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2019/08/31 01:42:53瀏覽344|回應0|推薦3

Report said that Wonky Cai showed her English in a video the other day.  But she made a terrible mistake by pronouncing "Marine Corps" as "Marine Corpse".  Well, the alphabet "p" in the word "corp" is a syllable to be elided.  Such an elision is commonly seen in English; for example, "b" in comb, thumb, doubt, etc; "s" in aisle, island, etc; "t" in often, Monterey Park(a town in Los Angeles where many a Chinese immigrant is residing at), and so many others.

However, a blunder like that should not happen to Cai, a Ph.D of LSE, if her degree is a bona fide one.  Please also see my previous writing "Cais English" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/78131135




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