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世行气候变化官员:中国给全球设立了非常好的范例 前美国副总统戈尔:中国扮演领导角色
2018/09/15 15:09:03瀏覽51|回應2|推薦0

中新网北京9月14日电 (记者 李晓喻)世界银行气候变化高级局长John Roome在加州气候峰会“中国角”称,中国应对气候变化工作给全球设立了“非常好的范例”。
  John Roome说,应对气候变化仅靠公共投资还远远不够,今后应采取更多措施,努力吸引私营部门资本,并不断扩大规模。

前美国副总统戈尔:中国在应对气候变化中扮演领导角色 (杨佳欣)【编辑:刘湃】
    前美国副总统戈尔出席2018年全球气候行动峰会气候投融资论坛。论坛由中国生态环境部应对气候变化司、美国加州政府、国际金融论坛、中国新闻社、能源基金会共同主办。 Woodrow Chris 摄
中新网旧金山9月13日电 当地时间9月12日,在美国旧金山举行的2018年全球气候行动峰会气候投融资论坛上,前美国副总统戈尔(Al Gore)指出,各国都对减少温室气体排放作出了承诺,中国在其中扮演领导角色,为全球气候治理作出重要贡献。

--戈尔 was sold out by Clinton when he came out to compete with BUSh. i wanted to vote for Gore. my spouse voted none because he thought Gore didnt tell the truth about IT, i told him if only if Gore supported that matters. [Same as Lien supported 青辅会 6months computer trainning courses since 1981.]

As demacratic party Clinton supported BUSh but betrayed the party without shame.

As Hillary cant win in 2016 she made 3 big mistakes. 1. didnt in time appology the Iraq war 2. didnt divorce her husband asap. 3. accused innoncent china for herself scandals. certainly didnt appology for Iraq war because herself supported Iraq wars that many people already knew.

Hillary piled up too many burden so cant be usas 武则天. 

( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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2018/09/25 04:17

he also told me whenever workers working on the pole he suspected cameras, monitor... device installed and also felt very insecure in usa, including nervours about notebook embeded cameras.
when i mentioned the white lady sold communist newspaper in chicago on Oct 1st 2001(?), immediately he told me the same thing as my spouse that usa spys took photos whoever nearby/contact the girl. 

many china people didn't know usa well until too late.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-09-25 04:34 回覆:

when he told me about HK(he likes HK), he can't believe why tiny apartment fill with grand, parents. kids all together. i told him too many popullations in small island, that's why many chinese immigrate to other countries especially usa becuse so few popullations own huge lands. the worst is blindly worship foreign countries in stead of improving the quality.

but i also told him a company didn't do right job it's out of market in china, in usa if the company big enough usa government still protect it. 

2018/09/25 04:08
I wonder whether Gore would interest in 2020 president candidate.
Another is Sanders(?) i also like him.
both are killed by the Clinton/Hillary this is why the demarcratic party suffering.
just have a chat with our rich neighbour. unbelivable he told me about Trump completely different from what we thought. when i told him about usa restaurants are in bad shape and i blamed Trump tries hard to kill restaurants and made quality deeply down even the price up. he agreed the quality down every where but belived Trump tries lower down the whole market prices including milk, gas.
he didn't know quite earlier this year usa medias reported americans spent too much money eat outside then caught many workers in restaurants caused the qualiy deeply down.
we both agree Trump tried to make it like 1997 --when i came to usa, $1 can buy many eggs, sweat corns... the question is why usa still issues this war that war without ending and all people are forced to pay the cost?
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-09-25 04:49 回覆:

we tried to repair broken window glasses and strings (20-50? years old ttype windows) plus adjustments. the company declared they fix windows. the white young man came but told me better leave what it is, not worth to fix because one small size broken window glasses would cost me $300. the attic window(half circle type) would cost $2000.

 i thanks his honest and he wasted his time for nothing. i'm very regret i should fix it last year when the mexcian workers still existing.

now we can see the white workers but they can't do the labour jobs or we can't pay.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-09-25 08:23 回覆:
in 2015? after we bought the house, the outside stone walls got ants? diged tiny holes so i hired contractor to re-patched as much as he can find those cement-loosing. the white man with his kid helping but very obviously his son disliked the job. same as our the white gardener got same problem. they are old need young kids helping. but none their kids want to share labour jobs for fathers. this is the deadlock without kids help they are too old to take jobs. it is not about foreigners rob their jobs it is their kids dislike labour jobs.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-09-25 08:33 回覆:
our old lady introduced me another old white man to catch wild animals and put back those tore down metals(sofit) by lagoons for us (in the same time the white man can fix her hole in outside wall) but his leg got problem and told me his son could help together. in the end his son turned down. so we just like our rich and old lady neighbours, they got holes in outside walls, i got fell down sofit. Can't find handyman to fix.