share your ideas
    To achieve a goal
    To get a particular result

What style do I use?

    Depends on your purpose
      Business communication
      Information exchange
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-21 23:55 回覆:
Writing: Highly Recommended Writing Links

Highly Recommended Writing Links
Other Writing Links

2010/04/14 23:35
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-14 23:36 回覆:

      ★ 歷屆大學聯考英文作文範文 ★




























大學指考 英作導引






2010/04/13 00:02
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-13 00:02 回覆:





Criterion能完整檢視您的文章,並提供五大類39小項全面性診斷式分析報告(Diagnostic Feedback)。診斷式分析報告可以指出文章中的錯誤,並且用色塊標示出您的文章架構完整性。


一. Grammar文法
Fragment or Missing Comma 不完整的句子
Run-on Sentences 缺乏連接詞或標點符號的長句  
Garbled Sentences 混淆的句子  
Subject-Verb Agreement 主動詞不一致  
Ill-formed Verbs 動詞時態錯誤  
Pronoun Errors 代名詞的錯誤  
Possessive Errors 所有格的錯誤  
Wrong or Missing Word 錯誤或是遺漏的字  
Proofread This! 校對
二. Usage慣用法
Wrong Article 冠詞錯誤  
Missing or Extra Article 冠詞誤用  
Confused Words 易混淆字  
Wrong Form of Word 錯誤的詞類  
Faulty Comparisons 比較級誤用  
Preposition Error 介係詞的錯誤  
Nonstandard Verb or Word Form 不標準的動詞或用字
三. Mechanics技巧
Missing Initial Capital Letter in a Sentence 句首字母大寫  
Missing Question Mark 遺漏問句  
Missing Final Punctuation 遺漏句號  
Missing Apostrophe 遺漏縮寫符號  
Missing Comma 遺漏逗號  
Missing Hyphen 遺漏連字號  
Fused Words 連字  
Compound Words 複合名詞  
Duplicate Words 重複字
四. Style文體風格
Repetition of Words 重複用字  
Inappropriate Words or Phrases 不恰當的字詞使用  
Sentences Beginning with Coordinating Conjunctions 以對等連接詞為首的句子
Too Many Short Sentences 太多短句  
Too Many Long Sentences 太多長句  
Passive Voice 被動式
五. Organization & Development組織與發展
Introductory Material 前言  
Thesis Statement 主體  
Main Ideas 主要論點   
Supporting Ideas 支持的論點   
Conclusion 結論   
Transitional Words and Phrases 轉折字與片語   
Other 其他
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-13 00:04 回覆:


1. Outline 大綱模式
2. List 條列式
3. Idea Tree 概念樹
4. Free Writing 自由寫作
5. Idea Web 思緒連結
6. Compare & Contrast 對比與對照
7. Cause & Effect 因果關係
8. Persuasive 勸說式


Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-13 01:03 回覆:
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-13 01:07 回覆:
陳超明 希望這一代英文更好

陳超明教授認為,英文需要活用,不能死背。 本報資料照片/記者曾學仁攝影


陳超明說,大學生的英文不好,與台灣整個教育體制有關,不能怪學生學不好,如果老師在課堂上只一再教用不到的文法,讓學生失去學習興趣,加上沒有機會去說、去寫、去加強閱讀,英文當然學不好。要改變國中高中英文學不好的問題, 不能只有抱怨,要找出問題,他發現,高中老師仍無法放棄文法,考試仍考文法。事實上從大學學測、指考到多益、托福等,都已不考文法,老師傳統的教法需要改變。





2010/04/12 23:46
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-12 23:47 回覆:


【第一處 林秀慧】







 1. 在過去,腳踏車主要是作為一種交通工具。

 2. 然而,騎腳踏車現在已經成為一種熱門的休閒活動。

  本題型測驗目標為評量考生將中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意英文的能力。今年翻譯題的句型與詞彙,皆為高中生應該熟習的,評量的重點在於考生是否能運用熟悉的字詞(比如:腳踏車bicycle/bike、交通工具a means of transportation、然而however、休閒leisure/recreational、活動activity、主要mainly等)與基本句型翻譯成正確且達意的英文句子(如:served as/were used as、in the past、riding bicycles/bicycle-riding/cycling、has become等的用法)。所測驗之標的詞彙(target words)都屬於大考中心詞彙表四級內之詞彙,考生作答大致無太多的困難。試題之參考答案及評分標準,請見以下說明:



{ }(大括弧)表示皆為可使用之字詞。



  1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。
  2. 文長至少120個單詞(words)。


  本大題總分20分。今年回復到多圖的看圖寫作題型,與去年學測的單圖看圖寫作略有不同,但四格圖片中只畫了三格,並沒有提供結局,希望給考生更多的寫作發揮空間。英文作文主要在於評量考生掌握語法能力及使用適當詞彙、句型以寫出一篇具連貫性、統一性的英文作文。目前,英文科主要採整體式評分(holistic scoring),分為五等級:特優(19-20分)、優(15-18分)、可(10-14分)、差(5-9分)、劣(0-4分);為確認評分之一致性,在試閱時,閱卷委員皆被要求完全理解評分標準。本中心的分項式評分指標包含下列5項:內容(5分)、組織(5分)、文法句構(4分)、字彙拼字(4分),及體例(2分)(詳見表1)。在經過試閱階段的共識建立後,閱卷委員皆能掌握整體的評分方式,因此達成評分的一致性。根據作答說明,文長至少120個字詞,若字數不足,扣1分。











全文幾無文法錯誤, 文句結構富變化。













Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-12 23:52 回覆:


In the past( In the old days), bicycles ( bikes) served( were used) mainly ( primarily, chiefly) as a means of transportation.

However( But), riding bicycle ( bicycle riding, cycling, bicycling) has become a popular lesure(recreational) activity today(now, nowadays).

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-12 23:54 回覆:

本文節錄自:大學入學考試中心 選才通訊第142期 學測與指考英文作文評分樣例 第一處 游春琪彙整

說明: 1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。
    2. 文長至少120個單詞。

提示:請以"Travel Is The Best Teacher"為主題,寫一篇至少120個字的英文作文。第一段針對文章主題,說明旅行的優點,並在第二段舉自己在國內或國外的旅行經驗,以印證第一段的說明。



Travel Is The Best Teacher

I´ve been to many countries before, and I enjoy my trip very much every time. To me, travel is the best teacher. By traveling, I can always broaden my mind and open my eyes to the things about which I had no idea before; I could also see the things which appeared only in the textbook before and that´s no doubt a wonderful experience.

Last summer, I went to Malaysia with a foundation, I used to consider it to be a poor country, but I was totally shocked at how prosperous it is! So many tall buildings and well-organized communities were right before my eyes! We also had some interaction with the local students. I found their learning attitude very active, which was very different from that of the Taiwanese students.

After my trip to Malaysia, I realized that many countries in Asia are prospering, while Taiwan seems to be going backward. I also remind myself that we should never look down on others, and we should equip ourselves with knowledge and unique perspectives, so that we may be able to be outstanding rather than being overwhelmed by the others. We should be more active in our learning and try to set up our goals.

If I hadn´t been to Malaysia, I wouldn´t have gained so many insights in these things. To me, travel is truly the best teacher.

說明:主題清楚、具體,內容豐富;重點分明、組織完整且連貫。文句結構變化豐富,幾無文法錯誤(稍有時態不一致的錯誤,例第二對的第一句Last summer...foundation後的逗號應為句號。);用字得宜(但第一段第三句中的broaden my mind應為broaden my horizons)。














When you saw the romantic EiffelTower in the movies, or watched the Great Wall of China on TV, have you ever imagined that you could admire such specific constructions on the sense some day? The advantages of traveling is a lot. First, traveling can make us open our eyes, we can see the senery not through the media, but by ourselves. How wonderful that you can appreciate breathtaking senses just in front of them! Second, with the advanced education, we have known a wide variety of knowledges about many countries. Such as history, climate and even customs, but if we never been the places, it is no use to get so many informations.

During the winter vacation this year, I took a trip to Sigapore with my family. This was my first time to go abroad. In those four days, I learned a lot about this lively country, including saw the famous Merlion, visited the Indian temple ... etc. When the guide gave some informations for us at some spots, I could merge them in to the geography class easily, even could answer the questions from the guide. I was proud of that I could use the knowledge in books to the real life!

However, there is a great deal of advantages about traveling, so I sincerely recommend that you should take a travel someday!















Travel Is The Best Teacher

Many people like to read books because we can learn a lot of information from it. However, sometimes it´s not enough. For example, when the author described how spectacular the view is, we can´t feel how it is, since we fail to experience it personally. At this moment, all we have to do is go traveling. Only traveling can solve our confusion and satisfy our curious heart. When we go traveling, we can extend our sight, know things that we never know and even learn some lesson from it.

I remember that one time I took a trip to mainland china with my family. We paid a visit to WestLake. The scenery I saw really breathtaking. I liked the lake when I was a child. But I didn´t know how big it was! I was so excited that I ran aroud the lake. The astonishing view was not a book could give me. Suddenly, I saw a person throw a gabage to the lake. How could he do that! It actually broke the impression I used have on the Chinese people. Maybe it was a lesson for me.















Travel is the best teacher, there are three reasons why I consider it. First, we can see anything what we have never seen by traveling around the world. Second, we can realize how different the culture is between us. Last but not least, we can learn a lot of knowledge by ourselies which it have never appeared from the book.

For example, I have gone to the U.S six years ago. I have seen a lot of insterting things in the U.S. The culture is very different from us. The travel not only make me grow a great deal of knowledge but also let me had a good time there. Because of the travel, I can really see anything what I have never read from the book. In my opinion, I think travel is the best teacher of me.















Travel Is The Best Teacher

We have many travel expiences in our life, like graduate travel, camp on the mountain, visit museams….etc.Every travel have little or much knowledge in it.Even you think that you just play in traveling, in fact, you learn more about life which you can´t learn in common life.

I have ever gone to Japan once time.I learned many things in the travel.That was my first time to take the plane.I learned what I can do and what I can´t do on the plane.When we got Japan, I found first thing which is different from Taiwan is that their cars and people drive or walk on left.It shocked me because I think that worldwilde.















Travel is The Best Teacher

Travel is very nice.It can help us understand everywhere culture, and to meets different people.And travel also can help us to knew everything.

Have some land is we study is our book.However, somewhere is we can go to travel.We can knew differen culture, people, and life.For example, we go to travel in Japan.We can meets people become friends and chat have something is we not.

I very like to travel.I´m hope I can go to travel every country.















Travel is the best teacher

Travel is the best teacher for me.First, travel can learn about a contry´s culture.For example, Middle East people don´t eat pig and Westness eat sweet petato.The second, travel can realize yourself and less pressureThe last one, travel can make friend with foriend.When you come home foriend friend will talk you what things happened and we don´t know in oversea first time.

I have a travel in East Taiwan, there have high mountain and good view that use me think about environment and recycle.If we haven´t recycle garbage, we would destroy that good view in East Taiwan.















Travel Is The Best Teacher

  Travel can see a lot of country and study different educated.Some country have historic site, some country have the religion, and some country have the technology etc.















Travel Is The Best Teacher

What tain make me the benefit?It is let me learn more and more folklore, and look the different view in this butiful word.

In my virgin tain.This is the summer vecation in the Japen, Japen are very confrotable, In the every where, You are improstable to find any grabeby.

In fact.I wish go to Japen again, If I can go to Japen in the November to see the rain, I just keep butiful mood in the














Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-12 23:56 回覆:


採用與TOEFL、GRE等考試類似的整體性評分(Holistic Scoring),有效突破你的寫作盲點!
TOEFL topics

               TOEFL 題組A              TOP

1) Living Longer (Expository) 長壽
2) Reasons for Attending College (Expository) 為什麼要上大學 ?
3) Change in Your School (Expository) 如果可以改變你的學校
4) Important Animal (Expository) 最重要的動物
5) Money and Success (Persuasive) 財富與成功
6) Hiring Employees (Persuasive) 員工招募
7) Preferred Source of News (Persuasive) 看新聞或聽新聞

8) Reducing Pollution (Expository) 污染防治
9) Why Study Abroad? (Expository) 為什麼出國留學?
10) Successful Students (Expository) 成功的學生
11) Show Emotion (Persuasive) 情感表達
12) Playing and Winning (Persuasive) 參賽與獲勝
13) Stay in Hometown or Move (Persuasive) 離開家鄉或留下
14) Plan Children's Free Time (Persuasive) 規劃孩子的休閒時間


15) Changes in the 21st Century (Expository) 21世紀的變遷
16) Improve Your Community (Expository) 社區發展志工
17) Important Room (Expository) 最重要的房間
18) Prepare for a Trip (Expository) 準備去旅行
19) Group Member or Leader (Persuasive) 組員與組長
20) Learn from Mistakes (Persuasive) 從錯中學
21) Dorm Roommate (Persuasive) 宿舍室友

22) Moving (Expository) 搬家
23) Resources Disappearing (Expository) 消失的自然資源
24) Films (Expository) 電影
25) New Product (Expository) 開發新產品
26) Young People Teaching Older People (Persuasive) 少者為長者之師 ?
27) Gift of Money (Persuasive) 禮金
28) Change Job or Not (Persuasive) 換工作
29) Method of Travel (Expository) 旅行的交通工具
30) Land (Expository) 一塊地
31) Change Your Hometown (Expository) 如何改變你的家鄉
32) Important Plant (Expository) 最重要的植物
33) Experience or Books (Persuasive) 經驗或書本
34) Money on Technology (Persuasive) 科技值得投資 ?
35) Preferred Teacher Style (Persuasive) 老師的教學風格


GRE topics

              GRE 題組A              TOP

1) Duty of Educators 教育者的責任
2) Higher Education 高等教育
3) Media and Social Values 媒體與社會價值觀
4) Technology and Loneliness 科技與寂寞
5) Scott Woods 史考特樹林
6) Roller Skating 溜冰
7) Silver Screen Movies 銀幕電影製作公司
8) Generalists vs. Specialists 通才與專家
9) Best Ideas 靈感
10) Declining Environment 環境的衰敗
11) Wisdom 智慧
12) Speed Limits in Forestville Forestville的速限
13) Smile Bright Smile Bright牌牙膏
14) University of Claria Claria大學


商學題組(GMAT 考生適用)

            商學題組A - College Level I           TOP

1) Long Hours, More Perks (Persuasive) 工時越長福利越多
2) CEO Salaries (Persuasive) 總執行長的薪水
3) Retirement Age (Persuasive) 退休年齡
4) Maternity Leave (Persuasive) 育嬰假
5) Advertising and Obesity (Persuasive) 廣告與肥胖
6) Corporate Criminals (Persuasive) 法人犯罪
7) Do Not Call (Persuasive) 電話行銷反制
8) Surfing at Work (Persuasive) 邊上網邊上班
9) Management by Objectives (Persuasive) 工作目標管理
10) The Four P's (Persuasive) 產品行銷的四個P
商學題組B - College Level I

11) Data Mining (Persuasive) 顧客消費紀錄
12) Team Building (Persuasive) 團隊工作
13) Customer Service (Persuasive) 員工與顧客
14) Net Gain (Persuasive) 雙贏
15) Smoke Out (Persuasive) 請勿吸菸
16) Shorter Weeks (Persuasive) 縮短工時
17) Dress for Success (Persuasive) 成功穿衣術
18) Company Loyalty (Persuasive) 公司忠誠度
19) The Electronic Office (Persuasive) 辦公室電子化
20) Choosing a Job (Persuasive) 挑選工作

商學題組C - College Level II

1) The Customer Is Always Right (Persuasive) 顧客至上
2) Caveat Emptor (Persuasive) 網路消費者保護法
3) Robber Barons (Persuasive) 搶錢大亨
4) Focus (Persuasive) 專心致志
5) Setting Salaries (Persuasive) 薪資準則
6) A Reflection on Society (Persuasive) 廣告反映現實 ?
7) Bad for You (Persuasive) 有害無益
8) Internet Shopping (Persuasive) 網路購物
9) Blow the Whistle? (Persuasive) 員工紀律
10) Model Company (Persuasive) 模範企業

商學題組D - College Level II
11) Holiday Parties (Persuasive) 節目慶祝會
12) The Harm in Charity (Persuasive) 慈善事業之惡
13) Protective Governments (Persuasive) 經濟保護政策
14) Salary and Satisfaction (Persuasive) 薪資與工作滿意度
15) Free Mail (Persuasive) 電子郵件收費制度
16) The Lone Superpower (Persuasive) 孤獨的經濟龍頭
17) The Business of Politics (Persuasive) 企業經營與執政
18) Forgotten Jobs (Persuasive) 被遺忘的產業
19) Protect or Change? (Persuasive) 本土勞力與外勞
20) High Oil Prices (Persuasive) 油價攀高
商學題組E - College Level I & II
1) Surfing at Work (Persuasive) 邊上網邊上班
2) Management by Objectives (Persuasive) 工作目標管理
3) The Four P's (Persuasive) 產品行銷的四個P
4) Data Mining (Persuasive) 顧客消費紀錄
5) Team Building (Persuasive) 團隊工作
6) Setting Salaries (Persuasive) 薪資準則
7) A Reflection on Society (Persuasive) 廣告反映現實 ?
8) Salary and Satisfaction (Persuasive) 薪資與工作滿意度
9) Free Mail (Persuasive) 電子郵件收費制度
10) The Business of Politics (Persuasive) 企業經營與執政


              SAT  topics            TOP

1) Coping with Hostility (Expository) 敵意或憤怒情緒的管理
2) Different Worldviews (Expository) 不同的世界觀
3) Resisting a Popular Viewpoint (Expository) 獨排眾議
4) Difficult Undertaking (Expository) 艱難的工作
5) Insight Through Crisis (Expository) 危機中的真實自我
6) One Major Change (Expository) 重大的轉變
7) Changing Attitudes (Expository) 改變態度
8) Holidays (Expository) 節慶日
9) Doing Things We Don't Enjoy (Expository) 不喜歡卻仍然要做的一件事
10) High-School Jobs (Expository) 高中生打工


Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-12 23:58 回覆:


AmEnglish 為 ETS 發展學習軟體的長期合作夥伴,其所推出的三種線上英語學習軟體係專為母語非英語人士所設計,透過互動式網頁提供大量課程與練習題,針對發音、寫作、慣用語三大領域強化您的聽力、文法與閱讀能力。

Writing in English以清楚易懂的圖解方式說明文法概念,不同於一般枯燥乏味的文法書,讓您學習文法不再感到無聊;有效提升您的英文信件、文章書寫能力。是下一代 New TOEIC  TOEFL iBT 寫作測驗的基本練習工具。


1.  Verbs  動詞
2.  Parts of a Sentence  句子結構中的各部分
3.  Using Verbs in Sentences  在句子中使用動詞
4.  Problems With Gerunds and Infinitives  動名詞與不定詞的問題
5.  Writing Accurate Sentences  寫出精確的句子
6.  Linking Sentences  句子的連結
7.  Clarity  清晰的文思

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-13 00:00 回覆:

Criterion能完整檢視您的文章,並提供五大類39小項全面性診斷式分析報告(Diagnostic Feedback)。診斷式分析報告可以指出文章中的錯誤,並且用色塊標示出您的文章架構完整性。


一. Grammar文法
Fragment or Missing Comma 不完整的句子
Run-on Sentences 缺乏連接詞或標點符號的長句  
Garbled Sentences 混淆的句子  
Subject-Verb Agreement 主動詞不一致  
Ill-formed Verbs 動詞時態錯誤  
Pronoun Errors 代名詞的錯誤  
Possessive Errors 所有格的錯誤  
Wrong or Missing Word 錯誤或是遺漏的字  
Proofread This! 校對
二. Usage慣用法
Wrong Article 冠詞錯誤  
Missing or Extra Article 冠詞誤用  
Confused Words 易混淆字  
Wrong Form of Word 錯誤的詞類  
Faulty Comparisons 比較級誤用  
Preposition Error 介係詞的錯誤  
Nonstandard Verb or Word Form 不標準的動詞或用字
三. Mechanics技巧
Missing Initial Capital Letter in a Sentence 句首字母大寫  
Missing Question Mark 遺漏問句  
Missing Final Punctuation 遺漏句號  
Missing Apostrophe 遺漏縮寫符號  
Missing Comma 遺漏逗號  
Missing Hyphen 遺漏連字號  
Fused Words 連字  
Compound Words 複合名詞  
Duplicate Words 重複字
四. Style文體風格
Repetition of Words 重複用字  
Inappropriate Words or Phrases 不恰當的字詞使用  
Sentences Beginning with Coordinating Conjunctions 以對等連接詞為首的句子
Too Many Short Sentences 太多短句  
Too Many Long Sentences 太多長句  
Passive Voice 被動式
五. Organization & Development組織與發展
Introductory Material 前言  
Thesis Statement 主體  
Main Ideas 主要論點   
Supporting Ideas 支持的論點   
Conclusion 結論   
Transitional Words and Phrases 轉折字與片語   
Other 其他

Apple *
two more...
2010/04/11 21:09

Addint two to the list:

1. You're and Your

2. Committee, e.g. the Safety Committee members

Also, note the pronunciation of "Receipt": p is silent here. I've heard so many people pronounce this word wrong.


Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-11 21:11 回覆:
Thanks for your precious feedback. Really USEFUL.

I am thinking of using cards to help students write easier and better.
2010/04/11 09:08

Crdit cards, poker cards, postcards, ID cards, health insurance cards, ...........lots of cards in life, how about cards for better and easier writing???

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-11 09:35 回覆:
  1. How-to writing
  2. Expository writing
  3. Persuasive
  4. Descriptive with sensory details
  5. Compare and contrast
  6. Iinformative
  7. Narrative & letters
  8. Poetry

Essential styles

Writing for different purpose

Writing process folder (Pre-writing, Draft, Revise, Edit, Publish)



Example/ Sample Writing

Writing activity ( How to generate writing ideas?? Thought-provoking pockets with idea cards, key words, fun facts, illustrated context cues, themed topics, sequencing cards, unscramble sentences, practice punctuation, practice capitalization, use descriptive words, sequence sentences, grammar and usage, correct/ edit mistake, makeing connection, finding cause and effect...)

List of Writing Topics

Five quotes for each topic

Helpful Word List

Useful Checklist--(Revising checklist, Editing Checklist, Drafting Checklist, Teacher's Conference Checklist, Peer Conference Checklist, Word Bank Journal, Kid-friendly reference & information, tips for forming plural nouns, past-tense verbs,)

Parts of speech ( color-coded)

Punctuation cards

Grammar hints

Sentence structure

Word list with essential story elements ( characters, setting, events, conclusion--> Children flip through the cards to choose the elements for their own stories, Fill in the details, use context clues, visual prompts,

Overused words

Commonly misspelled words,

Boring words---> Interesting words

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-11 10:38 回覆:
Crdit cards--> credit cards
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-11 23:06 回覆:
DescribingComparing ContrastingClassifyingSequencingCausalDecision Making

Brainstorming Web

Money Web
Double Cell DiagramHierarchy Diagram

Research Cycle Cluster Diagram

Desktop Folder System
Squirrels Web

Concept Mapping
Concept MapSimile - School is..


Venn Expanded

Comparison Matrix
KWHLThinking grids

Flow Chart
Desktop Folder System
Linear String

Expanded Linear String

Dominoe Effect

Some more forms: Clock, Cluster/Word Web, Describing Wheel, E-Chart, Fact and Opinion, Five W's Chart, Flow Chart, Four-Column Chart, Garden Gate, Goal-Reasons Web, Hierarchy chart, Ice-Cream Cone, Idea Rake, Idea Wheel, , Inverted Triangle, ISP Chart, KWHL Chart, KWL Chart, KWS Chart, Ladder, Observation Chart, Persuasion Map, Planning Chart, Problem Solution Chart, Progress Report, Sandwich, Sense Chart, Sequence Chart, Spider Map, Step-by-Step Chart, Story Map 1, T-Chart, Think-Pair-Share, Ticktacktoe, Time Line, Time-Order Chart, Tree Chart, Venn Diagram.

Graphic organizers are valuable tools for teaching/instruction. Unlike others, graphic organizers demonstrate a felxibility and endlessness in choices of use. A common trait is their ability to show the order and completeness of the student's thought process - how s/he understands becomes clearly evident. Using a range of graphic organizers shows both the close-up and the larger picture. Since many graphic organizers use short words or phrases, they are ideal for many types of learners including those for whom English as a second language.

One of the challenges that teachers often face in the classroom .....has been proven to aid the understanding of the curriculum thereby providing the teacher much needed support. Benefits include ... and comprehension skills and increasing vocabulary and language skills. With the use of these tools, teachers are able to affect .. in all related learning areas.  More at squidoo.com/graphicorganizers and here.

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-11 21:32 回覆:
Spelling errors resulting from a confusion in meaning (e.g. to/two/too) are covered in the Dictionary of Usage (45Kb). Acceptable alternatives are indicated in brackets.

  • misspelled
  • absence
  • accidentally
  • accommodate
  • achievement
  • acknowledge
  • acquire
  • adolescence
  • aggressive
  • amateur
  • analysis
  • analyze
  • anxious
  • apparent
  • appearance
  • approximately
  • athlete
  • attendant
  • auxiliary
  • believe
  • benefited
  • business
  • caricature
  • cemetery
  • changeable
  • character
  • committee
  • comparatively
  • conceivable
  • condemn
  • conscience
  • conscientious
  • conscious
  • consistent
  • constant
  • continuous
  • counsellor (counselor)
  • courteous
  • criticism
  • curiosity
  • curriculum
  • deceive
  • definite
  • desirable
  • desperate
  • disappear
  • disastrous
  • discipline
  • dilemma
  • dissatisfied
  • doesn't
  • ecstasy
  • eighth
  • embarrass
  • environment
  • erroneous
  • exaggerate
  • excellent
  • exhilaration
  • exist
  • existence
  • fallacy
  • familiar
  • fascinating
  • feudal
  • fictitious
  • finally
  • forcibly
  • foreign
  • forfeit
  • forty
  • fulfill (fulfil)
  • government
  • governor
  • grammar
  • guarantee
  • guidance
  • height
  • humorous
  • humour
  • hypocrisy
  • immediately
  • incidentally
  • independent
  • indispensable
  • intelligence
  • irrelevant
  • irresistible
  • kindergarten
  • knowledge
  • laboratory
  • lieutenant
  • maneuver (manoeuvre)
  • marriage
  • meant
  • medieval
  • millionaire
  • minuscule
  • mischievous
  • monastery
  • mysticism
  • necessary
  • niece
  • ninety
  • ninth
  • noticeable
  • nucleus
  • occasion(ally)
  • occur
  • occurred
  • occurrence
  • omission
  • omitted
  • opinion
  • opportunity
  • outrageous
  • parallel
  • perceive
  • perform
  • permanent
  • permissible
  • perseverance
  • peruse
  • pilgrimage
  • playwright
  • possession
  • preceding
  • prejudice
  • prevalent
  • primitive
  • privilege
  • proceed
  • professor
  • pronounce
  • pronunciation
  • psychiatry
  • psychology
  • pursue
  • queue
  • questionnaire
  • realize
  • receive
  • recommend
  • referring
  • relevant
  • religious
  • reminisce
  • repetition
  • resistance
  • restaurant
  • rhythm
  • ridiculous
  • sacrilegious
  • schedule
  • schism
  • secretary
  • seize
  • sensible
  • separate
  • sergeant
  • shepherd
  • shining
  • siege
  • similar
  • souvenir
  • strength
  • success
  • supercede
  • suppress
  • synonym
  • temperament
  • thorough
  • tragedy
  • truly
  • twelfth
  • tyranny
  • unnecessary
  • vacuum
  • vengeance
  • villain
  • weird
  • writing
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-11 21:33 回覆:

The UVic Writer's Guide

Planning, Organizing, and Presenting Essays

Writing As A Process

Types of Essays

Writing Your Essay: Getting Started

Writing Your Essay: Organizing It

Writing Your Essay: Getting It Down

Proofreading and Presenting Your Essay

Doing A Research Essay

Doing Exam Essays

Common Problems Writing Essays

Some Sample Essays To Look At

[Essays] [Paragraphs] [Sentences] [Words] [Sources] [Literary Terms Alphabetically] [Literary Terms By Category] [Summaries] [Logic] [Grammar] [Marking Symbols]

Developing and Ordering Paragraphs

Developing The Paragraph

The Functions of Paragraphs

Paragraph Order

Paragraph Transitions


[Essays] [Paragraphs] [Sentences] [Words] [Sources] [Literary Terms Alphabetically] [Literary Terms By Category] [Summaries] [Logic] [Grammar] [Marking Symbols]

Writing Clear Sentences

Some Things To Do


Using Hyphens

Using Apostrophes

Some Things To Avoid

A Summary of Common Errors

[Essays] [Paragraphs] [Sentences] [Words] [Sources] [Literary Terms Alphabetically] [Literary Terms By Category] [Summaries] [Logic] [Grammar] [Marking Symbols]

Choosing and Using Words


A Dictionary of Usage

Gender Inclusive Language


[Essays] [Paragraphs] [Sentences] [Words] [Sources] [Literary Terms Alphabetically] [Literary Terms By Category] [Summaries] [Logic] [Grammar] [Marking Symbols]

Acknowledging Your Sources

General Stategies


Quoting Material In Your Work

Acknowledging Sources In Your Text (Parenthetical Citation)


Citing Books

Citing Articles

Citing Miscellaneous Sources

Citing Internet Sources

[Essays] [Paragraphs] [Sentences] [Words] [Sources] [Literary Terms Alphabetically] [Literary Terms By Category] [Summaries] [Logic] [Grammar] [Marking Symbols]

Literary and Rhetorical Terms (By Category)

Narrative Genres

Rhetorical Language

Figures Of Speech Or Rhetorical Figures (Schemes)

Figures Of Thought (Tropes)

Poetic Tools

[Essays] [Paragraphs] [Sentences] [Words] [Sources] [Literary Terms Alphabetically] [Literary Terms By Category] [Summaries] [Logic] [Grammar] [Marking Symbols]

General Literary Terms (Alphabetically)

[Essays] [Paragraphs] [Sentences] [Words] [Sources] [Literary Terms Alphabetically] [Literary Terms By Category] [Summaries] [Logic] [Grammar] [Marking Symbols]

Preparing Summaries

[Essays] [Paragraphs] [Sentences] [Words] [Sources] [Literary Terms Alphabetically] [Literary Terms By Category] [Summaries] [Logic] [Grammar] [Marking Symbols]

Presenting Arguments Logically

[Essays] [Paragraphs] [Sentences] [Words] [Sources] [Literary Terms Alphabetically] [Literary Terms By Category] [Summaries] [Logic] [Grammar] [Marking Symbols]

Knowing The Basics of Grammar

A Grammar Glossary

[Essays] [Paragraphs] [Sentences] [Words] [Sources] [Literary Terms Alphabetically] [Literary Terms By Category] [Summaries] [Logic] [Grammar] [Marking Symbols]

Marking Symbols and Grades

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-11 21:34 回覆:
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-11 22:10 回覆:

____My paragraphs are sound.

____Each of my paragraphs has one main idea.

____I have used correct grammar.

____I have used correct punctuation.

____Periods are at the end of my sentences.

____I have quotation marks around dialogue.

____My spelling is correct.

____My handwriting is legible.


____My sentences begin in different ways.

____My sentences build upon the ones before.

____My sentences are different lengths.

____The meaning of each of my sentences is clear.

____My sentences flow and use correct grammar.

____There are no run-ons.

____My sentences are complete.


____My report is sequenced in order.

____My introduction is exciting and inviting.

____My ideas flow and are well connected.

____I have a satisfying conclusion.


____I have capitalized the first word in each sentence.

____I have capitalized people and pet names.

____I have capitalized months and days.

____I have capitalized cities, states, and places.

____I have capitalized titles of books, movies, et cetera.

Word Choice

____Every word seems just right.

____I used a lot of describing words.

____My words paint pictures in the reader's mind.

____I used strong verbs like darted and exclaimed.

____I used synonyms to add variety.


____I used a graphic organizer to create and organize ideas.

____My ideas are written in my own words.

____My report is clear and focused.

____I understand my topic.

____My details give the reader important information.

____My ideas relate to one another.

____I have listened to suggestions from the teacher or peers.

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-11 22:15 回覆:


Essay Keywords

Every essay question will generally contain a key word that tells you what kind of answer your teacher wants. Here is a list of some key words commonly found in essay questions:


Separate out the parts and show how they relate to the whole. For example, whether you are asked to analyze a poem, story, or play, you will need to look at individual elements such as point of view, setting, characters, plot, imagery or symbolism, and motifs or themes. See how each of these elements contributes to the overall meaning of the work.


Give reasons for or against. Be sure to use specific examples to back up your points.

Compare and contrast

These words often appear together but not always. If you are asked to compare, show the similarities and the differences. If you are asked to contrast, show only the differences.


Write about a subject in detail, often so that the reader gets a clear mental picture or image of what you are describing.


Write about a subject in detail, giving reasons and examples.


State the main ideas briefly, leaving out specific examples.

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-04-11 22:38 回覆:


Student Assessment Form

Where will you search for ideas?

What will be the topic of your writing?