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英國實力歌姬[安妮.藍妮克絲]─成人抒情聖誕曲-[Universal Child/世界之子]
2020/11/04 00:11:56瀏覽378|回應0|推薦12

英國實力歌姬[安妮.藍妮克絲]──成人抒情聖誕曲--[Universal Child/世界之子]


How many mountains must you face before you learn to climb?

Im gonna give you what it takes, my universal child

Im gonna try to find a way to keep you safe from harm

Im gonna be a special place, a shelter from the storm

And I can see you, youre everywhere, your portrait fills the sky

Im gonna wrap my arms around you, my universal child

And when I look into your eyes, so innocent and pure

I see the shadow of the things that youve had to endure

I see the tracks of every tear that ran right down your face

I see the hurt, I see the pain, I see the human race

And I can feel you, youre everywhere, shining like the sun

I wished to god that kids like you could be like everyone

How many tumbles must it take before you learn to fly?

Im going to help you spread your wings, my universal child

Im gonna try to find a way to keep you safe from harm

Were gonna be a special place, a shelter from the storm

I can feel you, youre everywhere, shining like the sun

And I wished to god that kids like you could be like everyone

And I wished to god that kids like you could be like everyone


2009年, 英國創作歌姬安妮.藍妮克絲(Annie Lennox)結束RCASony BMG)的合約

2010年跳槽環球音樂集團(Universal Music Group)的Island (UK)Decca(NA)唱片簽約

11月, 將滿56歲的安妮發行第五張個人專輯/首張聖誕大碟〔A Christmas Cornucopia/聖誕聚寶盆〕

由她與Mike Stevens共同製作,走耶誕與白人靈魂曲風

安妮演重新詮釋11首個人喜愛的聖誕歌曲, 外加一首自創作品



A Christmas Cornucopia〕登上英國專輯榜#16 金唱片(10萬張+)

美國榜#35 德國#37 法國#115 加拿大#19 瑞典#24 奧地利#35 瑞士#38 愛爾蘭#58 荷蘭#60 比利時法語區#64 比利時德語區#74 澳大利亞#76


首支主打即安妮自己創作的新歌[Universal Child/世界之子]

原本藍妮克絲並打算加入新歌, 但在大碟錄音休息時刻, Universal Child’字眼, 和弦, 旋律浮現在她腦海, 便創作此曲。

Universal Child]是首成人抒情風格的聖誕歌曲, 旋律悅耳,

在鋼琴聲與絃樂中, 安妮的演繹溫暖和煦。

Universal Child]登上英國單曲榜#88 成為安妮的聖誕歌曲代表作  







2010 live



Christmas in Washington



Red Nose Day 2011





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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