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美國拉丁巨星[葛洛莉亞伊斯特芬]──流行抒情曲──[I Wish You/我祝福你]
2020/03/20 12:43:48瀏覽335|回應0|推薦13

美國拉丁巨星[葛洛莉亞伊斯特芬]──流行抒情曲──[I Wish You/我祝福你]



The day I was born I knew a lot of things

But now that Im grown

Im just remembering

Where I have been.

Mightve we met before

Suddenly something has led you back

To my door

Looking to settle the score

But no more


Deceive me, hurt and mislead me

All that I wish you is love

Abuse me, damage and use me

All that I wish you is love


Believe me its hard to turn the other cheek

Faithful and kind

Might be confused for weak

An innocent streak

Im learning a lot from you

Making me stronger each time you think

Ive been beat

Whatever you scatter you reap

But down deep


Defeat me, shame and mistreat me

All that I wish you is love

Despise me, lie criticize me

All that I wish you is love


I may not forget, but I forgive you

If it happens again

The way that I grew, I owe it to you

I have you to thank


Deceive me, hurt and mislead me

All that I wish you is love

Abuse me, damage and use me

All that I wish you is love


Defeat me, shame and mistreat me

All that I wish you is love

Despise me, lie criticize me

All that I wish you is love

All that I wish you is love




2003年9月 46歲的美國拉丁流行巨星葛洛莉亞伊斯特芬(Gloria Estefan)推出第10張個人專輯/事業第24張大碟[Unwrapped/打開( Epic出版)


在大碟18首歌曲中, 伊斯特芬參與16首創作


製作人尚有丈夫Emilio Estefan ,Jr, 以及阿根廷/美國音樂人Sebastian Krys

[Unwrapped]以現場錄製, 營造出一股不插電演唱的氛圍。


[Unwrapped]登上美國Billboard專輯榜#39──為她1985年名次最低錄音室大碟(1993聖誕專輯[Christmas Through Your Eyes]除外), 至今在美國賣出17萬張

西班牙#3(金唱片/5萬張) 瑞士亞軍(白金唱片/4萬張) 義大利#11 英國#76 德國#26 荷蘭#27




首支主打[Wrapped/Hoy]成為伊斯特芬在21世紀最受歡迎的單曲之一──特別是西班牙, 瑞士與中南美洲

第二主打為[I Wish You/我祝福你] 

2003年末先送至電台宣傳, 2004年2月/3月分別在歐洲/美國發行單曲

由葛洛莉亞, John Falcone, Sebastian Krys合寫

是首流行抒情曲, 伊斯特芬的詮釋深情動人

[I Wish You]並沒有打入Billboard單曲榜, 但升到副榜-成人抒情榜#18──這是她子1998年[Heavens What I Feel]後名次最高歌曲

另外拿到匈牙利電台榜#28 瑞士單曲榜#64

跟上五年前的英語專輯[gloria!]相較, 進入中年的葛洛莉亞事業明顯在下滑

不過她的音樂品質仍保持一定水準, [I Wish You]便是一首抒情佳作







tv show



Live and Unwrapped



Live for Sesiones @ AOL - 2003




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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