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美國搖滾巨星[佩特.班納塔]──成人抒情搖滾──溫暖和煦的[One Love/唯一的愛]
2020/07/14 00:12:16瀏覽417|回應0|推薦14

美國搖滾巨星[佩特.班納塔]──成人抒情搖滾──溫暖和煦的[One Love/唯一的愛]




Once there was a man, and he lived to sing the lions song

As he traveled on road of hope

One love is the light, shining over every mountain top

It will lead us to the higher ground

One day every heart will beat strong against the night

Let it be done right now

Once there was a man, and his words became a song of love

And his song became the golden dream

One love is the light, shining over everyone that believes

It will lead us to the higher ground

One day every eye will see truth before the light

Let it be done right now

Some wait, so long

Because our love is strong

This hard road traveled on

Will lead us home


Hear the lions song, voices cryin like a desert wind

Yeah hes gone unto his fathers land

Afrika tonight, for we truly are one in our hearts

Colors woven in the golden dream

One day every eye will see truth before the light

Let it be done right now

One day every voice will speak strong against the night

Let us be one right now

So let it be

We are the children of a thousand days

We are the people of the hard rain

We are the children of a thousand days

We are the people of the hard rain

We are the people of the hard rain


1988年夏天 35歲美國搖滾天后巨星佩特班納塔(Pat Benatar)發行睽違近三年的第七張錄音室專輯[Wide Awake in Dreamland]

主要由其丈夫Neil Giraldo與長期鼓手Myron Grombacher譜寫歌曲  佩特也參與四首歌曲創作  仍維持她擅長的流行/硬式搖滾曲風

Neil Giraldo&Peter Coleman主製作, Keith Forsey也參與一曲製作

[Wide Awake in Dreamland]在美國登上專輯榜#28 拿到金唱片 賣出70萬張, 與上張[Seven The Hard Way]差不多(60萬張)


在英國登上專輯榜#11 拿到金唱片──這是派特在當地成績最好的錄音室大碟


首支單曲[All Fired Up]登上美國單曲榜#19  英國榜#19 澳洲榜亞軍 加拿大#8

第二單曲[Dont Walk Away/別走開]拿到英國#42 紐西蘭#48 澳大利亞#61

第三主打[Lets Stay Together]只以宣傳單曲型式發行

1989年1月, 佩特推出第四單曲[One Love (Song Of The Lion)/唯一的愛(獅之歌)]──但只在歐洲發行

此曲由Neil Giraldo, Myron Grombacher譜寫, 被製作一首成人抒情搖滾,編曲繁複, 頗具氣勢, 班納塔的演繹溫暖感性, 充滿和煦感

[One Love]只登上英國單曲榜#59

這是佩特一首少為人知, 卻相當動聽的抒情搖滾佳作



















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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