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美國迪斯可女王[唐娜桑瑪]──迪斯可舞曲佳作──[I Love You/我愛你]
2019/10/05 13:30:34瀏覽270|回應0|推薦6

美國迪斯可女王[唐娜桑瑪]──迪斯可舞曲佳作──[I Love You/我愛你]



Well he searched and searched for nights and days

Till he found the one he loved

And he wrapped her in his arms again

And then he thanked the stars above

That he found what hed been looking for

And he stared her in the eyes


He said "I love you"

He said "I love you"

Love you, love you


She stared him right back in the eyes

With a look of disbelief

Then she gazed off into somewhere else

Was it real or just a dream?

And she pulled him, oh so close to her

And she whispered in his ear


She said "I love you"

She said "I love you too"

Love you, love you, love you


So together they will always be

Until the stars fall from the sky


They said "I love you"

Yes, I really do

They said "I love you"

Yes, I do

I do, I do, I do, I do


So together they will always be

Until the stars fall from the sky

So if you find someone you love a lot

You must never let them go

You just hold them tight with all your might

And you say three little words


You say "I love you"

You say "I love you"

You say "I love you"

You say "I love you"



1977年10月底 將屆29歲的美國迪斯可紅星唐娜桑瑪(Donna Summer)發行第六張大碟──概念專輯[Once Upon a Time/從前Casablanca唱片)

距離上張[I Remember Yesterday]只有五個月時間

這是桑瑪首張雙片大碟 歌曲內容描述一個現代灰姑娘故事

仍由Giorgio Moroder +Pete Bellotte製作 唐娜參與所有歌曲創作, 樂評好壞不一

[Once Upon a Time]登上美國Billboard專輯榜#26 拿到金唱片(50萬張+)


英國榜#24 金唱片(10萬張+)



首支主打1977年12月底發行的[I Love You/我愛你]

由桑瑪 ,Giorgio Moroder, Pete Bellotte譜寫, 後兩者製作成一首迪斯可舞曲

旋律討好, 唐娜並展現了她寬廣的歌喉

I Love You]登上Billboard單曲榜#37 為桑瑪第三首美國Top40熱門曲

副榜──靈魂榜#28 [I Love You

英國反應良好, 拿到#10 為桑瑪第五首英國Top10暢銷曲

令拿到荷蘭#6 挪威#10 西班牙#24 加拿大#29 澳大利亞#47



Single Version


LP Version












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