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2020/06/25 15:38:16瀏覽395|回應0|推薦6

You know, I am not good at typing Chinese character with Zhuyin, and such kind of key-in almost always takes me a lot of time in replying messages from LINE or searching some data online at my smartphone.  Then someone told me I can download the handwriting or voicing function from APP as to solve my problems.  I did, but I fumbled and failed, many times.   

Yesterday in the high noon I went to a convenience store to buy something.  I found there was no other customer except me at the counter and the young clerk girl on duty looked kind of nice and friendly; suddenly I got an idea: asking her if she could help me out with my problem.  She did not say a word; just took over my smartphone.  With her finger(s) flipping on the keyboard, in less than 30 seconds she set the function up.  Oh my goodness!

I do appreciate her extra service, the service she did for a senior who is old enough to be her grandpa.  Thanks, young lady! 

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