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Guys are Guys
2019/05/01 18:13:10瀏覽368|回應0|推薦9

"A guy is a guy" is a brisk hit song sung by Doris Day in 50s.  Well, guys are guys whenever they get together.

I had a feast with several erstwhile colleagues, all guys, last evening.  Inevitably, like all others in similar stag parties, we talked about politics and a little of sex.  A dude flaunted his sex capability by boasting that he is still enjoying sexual life.  (Gosh, that is really something.  At age of seventy odd?  Good for you, man.)  But he also admitted he have had a problem by now: 早泄.  Then he asked me what do we say it in English.  I replied to the question that it is "PE".  "What does it stand for?", he wondered.  Jokingly, I told him it is "Physical Education".  "What?  Are you kidding me?"  They burst with protest almost in one accord.  Slowly, I uttered the right answer: "Premature Ejaculation".  The answer delighted those guys.

It was really a joyful evening.


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