想不出國遊萬國嗎?12/29 國際博覽會-國 宴 在大禮堂隆重登場, A.M10:00~P.M9:00 歡迎各位蒞臨! Welcome to Chalesburg, the one-stop hobby sanctuary of Yufan (aka Charlieeee) Been playing and collecting for 10 years now and still counting! I try to share and export the passion I find in this hobby to all fields of life, and am in infinite pursuit of awesomness. To get you start up, below is a report from our local news featuring our gaming group, and a brief intro of what we're doing. Hope you enjoy your stay at Charlesburg, and have a good one! 歡迎來到Charlesburg, Yufan(查理)的嗜好集散地. 蒐集與遊玩微縮模型, 並試著將對模型的投入與熱情轉化到生活上的各種事物, 希望永遠當個學生(被踢飛) 對於初次的來訪者, 看到一些文章可能一頭霧水, 下方的影片正是我的聚會團體與新聞作的採訪, 對微縮模型可有進一步了解! 多看看, 多逛逛. CG Doodling |
文章數:196 | |
戰棋活動地點與時間 |
興趣嗜好|收藏 2010/07/26 15:15:33 |
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精選創作 |
最新影像 | 36 本 1095 張 |