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2018/03/18 06:52:44瀏覽130|回應8|推薦0

习近平应约同德国总理默克尔通电话 【编辑:叶攀】

 新华社北京3月17日电 17日,国家主席习近平应约同德国总理默克尔通电话。

--i hope German can guide europe union together step forward and dump bloody wars but the PEACE, 国际秩序和经济治理 must base on PEACE not wars.

默克尔 is a good 领导, hope she more calms dowon to deal with Russia pre-spy case, there is something not right, didn't make sense. at most could count as individual case only, no need drag Russia own.

don't you think what happened to those British policemen symptons should same as to Russian's pre-spy? but obvioulsly didn't look like.

PS I only saw one German detective show but made in Italy, i like it (a bit like chinese quite care family education) but hope can see made in German not pretended Italian so can see German cultures related. my husband was usa solidier sent to German and have some German-related photos. I like French detective show--Maigret too.

also enjoy watched Italy, Canada...Hope their detectives as good as their shows. 

Before take any action against Russia better listen to your quite capable deteives opinion 1st.

Haaa I also enjoy British detectives shows however didn't see the same capable detective to solve Russia pre-spy case. in usa we can watch more Britiah detective shows including made in Irish/ Welsh

when a suspect murder case happens, only tha capable detective is mattered, not immediately let politic-related control the case. didn't detetcive shows also tell us that any case involved politic must be rotten and capable detectives suffered it but they still try hard to fight and solve it in the end?

I'm still waitting for 马来西亚 court announce 金正男's 两名女性嫌疑人死刑 sentence.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2019/06/14 16:26
马克龙:如果默克尔参选欧委会主席,我将支持她 2019-06-13  默克尔,马克龙
--indeed she deserves it. very few has concious, guts as she is. haaa those female politiians our 黑心蔡 is the worst can't give us proud but endless humiliated.

2018/07/07 09:05
蓝皮书:中国连续两年成为德国第一大贸易伙伴 【编辑:刘湃】
  中新社上海7月6日电 (记者 许婧)6日在上海发布的《德国蓝皮书:德国发展报告(2018)》指出,中国连续两年成为德国第一大贸易伙伴,在德国非金融直接投资大幅增长。

2018/03/23 17:04
习近平应约同法国总统马克龙通电话 【编辑:刘欢】
  新华社北京3月22日电  22日,国家主席习近平应约同法国总统马克龙通电话。
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-03-25 10:56 回覆:
平靜為假象 法國幾乎月月破獲恐攻計畫
--查理周刊 caused. the better way is to declare 查理周刊 “rest" and see whether it drop down then 查理周刊 should know what to do.
it is not worth you can’t every day anti the cost is too high.
查理周刊 didn't learn how to respect different religion, very weird usa master used to accuse china about religion but see what they done. why some countries suffered other didn't must have reasons. no need one side to spoil those thought they were master can do anything they wanted, they can criticize others but themselves so narrow minds with hatred. quite sardonic.the worst is foolish people easy lose common sense can't see clearly.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-03-25 10:55 回覆:
法国近年来重大恐袭事件一览 总理:形势严峻 【编辑:孟湘君】
中新网3月25日电 据英媒报道,法国当地时间23日发生一起恐怖袭击事件,嫌犯持枪抢夺汽车,并枪杀所劫持的人质,共造成3人遇难,多人受伤。法国近年数次发生恐袭,当局已誓言加强反恐。
  事件发生后,当局在相关地段部署了数百名警察,并封锁周边地段。法国国家宪兵特勤队( GIGN)、国家警察黑豹突击队(RAID)和侦缉行动特勤组(BRI)均抵达事发现场,动用了3架直升机。法国总理菲利普表示“形势严峻”。巴黎检察院反恐部门接手案件调查。

2018/03/21 18:25

German is smart and not waste money like chinese.

didn't Trump declared cut down big tax for usa rotten rich, so they can create more jobs, but obviously it didn't work now Trump again 增加今年的國防支出800億美元 to increase more jobs. 

i even suspect does usa really need so many jobs and spent so huge money for it? many americans voted/supported him because he told us will reduce usa debts, that years we didn't see but frequently 聯邦政府關門 if 臨時支出法案 can't pass so debt is higher and higher. which country can be sacrified to satisfy usa huge debt needs?

you all, not just china.

2018/03/20 19:12

「具毀滅性」 中國貨課重稅 川普或本周宣布

--a bit earlier we found grocery store price jump high high used to be per lb became per pcs. however recently seemed price  down. i would say usa businessmen took lots tax reduced benefits so can't but hold price for Trump as return. i think this is why Trump ignores other against opinions. i bet German and China already knew the reason.

the only question is how fast those tax cut benefits run out. And who make up the shortage tax income. 關稅? the other countries can do the same thing to usa or reduce import from usa.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-03-21 17:34 回覆:




--those 45个 should come out earlier and stop telling liars a long time ago, in the end all drown by usa itself created liars.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-03-21 17:40 回覆:





--obviously europe union + British have no 主权 so easy be blackmailed by usa master. IQ also not high i bet another bloody wars coming soon, because usa wants a lot that no country alone can be sacrified  to satisfy usa huge stomach, sooner or later is europe turn including Canada.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-03-22 08:47 回覆:
合法砍聯邦公務員薪水 眾院擬延「霍爾曼規則」
--support 眾議院 senators 多數黨領袖-國會砍減聯邦雇員薪資的權利, for those high income salary and retiring salary, not those low-middle.
–this is Trump should do to find out usa itself serious problems and fix it, not always blame other countries to cover usa faults. today usa got huge debts many officers should be responsible including presidents, 國會眾議院 senators especially bloody wars -related. believe me those presidents, 國會眾議院 senators 多數黨領袖 all have more than millions. my husband hard working save every penny paied tax since 1965-2015 went thru 2 economic ressions barely have a million totally if no more house market crashed, economic recession caused by bloody wars again. we have right to request high income officers reduce filthy salary and retiring income.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-03-22 09:13 回覆:
nearby our house has Aldi, mexico, jewel ...grocery stores. before my husband applied SSR at 70, most time we went Aldi and mexico because we have to withdraw our savings, so can get max. SSR at 70. we tried to save penny so no worry for our retiring life. we have concious quite appreciated Aldi, mexico stores(we also visited Chinese grocery but price not cheap because only one, the other shut down. i won't complaint because not many clients in this most mexcico-american city ), it is not usa but foreign stores help us fear free for retiring life. After we applied SSR we also visit Jewel that we can relax and more or less take care American stores. in 2017 Aldi suffered woker union threaton because Aldi didn't join union, they post sign request people not buy in Aldi and list reasons, Aldi one by one beat back that they paied hour rate better than others, why its cheaper because no plastic bags, no need handle carts.... no one listen to union.

2018/03/20 11:41

I see why German and French came out in stead of having patience to wait more deltail investigation.
--don't you think what happened to those British policemen symptons should same as to Russian's pre-spy? but obvioulsly didn't look like. And both didn't call help at all but went to wine bar and walking easily to park sitting... I would suggest 英國 find out what is the sumptons for infected 神經毒劑 1st, or any made up stories won't fit.
ps not sure is by coincidence or not, suddenly my husband can't download foreign countries detective shows since yesterday, he also told me micorsoft did update the night before yesterday and quite frustrated. today one one detective show--Canada's murdok? sorry he went bed i might mis-spelled the detective name.

2018/03/18 15:47
--普京 would rather spend more time to solve his country's problems, such 前特工 has nothing worth to waste 普京's one seconds valuable time. 普京 to be elected is not difficult at all but care about his people needs/wants.这种言论 indeed is humiliation 不可原谅.
俄宣布对前间谍中毒案展开调查 或与英方展开合作(海外网 张振)
  海外网3月17日电 据美国CNBC报道,16日,俄罗斯调查委员会宣布已对前双重间谍被神经毒气攻击事件展开刑事调查,但调查并未涉及斯克里帕尔本人,调查委员会在一份声明中表示,之所以对斯克里帕尔的女儿尤利娅遭攻击事件进行调查,是因为她是一名俄罗斯公民。
--hope British open minds to work out with 俄罗斯调查委员会 and solve the case.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-03-20 19:03 回覆:
haaa I wish British can make movie or TV detective show with Russia base on this case but must base on the truth not fake. it must be a good story that has Russia ex-spy, his daughter loving story and marriage failed, ... however i'm not sure if British itself involved politic pressure behind the case will movie maker have the guts...

2018/03/18 08:11
it reminds me japanbastards invaded china by ridiculous excuses-- a japanese couple found dead then accused china murdered them so can cover their brutely bloody wars to kill millions innocent chinese. 
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-03-18 10:36 回覆:

英国广播公司一档广播访谈节目中,一名英国嘉宾提醒主持人、其他嘉宾和听众,“下毒”事件颇为蹊跷,尤其是事发时机,堪称“完美”,可以让外界视线聚焦俄罗斯和普京,对俄方及其总统绝对不利,所以他个人相信是“对手”(ps i assume he meant 普京's 对手) 所为。
--as i said usa has short history so can' be smart, but British/German/French didn't know 普京 well, 普京 has much more broad minds than other presidents(certainly i would say china 习近平 is top number one), why would he do such things especially he has many chances to kill them in Russia and to win elections?
German and French presidents should stay away it or losing your reputations.
obviously British did have some smart and bravery people suspect something wrong.
indeed their MIS explosed usa's black jail and made a movie, and many other detective shows did teach British people something.
From what i saw German/French and British female 总理s should realize your real problems caused by joined usa bloody wars brought immigrations side effect so your people quite upset but you 总理s have no guts to tell your people that is the price to pay what you done to other countries. And very likely most your people didn't support the bloody wars especially if they know the price to pay too.
my best advices is not repeat it to make worse but more honest to tell your people what happened and you would not make mistake and fix the previous left serious problems by stop encourage the other countries "对手" caused their countries inner wars.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-03-21 08:48 回覆:

俄副外长:“诺维乔克”毒剂来自俄罗斯的声明均属揣测 (记者 王修君)【编辑:吉翔】
中新社莫斯科3月20日电 当地时间3月20日,俄罗斯副外长里亚布科夫表示,所有“诺维乔克”毒剂来自俄罗斯的声明均属揣测。

--在欧洲某地还在生产该毒剂 haaa 不能调查没有证据 不好说 不能说.