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2020/09/05 12:43:45瀏覽477|回應0|推薦7

Subject two things seem irrelevant with each other at all, but they are highly coorelated now in Taiwan. 

A mask manufacturer, as a member of "national team", was debunked of importing a big quantity of Mainland-made mask pretending as MIT products, and those masks had been widely sold in the pharmacies, convenience stores, and so on.

Besides legal preceedings against that manufacturerer, the most important thing for the government to do is to testify those "illegal" masks are good or not.  But that "minister of health" refused to do so.  Why not?  I think partly because that manufacturer already vowed that those improted masks are even better in protection against the virus than the local ones, and so the "minister" dared not prove it, for Mainland products are always inferior, and that is a "political correctness" in Taiwan. 

The government also said they suspect that as early as March the similar cases had already been there in Taiwan.  But why did they reveal such a "crime" just on the climax of hue and cry among people of Taiwan against Ractopamine-contained beef and prok from America?   Apparently, the mask incident serves a perfect red herring.

In a nutshell, all good things related to China Mainland are bad, everything bad from America and Japan is good. That is what DPP has long inculcated into your brains to make you become imbeciles .  Satisfied? 



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