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Li Na, don't cry.
2013/01/27 09:01:50瀏覽156|回應0|推薦2
You almost did it again, but you failed to win your second champion of a grand slam (see my previous work about you: "Bravo, Li Na" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7152295). Report said you shed tears of disappointment after the match, silently at a corner. You deserved the tears as long as they were not the ones of gloom. Though much shorter than your opponent(s) physically, you were not a underdog technically. You could have won the game had those two accidental stumbles and falls not happened, which gave your opponent the chance to come back from behind.

I like your brilliant smile and witty remarks. Cheer up and let's see you in other grand slams this year.
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