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A982- US Social Security Debate/Application Guide --- 考騐你的美語文能力
2010/11/23 17:24:03瀏覽1931|回應0|推薦0

A982- US Social Security Debate/Application Guide --- 考騐你的美語文能力

      JCW 2010/11/23. NoDerives (ND) Creative commons Copyright. 

External Link  

(1). My forum: https://city.udn.com/61613/forum    (3). ISBN: https://city.udn.com/65088/forum 

(2). My blog: http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article (4). It’s fun: http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman/article

(5). Windows Live > Office   ---------------------------Translate多語言翻譯器 ----------------------

拙作A981介紹了美國的社會福利制度(Social Security),此處要再介紹兩則相關的資科。


介紹這些相關的資科是有用意的:到美國去、要去做美國公民,為的不就是求生活安定而且有保障嗎? --- 所以,要去美國、去做美國公民的人對美國的社會福利制度當然必須有充分的認知:此其一。其二則是:要去美國、要去做美國公民的人對美國的語言和文字當然必須有充分的、讀、寫、聽的能力 --- 假使對拙作A981A982(本篇)引述的英()文資料看不懂,那,他就該先對美語文下足夠的功夫,以免去美國討生活、找工作面對困難。

要去美國、去做美國公民的人會遭遇討生活、找工作的困難,最可能的原因就是對美國的語言和文字沒有足夠的、讀、寫、聽的能力。對美國的語言和文字沒有足夠的、讀、寫、聽的能力,他就只能去做(充其量)美國人或華僑的「外(華勞) --- 這種到美國去有何意義呢?

很多要去美國、要去做美國公民的人,在美國幾乎沒有美國朋友;搞來搞去,他接觸的儘是去美國、要去做美國公民的外國人,甚至只有兩岸的中華子孫 --- 他就註定要面對失敗了。當然,這也有例外的:他是腰纏萬貫、銀行裡有大量存款、吃用不盡的有錢人!


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(1). Social Security Debate (United States) - WikipediaThis article concerns proposals to change the Social Security system in the United States. Social Security is a social insurance program officially called "Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance" (OASDI), in reference to its three components. It is primarily funded through a dedicated payroll tax. During 2009, total benefits of $686 billion were paid out versus income (taxes and interest) of $807 billion, a $121 billion annual surplus. An estimated 156 million people paid into the program and 53 million received benefits, roughly 2.94 workers per beneficiary.

Reform proposals continue to circulate with some urgency, due to a long-term funding challenge faced by the program. Starting in 2015 and continuing thereafter, program expenses are expected to exceed cash revenues. This is due to the aging of the baby-boom generation (resulting in a lower ratio of paying workers to retirees), expected continuing low birth rate (compared to the baby-boom period), and increasing life expectancy. Further, the government has borrowed and spent the accumulated surplus funds, called the Social Security Trust Fund, while counting the funds as revenue, not debt.

During 2010, the Trust Fund held $2.5 trillion in government account series bonds—essentially "IOUs" or claims on the government's general fund or tax revenues. This amount is part of the total national debt of $13.3 trillion as of August 2010. By 2015, the government is expected to have borrowed nearly $3.25 trillion against the Social Security Trust Fund.

Between 2015 and 2037, Social Security has the legal authority to draw amounts from other government tax sources besides the payroll tax, to fully fund the program. However, this will liquidate the Trust Fund during that period. By 2037, the Trust Fund is expected to be officially exhausted, meaning that only the ongoing payroll tax collections thereafter will be available to fund the program.[5] There are certain key implications to understand under current law, if no reforms are implemented………………

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(2). Social Security Card Application Guide – US Immigration Support

The Social Security Card Application Guide is an informative and comprehensive guide to Social Security and contains everything an applicant needs to know about applying for this important documentation………………

=== EOF ===


A931CN★- 未 來 世 界 之 聲 2010-09-01








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