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2019/09/19 05:43:05瀏覽248|回應0|推薦7

Not until yesterday did I learn that subject malapropism of "sense of the fall of a nation" has been popular in Taiwan.  (How ill-informative am I?) 

Apparently, the term suggests if Wonky Cai and DPP fail to re-elect next January, then whether ROC-in exile or Taiwan, as a "nation" will fall: falling prey to China.  Let me ask you something, dear islanders, especially young fellows, are you so gullible as to believe those shits?  Isnt the pursuit of Taiwan Independence the ultimate goal of Wonky Cai and DPP?  Now the "lofty" task is yet to be accomplished, how come there is any "nation" for them to lose or to be subjugated? 

I know you have been brainwashed, and I do not blame you.  But do wake up; otherwise, "sense of agonies" will abide in you for the rest of your lives.        

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