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第十五週.週四 晨興餧養 林前一2 『寫信給在哥林多神的召會,就是給在基督耶穌裏被聖別,蒙召的聖徒,同著所有在各處呼求我們主耶穌基督之名的人…。』 腓四13 『我在那加我能力者的裏面,凡事都能作。』 基督作為神的智慧,不斷的從神流向我們,並在我們的經歷中,成為我們當下且實際的智慧。當我們面臨某些難處,並且領會自己不知如何處理的時候,就該應用基督作我們的智慧。我們若留在主面前,接受祂的分賜,祂就要傳輸到我們裏面作智慧,以處理各種難處和事情。這就是在我們日常的生活中應用基督作智慧。(新約總論第十冊,一二七至一二八頁。) 信息選讀 我們若有智慧,就會知道正確的作事方法;但我們若沒有智慧,我們作事的方法就是愚昧的。…基督作為信徒的智慧乃是神聖的道路。因此,林前一章三十節的智慧,等於約翰十四章六節的道路,在這節主耶穌說,『我就是道路。』神的道路就是祂的智慧。我們若享受基督並有分於祂,就會得著祂作我們的智慧,作我們的道路。這智慧來自我們對基督的享受。日復一日,每時每刻,我們應該活在靈裏,運用靈呼求主耶穌的名。我們若這樣行,就會享受基督並得著祂作我們的智慧,就是我們作事的方法。 『但你們得在基督耶穌裏,是出於神,這基督成了從神給我們的智慧:公義、聖別和救贖。』〔林前一30。〕…『從神給我們』這個說法,指明有一種傳輸是現今的、實際的、經歷的,也是持續進行的。基督成了從神給我們的智慧,指明基督這智慧是從神傳輸給我們,作我們每天的經歷。保羅這樣寫林前一章三十節,為要向信徒指明,基督該不斷的成為從神給我們的智慧。 神從未在祂自己以外,將智慧當作一件事物賜給我們。反之,在基督裏,神自己就是給我們的智慧,不斷的將基督—祂的智慧—傳輸到我們裏面,作為神聖的元素,將我們構成智慧人。 基督成了從神給我們的智慧,作為在神救恩裏三件重要的事物:(一)公義,為著我們的已往,藉此我們已經得神稱義,使我們能在靈裏重生,得著神的生命;(羅五18;)(二)聖別,為著我們的現在,藉此我們在魂裏漸漸被聖別,也就是在我們的心思、情感和意志裏,因祂神聖的生命漸漸被變化;(六19,22;)(三)救贖,為著我們的將來,就是我們的身體得贖,(八23,)藉此我們的身體要因祂神聖的生命改變形狀,有祂榮耀的樣式。(腓三21。)我們能有分於這樣完整且完全的救恩,使我們的全人—靈、魂、體—在生機上與基督成為一,並使基督成為我們的一切,這全是出於神。 一面來說,公義、聖別、和救贖包含神救恩的三個階段:靈裏重生(為著我們的已往),魂裏聖別(為著我們的現在),以及身體得贖(為著我們的將來);另一面來說,公義、聖別、和救贖是指神救恩之性質的三方面,是我們需要在每日的基督徒生活和工作中經歷的。…每一天我們都需要是公義的,被聖別的,也需要在我們生活的一切事上蒙救贖。基督這神的智慧傳輸到我們裏面,就在我們裏面作一切事,使我們在行為上公義,並在我們的性情上聖別我們。因此,凡我們所作的,都必須是公義且聖別的。此外,基督這神的智慧還救贖我們脫離神以外的一切事物。(彼前一18。)我們每天的生活和工作都必須是公義、聖別、蒙救贖的。(新約總論第十冊,一二八至一三○頁。) 參讀:哥林多前書生命讀經,第九篇。 WEEK 15 — DAY 4 Morning Nourishment 1 Cor. 1:2 To the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, the called saints, with all those who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place… Phil. 4:13 I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me. Christ as the wisdom of God flows unceasingly from God to us to be our present and practical wisdom in our experience. As we face certain problems and realize that we do not know how to handle them, we should apply Christ as our wisdom. If we remain with the Lord to receive His dispensing, He will be transmitted into us as the wisdom to handle all kinds of problems and matters. This is to apply Christ as wisdom in our daily life. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 3122) Todays Reading If we have wisdom, we will know the proper way to do things, but if we are not wise, our way of doing things will be foolish…Christ as wisdom to the believers is actually the divine way. Hence, wisdom in 1 Corinthians 1:30 is equal to the way in John 14:6, a verse in which the Lord Jesus says, “I am the way.” God’s way is His wisdom. If we enjoy Christ and participate in Him, we will have Him as our wisdom, as our way. This wisdom comes from our enjoyment of Christ. Day by day and hour by hour we should live in the spirit and exercise the spirit to call on the name of the Lord Jesus. If we do this, we will enjoy Christ and have Him as our wisdom, that is, our way of doing things. “Of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became wisdom to us from God: both righteousness and sanctification and redemption” [1 Cor. 1:30]… The expression to us from God indicates something present, practical, experiential, and ongoing in the way of transmission. For Christ to become wisdom to us from God indicates that there is the transmission of Christ as wisdom from God to us for our daily experience. Paul composed verse 30 in the particular way he did in order to point out to the believers that Christ should continually become wisdom to us from God. God has never given us wisdom as a thing apart from Himself. Rather, God Himself in Christ is wisdom to us, constantly transmitting Christ, His wisdom, into us as the divine element that constitutes us wise persons. Christ became wisdom to us from God as three vital things in God’s salvation: (1) righteousness (for our past), by which we have been justified by God, that we might be reborn in our spirit to receive the divine life (Rom. 5:18); (2) sanctification (for our present), by which we are being sanctified in our soul, that is, transformed in our mind, emotion, and will, with His divine life (6:19, 22); and (3) redemption (for our future), that is, the redemption of our body (8:23), by which we will be transfigured in our body with His divine life to have His glorious likeness (Phil. 3:21). It is of God that we participate in such a complete and perfect salvation, which makes our entire being—spirit, soul, and body—organically one with Christ and makes Christ everything to us. On the one hand, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption cover three stages of God’s salvation: regeneration in the spirit (for our past), sanctification in the soul (for our present), and redemption in the body (for our future). On the other hand, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption refer to three aspects of the nature of God’s salvation that we need to experience daily in our Christian living and work…Every day we need to be righteous, we need to be sanctified, and we need to be redeemed in all matters of our living. Christ, the wisdom of God transmitted into our being, is doing everything within us to make us righteous in our deeds and to sanctify us in our nature. Hence, whatever we do must be righteous and holy. Not only so, Christ as the wisdom of God redeems us from all things other than God (1 Pet. 1:18). Every day our living and work must be righteous, holy, and redeemed. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 3122-3123) Further Reading: Life-study of 1 Corinthians, msg. 9 |
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