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2019/07/02 06:00:07瀏覽449|回應0|推薦5

Last Sunday, Mr Han Guoyu summoned thousand supporters again in Xinzhu for the latest one of his campaigning series.  I must admit that was a pomp of election made of ordinary people.  I wonder are those people all Xinzhu locals or are a large band of "Han fans" who are following him wherever he goes; how come he has gained such a high, constant popularity, yet it cannot reflect in the poll.  I do not know, and I am not interested in such a election, Taiwanese style.

Today I would like to share with you guys some English usages related to elections:

Hustings  政見發表會塲

Pep Rally  造勢活動

Rallying Cry 造勢口號,如“涷蒜”

Rallying Point 號召賣㸃,如“XX發大財”

Clarion Call 動人的演講

Charm Offensive 魅力攻勢:賣帥,賣萌,賣無釐頭

Concession Speech 敗選感言

Short List 侯選人名單

Dream Ticket 夢幻競選搭檔

Stump 政客巡迴演出

Barnstormer 巡迴演出的政客 

Abstainer (含淚,含恨的)不投票者

Press the Flesh 握手握到手抽筋

Whispering Campaign 謠言滿天飛的選戰

Mud Slinging 抺黑,抺紅,抺黃

Troll for Votes 拉票

Vote Rigging 作票

Carpetbagger 空降的外來候選人

Razor-thin 險勝的

Constituency (某候選人的)票倉






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