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第十五週.週六 晨興餧養 羅八23 『不但如此,就是我們這有那靈作初熟果子的,也是自己裏面歎息,熱切等待兒子的名分,就是我們的身體得贖。』 腓三21 『祂要按著祂那甚至能叫萬有歸服自己的動力,將我們這卑賤的身體改變形狀,使之同形於祂榮耀的身體。』 基督作為救贖,照顧我們的將來。基督作為公義拯救我們,使我們在相信基督,以致在祂裏面蒙稱義時,就在我們靈裏得蒙重生。基督作為聖別,現今正在變化我們的魂,藉此使我們聖別;然而我們的身體仍未得救。將來,我們的身體要在基督裏得贖;這就是說,基督將成為我們的救贖。有一天,我們的身體要改變形狀,同形於基督榮耀的身體。(腓三21。)這是我們的身體得贖,就是兒子名分的完滿享受。(羅八23。)(新約總論第十冊,一三三頁。) 信息選讀 我們身上一切天然的、肉體的、屬己的、世俗的、罪惡的、舊造的、以及屬撒但的,全都必須釘在十字架上,經過神的審判,纔能得贖而得榮耀。先有救贖,纔有榮耀。我們都還在舊造裏,在天然的生命裏。因此我們需要接受十字架的審判,好得著基督作救贖,有資格得享神的榮耀。這是為著我們今天的生活,也是為著我們將來的身體得贖,全人進入神的榮耀,永永遠遠顯出神的榮美燦爛。 救贖包括三件事:被帶回歸神、了結和頂替。…首先,我們享受基督作我們的分時,就經歷基督作我們的救贖,因此被帶回歸神。在我們的經歷中,我們可能失迷而離開主;但是當我們享受基督,藉此成為公義和聖別時,我們就被帶回歸神。其次,救贖也包括了結。那住在我們裏面、供應我們、並成為我們滋養的基督,也了結我們。…第三,救贖包括被基督頂替。基督了結我們,就以祂自己頂替我們。…這不只是聖別;聖別將我們分別出來,並使我們與別人不同;這是變化的真實過程,在其中我們的元素,我們老舊的構成被了結,並且以新的元素,新的構成—在復活裏的基督自己—來頂替。…將來我們的身體得贖,將是我們的身體改變形狀,但今天我們可以經歷基督作那使我們裏面的人改變形狀的一位。 在日常生活的每一件事上,我們都需要被帶回歸神、被了結、並被基督頂替。在召會生活裏,我們也需要蒙救贖,因為在許多事上,我們還是非常天然,就如我們對聖徒的偏愛和關切。…我們在一切事上都需要是公義、聖別、蒙救贖的。當基督在我們的日常經歷中,成了從神給我們的智慧時,至終祂就要在一切事上成為我們的公義、聖別和救贖。 每一天,基督這神的能力和智慧都從神這賜與者傳輸給我們這些享受者。(弗一19~22。)沒有基督這從神傳輸給我們的能力和智慧,我們就沒有任何能力或智慧。有時我們可能軟弱,落在罪和黑暗裏,而從這傳輸暫時切斷,但每當我們轉向主並承認我們的罪時,我們就得著赦免,再次接上這傳輸。這傳輸一恢復,我們就享受基督作我們的能力、智慧、公義、聖別和救贖。我們必須學習一直留在這個傳輸裏。我們享受這繼續不斷的傳輸,就是享受基督的路。(新約總論第十冊,一三三至一三六頁。) 參讀:新約總論,第三百零七篇。 WEEK 15 — DAY 6 Morning Nourishment Rom. 8:23 …We ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit,… groan in ourselves, eagerly awaiting sonship, the redemption of our body. Phil. 3:21 Who will transfigure the body of our humiliation to be conformed to the body of His glory, according to His operation by which He is able even to subject all things to Himself. Christ as redemption takes care of our future. Christ as righteousness saved us in that when we believed in Christ and were justified in Him, we were regenerated in our spirit. Christ as sanctification is now transforming our soul, thereby making us holy, yet our body still remains unsaved. In the future our body will be redeemed in Christ; that is, Christ will be our redemption. One day our body will be transfigured into the same body of glory possessed by Christ (Phil. 3:21). This is the redemption of our body, the full enjoyment of our sonship (Rom. 8:23). (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 3125-3126) Todays Reading Everything in us that is of the natural being, the flesh, the self, the world, sin, the old creation, and Satan must be crucified and judged by God before we can be redeemed and glorified. First, there is redemption, then glory. We are all still in the old creation and in the natural life. Therefore, we need to take the judgment of the cross in order that we can receive Christ as our redemption and be qualified to enjoy God’s glory. This is both for our living today and for the redemption of our body in the future, when our whole being will enter into God’s glory and will express His glory and radiance forever. Redemption includes three matters: being brought back to God, terminated, and replaced…First, when we enjoy Christ as our portion, we will experience Christ as our redemption and thus will be brought back to God. In our experience we may go astray from the Lord. But when we enjoy Christ and thereby become righteous and sanctified, we are brought back to God. Second, redemption also includes termination. The Christ who dwells in us, supplies us, and becomes our nourishment also terminates us…Third, With regard to everything in our daily life, we need to be brought back to God, terminated, and replaced with Christ. In the church life we also need redemption because we are still very natural in many matters, such as our preference or care for the saints…In all things we need to be righteous, sanctified, and redeemed. When Christ becomes wisdom to us from God in our daily experience, eventually in everything He will be our righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Every day Christ, the power and wisdom of God, is being transmitted from God the Giver to us the enjoyers (Eph. 1:19-22). Without the transmission of Christ as power and wisdom to us from God, we have no power or wisdom. At times we may be weak, in sin, and in darkness, and thus be temporarily cut off from this transmission, but whenever we turn to the Lord and confess our sins, we are forgiven and are connected again to the transmission. As the transmission resumes, we enjoy Christ as our power, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. We must learn to remain in this transmission all the time. Our enjoyment of this continual transmission is the way to enjoy Christ. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 3126-3128) Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 307 |
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