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中興電訊公司起死回生敗部復活? 習老大與川普有暗盤交易?
2018/05/15 14:51:12瀏覽209|回應0|推薦2

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

Donald J. Trump.20180513.


Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Make China great again? We must find a way to save Chinese jobs at ZTE, says Trump.

President Trump says he’s working to give ZTE a reprieve.

There’s a strategy here, I think, but hoo boy is it weird watching President MAGA tweet about the importance of saving Chinese jobs. Especially when those jobs are at a telecom company which has been accused repeatedly of acting as a surveillance arm of the Chinese government. Members of Congress have been calling ZTE a national security threat since the end of Obama’s first term. The Pentagon has banned military bases from selling the company’s phones and U.S. intel honchos publicly warned American citizens against using them a few months ago.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!



外行人都知道美國總統川普是個精打細算的生意人,他不會無原無故的讓中興電訊公司起死回生敗部復活? 在美國繼續營業.




 201804 中興公司因觸犯美國法律被勒令停止營業,.美國中興公司開除5名美籍高階幹部,作為回應,只如今習老大與川普熱線電話,解開死節,至於中興公司在美國的下游供應商,,固然是高興又可以繼續配合中興公司營業,其中令人玩味的是廣告公司M正傷腦筋,如何推出2018Q3的廣告海報及電視宣傳片,要知道牽一髮而動全身,美國許多公司也就是說要依賴中興公司賺錢,更何況中興電訊公司聘用的75000名員工.



China's ZTE says main business operations cease due to U.S. ban

Pithy background: Last year the Commerce Department accused ZTE of defying U.S. sanctions on North Korea and Iran by doing business with those two countries under the radar. They slapped a fine of more than a billion dollars on the company and reached a settlement with it in which ZTE agreed to take certain disciplinary measures against employees responsible for breaking the sanctions. Failure to comply would mean the U.S. could bar the company from importing American tech components on which its business relies for seven years. Last month Commerce announced that they’d discovered that not only had ZTE not disciplined the employees, eschewing even letters of reprimand, they paid them bonuses. Citing the settlement agreement, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross declared that the seven-year ban barring ZTE from U.S. exports was now in effect.

And that was a heavy blow. ZTE might not be able to continue operations without the components. It’s not the biggest Chinese telecom company but it still commands 75,000 employees. And the company that *is* the biggest, Huawei, now has something to fear:





雖然高階電子晶片,目前中國的技術略勝一籌美國,但是加以時日,中國依舊會取得相關技術贏頭趕上美國的箝制與扼阻.,5G 是中國領先世界的最新電信技術,美國吃不下,但又不甘心的錯綜複雜的情節,作弄中國.如此一來全世界都知道,美國是小孩子,玩家家酒,輸了耍賴皮,叫喊者要重新再玩.



It is the only Chinese smartphone vendor with a meaningful presence in the United States, where its 10 percent market share makes it the fourth-largest vendor.



ZTE was hit by a ban last month from Washington, forbidding U.S. firms from supplying it with components and technology after it was found to have violated U.S. export restrictions by illegally shipping goods to Iran.

“As a result of the Denial Order, the major operating activities of the company have ceased,” ZTE said in the exchange filings late on Wednesday.

“As of now, the company maintains sufficient cash and strictly adheres to its commercial obligations subject in compliance with laws and regulations,” it said.

The U.S. action, first reported by Reuters, could be devastating to ZTE.


中興公司5G新手機亮相? 預計在201809ˊ 芝加哥電子大展中會出現首款5G 商用手機?




ZTE launches world's first 5G-ready smartphone


 A display of smartphones at last year's Mobile World Congress. Lightening-fast 5G mobile internet is due to be up and running by

A display of smartphones at last year's Mobile World Congress. Lightening-fast 5G mobile internet is due to be up and running by 2020 .



Chinese telecoms giant ZTE unveiled Sunday what it said is the world's first smartphone compatible with the lightening-fast 5G mobile internet service that networks expect to have up and running by 2020. 


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