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美國鄉村樂歌姬[蘿莉摩根]─鄉村抒情曲─[A Picture of Me (Without You)/我的照片]
2020/02/13 00:14:18瀏覽350|回應0|推薦11

美國鄉村樂歌姬[蘿莉摩根]──鄉村抒情曲──[A Picture of Me (Without You)/我的照片(沒有你)


Imagine a world where no music was playing

And think of a church with nobody praying

Have you ever looked up at a sky with no blue

Then youve seen a picture of me without you

Have you walked in a garden where nothing was growing

Or stood by a river where nothing was flowing

If youve seen a red rose unkissed by the dew

Then youve seen a picture of me without you

Can you picture Heaven with no angels singing

Or a quiet Sunday morning with no church bells ringing

If youve watched as the heart of a child breaks in two

Then youve seen a picture of me without you

Can you picture Heaven with no angels singing

Or a quiet Sunday morning with no church bells ringing

If youve watched as the heart of a child breaks in two

Then youve seen a picture of me without you



美國性感鄉村樂歌手蘿莉摩根(Lorrie Morgan)以1989年出版的首張大碟〔Leave The Light On/留下燈光〕走紅

1991年春天 摩根發行第二張大碟〔Somrthing In Red/紅色禮服〕

Richard Landis擔任製作(除[Best Woman Wins]由Steve Buckingham, Dolly Parton and Gary Smith製作)

首支主打[We Both Walk]登上Billboard副榜-鄉村歌曲榜#3


1991年6月, 摩根推出第二單曲[A Picture of Me (Without You)/我的照片(沒有你)

Norro WilsonGeorge Richey譜寫

1972年由喬治瓊斯(George Jones)灌錄,收在跟歌曲同名專輯中, 拿下鄉村歌曲榜#5

Richard Landis將其製作成一首鄉村抒情曲, 樂聲緩柔, 蘿莉娓娓演繹

A Picture of Me (Without You)]登上鄉村歌曲榜#6 加拿大鄉村榜#9(1991年終#95)


Somrthing In Red〕登上Billboard副榜-鄉村專輯榜#8 主流專輯榜#53 

銷售逾100萬張 再度成為白金唱片

另也拿到加拿大鄉村專輯榜#13 取得金唱片(5萬張+)









George Jones And Friends 50th Anniversary Tribute Concert 2007



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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