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2019/08/14 07:10:45瀏覽704|回應1|推薦11

In my last writing I mentioned "carpenter" and "mason" to you.  Obviously, they are the names of occupation, but in the form of capitalized first letter they are often seen in some  family names.  Therefore, we can say some English family names are derived from the occupation of their ancestors of long, long time ago.  Listed below are some names with the origin of different occupations so far as I can remember.  (Certainly, similar origins can also be found in Chinese and Japanese family names.) 

Carpenter  (carpenter 木匠)

Mason       (mason 泥瓦匠)

Smith        (smith 鐵匠)

Baker         (baker 麵包師傅)

Cooper       (cooper 桶匠)

Butler         (butler 男管家)

Steward      (steward 管家)

Weaver       (weaver 織工)

Parker         (parker 公園守門人)

Taylor          (taylor 裁縫師)

Clark           (clark  學者,牧師)

Carter          (carter 車夫)

Page            (page 聼差僕人)

Sawyer         (sawyer 鋸木匠)


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2019/08/14 09:17
Are "clark" and "clerk" the same in ancient English?
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2019-08-15 02:35 回覆:
I am not sure about this.  But “clerk” does have something to do with  certain church jobs.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2019-08-15 03:20 回覆:
...according to the definition found in dictionary.