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usa banks on line statements(including SSA) changed without notify clients
2020/11/01 05:47:27瀏覽58|回應0|推薦0
10/31/20 tried to pay BOA credit card and then found out the nightmare happens again that in quite earlier charter one bank frequently changed our on line statements without notify us (the SSA retiring payment also did the same way). in the end it sold to usbank. And now the same weird thing also happened in our BOA on line statements. i spent lots time found out +$147 transaction lost which should happen in 2019.

i have very good habits that i would record all money transactions so once bank sneaky changed statements i would find out because its not match mine. but even so what can i do about it?

that is $147 didnt record in 2019 DEC(or earlier) but 2020 JAN has $147 included. as i said usa is very poor at mathematics so banks software design has bugs. i dont know whether the app software stole our money or not. i heard it did happen and been caught, however usa medias wont tell the detail, so no one know how to catch the thief. many americans just like my spouse knew nothing do nothing.

ps i did call charter one many times but they cant fix the bugs. it also happens to our investment dept of bank and investment company.
we hardly sell/buy for quite long because of the scarely bugs which wont be fixed.

in fact last couple times i already suffered the inconsist problem. this time i download the on line statements to prove what i found the bug.

after i suffered microsoft "one drive" suddenly popped up and today when i download BOA bank statements then found out lots data files disappeared. you see this is why i am so expecting china can make O.S. to replace microsoft O.S. totally.
10/30 notebook got very weird so force to restart couple times. And just found some my lost files which showing in ...one drive... file folder. i immediately create "spy" folder and copy those in one drive files. the thing is i already forbid/disable one drive when i sensed it mess up my data files many years and drived me crazy. so how it popped up today? embeded in new updated processes?
earlier i thought might done by my spouse as he has strong "control" desiring thru "parents monitor kids" function, but now i am more suspect usa master. because the weird happened after my spouse went slept, and i knew it was microsoft did update so cant reading novel, news...(cpu 90-100% busy status).
10/31/20 im really sick of usa made any app. o.s. .... systems. fill with millions bugs and wondering whether some hackers steal our money already.
it never is China or Russia hackers steal usa government informations, it is all usa made with millions bugs then incapable solved bugs so black china.
in fact i am quite suspect usa ever made effort to solve bugs so they can steal people money or an excuses to black china, Russia...
11/1/20 i tried to download our investment statements, and my spouse account showing sorry, unable to retrieve some of your records
last year it also happened to my spouse, mine is ok so i made call they recovered it.
so it happened again, and tried to login my account but forgot then tried to reset, however i remembered tried to abandon change passcode, when i re-login it seemed fine but popped up change passcode screen again, i cant but real change passcode it succeeded and login with the new passcode but still popped up change passcode screen.
i felt totally exhausted so gave up.
my suspect why on line statements failed always happened to my spouse because he has long time 401K investment and lot cash since we stop auto-reinvest.
my spouse doesnt have good sense never should merge all investments in one place which he select wrong one. it should pick up the best recording file system which investment company fidelity so far is the best we ever had even with bugs, and kept long time not like bank for 5? years.
ps usa stock market down, the stealing hacker must be very crazy and busy. must monitor our money well. i kept wondering what about some one change our on line statements without caught? what we saw the statements are fake or not? why would usa security dept allow auto change without notify clients? 2 times SSA deposit to my spouse account later reduced the amount(not a lot, less than $0.xx and $10?), without sent notice no one knew it is SSA made mistake or bank system fault.
quite earlier we suffered bank credit card dept and Frys point finger to each other and ran away so we lost money as Frys didnt refund refrigerator duplicate charged $500?
ps 11/1/20 Trump supporters blockade Baiden supporters who in big bus driving...the black SUV almost hit the white one...
Haaa the more Trump supporters went crazy the worse even it looks like funny. Baiden for safety did right thing.
It’s a crazy USA, but we also see low class violently behaviors which
(繼續 抱歉忘了用中文)which happened in taiwan now saw in USA.
Baiden should make a song such as:
瘋狂吧 特朗普, 燃燒吧 特朗普,這是美國奇蹟. 美國第一實現啦...燃燒 燃燒 燃燒.. let the hell fire burning buring buring....
Ps 我們必需小心美國支持特朗普黑客們 偷盜銀行存款

ps 10/29/20 about rotten mjd accused KMD turn down weapon purchase
何必要被打了才知道軍購無用麽? 識時務者為俊傑 何必用軍購遮掩民進黨的貪腐?連新冠肺炎都不許台灣人民檢測(美國至少被逼的不得不免費提供)預備進口的新冠肺炎預防針也是中國合作的產品還騙台灣人就是因爲不告知購價好貪撈啊
流感疫苗不足進口韓國死了四人還無恥的要人民自求多福 真不明白台灣人怎這麼傻
( 時事評論政治 )
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