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俄羅斯軍方紀念追悼伊朗聖城旅將軍被美國暗殺 Iran’s General Soleiman Assassinated by the US .
2020/01/07 02:51:28瀏覽379|回應2|推薦6





由於伊朗聖城旅領導人.General Qassem Soleimani.





Russian Military Pays Respects to Iran’s General Soleiman Assassinated by the US

The commander of the Russian Group of Forces in Syria led a delegation to Irans Syria embassy mourning ceremony.

A military delegation from a group of Russian troops in Syria visited the Iranian embassy to pay tribute and express condolences to the Iranians in connection with the death of General Suleymani, commander of the Kods IRGC Iran, as a result of the American strike. Wreaths were laid from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and directly from our group of forces in Syria.

In the photo from the Iranian embassy as part of the delegation, the commander of the group of forces (forces) of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation in the Syrian Arab Republic, General Alexander Chayko.


20200107.筆者已從特殊管道,取得俄羅斯軍方,派出代表,抵達伊朗首都德黑蘭,參加紀念追悼會,以崇高的軍禮紀念,被美國暗殺的聖城旅領導人.General Soleiman .

俄羅斯軍方代表獻上花園,場面嚴肅哀悼,復仇的眼淚看似滴下,但是堅強的伊朗人,將化悲哀為力量,傳聞聖城旅的所有官兵已經血盟立誓,將為死難的General Suleymani.復仇血恨.他們已按照伊斯蘭教古禮,歃血為盟,升起血旗,誓言以血還血,誓言將所有駐紮在中東地區的美軍,消滅乾淨,看起來2020年中東地區,將會是腥風血雨的一年.





川普犯罪行為可能被美國選民背離,落選無法連任,他已被軍方架空,忙得不可開交,調兵遣將,派赴中東地區送死,.美國大兵無奈的被他犧牲掉.川普日後海外訪問,伊朗聖城旅的殺手,在暗處等待獵殺川普,他的人頭賞金高達8000萬美元,所以國際間賞金獵人BODY HUNTER,.將大舉出動,磨拳擦掌準備各式各樣武器與陷阱,獵殺川普,即使連美國本土境內的殺手,也是如此因,為有錢能使鬼推磨,看起來川普必須服用安眠藥,才能入睡?


Military Situation In Syria And Iraq On January 6, 2020 (Map Update)














Soleiman victorious in death.

Iraqs parliament voted in an extraordinary session Sunday to expel all American troops from the country and file a United Nations complaint against the U.S. for violating Iraqs sovereignty with its assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad.

Ahead of the vote, chants of No, no, America rang out inside the hall.

Iraq called on the U.N. Security Council to condemn the bombing and assassinations, Iraqs foreign ministry said in a statement following the vote.




As the flag was raised the speakers called, O Allah, hasten your custodian reappearance, a reference to the end-times reappearance of the Mahdi, a divine bringer of justice


Iran vows revenge as it unfurls red flag of WAR after America executed General Soleimani. 

Iranians raise blood red flags of revenge as they vow to hit back after US killed general Qassem Soleimani.

Iranians today raised the blood-red flags of revenge, vowing to retaliate after the US killed general Qassem Soleimani in an airstrike in Baghdad.

Iranian state TV broadcast the flag being hoisted over the minarets at the revered Jamkaran Mosque in the holy city of Qom on Saturday.

In Shia Islam the red flags, which have also been flown at demonstrations in Tehran, symbolize blood spilled unjustly and serve as a call to avenge the person who is slain.  

It comes as Irans supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei and President Hassan Rouhani consoled Soleimanis distraught children at his family home last night, reassuring them the commander would be avenged.  




 伊朗革命衛隊將領蘇雷曼尼(Qassem Soleimani,)20200102遭到美軍刺殺身亡,他的屍身20200105日運回伊朗,成千上萬伊朗人民參與迎靈遊行。遊行主辦單位發起1人1美元捐獻,要募8000萬美元取美國總統川普(Donald Trump)的項上人頭。




( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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red square 123
2020/01/11 09:24

蘇萊曼尼官拜少將,過去20年來是伊朗最神秘的「聖城軍」(Quds Force,或稱聖城旅)指揮官。這是伊朗最精銳的「革命衛隊」中的菁英。顧名思義,這個部隊蘊含著解放聖城耶路撒冷的目的。這個組織主要是在伊朗以外的地區活動,被形容是類似美國CIA和特種部隊的組合體,自1979年成立以來,一直以顛覆敵人和擴展伊朗在中東影響力為目的。

red square 123
2020/01/07 15:30
Russian Military Delegation Particiaptes In Soleimani's Funeral Ceremony In Iranian Embassy In Syria
red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2020-01-07 19:01 回覆:
red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2020-01-11 09:25 回覆:
蘇萊曼尼擔任聖城軍指揮官之後,協助扶植了黎巴嫩的真主黨,組織了伊拉克什葉派民兵,並支持敘利亞的阿薩德總統,伊朗在海外許多恐怖攻擊和暗殺行動也是由他發號施令。前美國駐伊拉克中情局官員麥奎爾(John Maguire)五年前在紐約客的訪問中形容他是「全中東地區威力最強大的特務」。