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德國舞曲團體[Snap!]──嘻哈浩室/部落浩室舞曲──[Cult of Snap/Snap崇拜]
2021/02/17 12:46:43瀏覽374|回應0|推薦10

德國舞曲團體[Snap!]──嘻哈浩室/部落浩室舞曲──[Cult of SnapSnap崇拜]


Groove is quick but thick no trick words manifest

Lyrics I lick (hype as hype and SNAP made it hyper)

Beat to the brain like a bullet from a sniper

When the loser smooth like a cruiser

Beat the beat down Im the big bruiser

On to off to off on and on

This is the new-new breed of rap song

To the T.O.P yes the top I rock the spot hot

To be or not to be yes itll be MC Turbo B

(yes to the groove yes its party)

Peace of mind

Time to unwind

Trip and dip slip the hip now grip

To the Techno house of hip

Cause this is the cult of SNAP

Hard to hold Its burning cold

We make the jam broke the mold So it cant be sold

Took the mic stolen taken

Move to the groove dancefloor shakin

Up and down youre spinning around

You check the sound ,hands in the air, feet on the ground.

Party hard , hard not to party moving close (body to body)

I for one the only son the only child

Not mild but the kid is wild

Code name is Turbo B

Jam, jump, jump, jump, jump, and jam

The cult of SNAP

And SNAP is in command

To the point correct and exact

This is the cult of SNAP


Snap!是由德國製作人Michael Munzing & Luca Anzilotti化名為 Benito Benites John "Virgo" Garrett III ,在1989年結合檯面人──兩位美國黑人Rapper Turbo B 與女主唱Penny Ford於法蘭克福組合的團體

1990年初 Snap推出首支單曲〔The Power〕登上德國亞軍  英國冠軍  歐洲榜冠軍 美國亞軍……全球熱賣, Snap一炮而紅

第二單曲[Ooops Up]亦受到歡迎(德國亞軍  英國#5 美國#35)

5月順勢推出首張大碟[World Power](BookmarkAriolaArista Records



1990年9月, Snap!推出第三單曲[Cult of SnapSnap崇拜]

此曲由John "Virgo" Garrett IIIDurron ButlerBenito Benites譜寫,

Benito Benites John "Virgo" Garrett III製作成一首嘻哈浩室(Hip house)&部落浩室(Tribal house, 融入非洲民族曲風與現代舞曲節拍, 頗獲好評。

Cult of Snap]繼續維持前兩首單曲成功

登上德國單曲榜#3 英國榜#8 義大利#7 西班牙冠軍

奧地利亞軍  比利時/瑞士/挪威/希臘#5 荷蘭#6 愛爾蘭#8 葡萄牙#10 瑞典#12 紐西蘭#15 澳大利亞#27













(World Power Mix)



(12 Jupiter Mix)



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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