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台灣的生物科技夢:林政和 (Jimmy Lin) at TEDxTaipei 2013
2013/12/31 01:08:25瀏覽245|回應0|推薦1
林政和,有著醫師、博士及健康科學碩士學位,是 2012 TED Fellow 也是稀有基因學院 (RGI) 創辦人兼董事長。稀有基因學院是世界上第一個能夠讓任何一個社群利用最先進的生物科技­技術來推進社會對稀有疾病認識的平台。稀有基因學院和18個世界級頂尖醫學院合作,如­哈佛、耶魯、約翰霍普金斯、史丹佛等,幫助某些極度稀有疾病,稀有到世上沒有任何醫學­中心能幫助的,做客制化個人研究計畫設計。林醫師也是華盛頓大學聖路易斯分校醫學院的­教授,並且帶領約翰霍普金斯醫學院有史以來第一個針對任何人類疾病所作的外顯子組測序­電腦分析研究。他有眾多研究發表於《科學》、《自然》、《細胞》、《自然細胞》、《自­然基因》、《自然生物科技》等國際級期刊。他也曾經被財星、彭博、華爾街日報、華盛頓­郵報和赫芬頓郵報等媒體報導過。

Jimmy Lin, MD, PhD, MHS, is a 2012 TED Fellow and Founder & President of Rare Genomics Institute, the world's first platform to enable any community to leverage cutting-edge biotechnology to advance understanding of any rare disease. Partnering with 18 of the top medical institutions, such as Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford, RGI helps custom design personalized research projects for diseases so rare that no organization exists to help. Dr. Lin is also a medical school faculty member at the Washington University in St. Louis and led the computational analysis of the first ever exome sequenching studies for any human disease at Johns Hopkins. He has numerous publications in Science, Nature, Cell, Nature Genetics, and Nature Biotechnology, and has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and the Huffington Post.
( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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