安逸 鄭大呆 Rebec 稻柏臨 維他命熙 【任風】 11號公路 百芙 crystally 月
** 在清淨心中沒有自然,無其字,亦無其意 ,何況「 懷疑」 **
而萬事萬物,皆是「二元對立」分別心所造,如同夢境 …
經云:虛空法界 國土眾生 「唯心所現 為識所變」
而知道 這一切變現「者」
那個「者」即是本心,它如如不動,清淨湛然,不生不滅、不增不減、不垢不淨,但我們很少理它 …
不惑中 是因體會了自性清淨本然,它本自「如如不動,清淨湛然,不生不滅、不增不減、不垢不淨」
在清淨心中沒有自然,無其字,亦無其意 ,何況「 懷疑」…
Sorry., I just do my best ..!!
I enjoy it vrey much until the last part,
而 沒 了 懷 疑 , 亦 沒 有 了 自 然
Do you mind to explain more about this? It is very similar to the Tao-ism, and nothing is for certain. It is deep. Maybe it is not something can be explained? You write like Lao-Tze. Really appreciate your writing. It is great to find your site.
The nature’s meaning is coming from our dualistic mind, we are separating everything to get one’s thought and thinking and sense of existence
Our true Buddha nature is far beyond dualistic mind, everything is you and
You are everything , we can experience it from meditation or a good Buddhist teacher 😊
能 體 悟 自 然 , 是 因 少 了 懷 疑 而 沒 了 懷 疑 , 亦 沒 有 了 自 然 <== 這句無法了解
請了客解答 謝謝!