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第十五週.週五 晨興餧養 林前一30 『但你們得在基督耶穌裏,是出於神,這基督成了從神給我們的智慧:公義、聖別和救贖。』 羅六22 『但現今你們既從罪裏得了釋放,作了神的奴僕,就有聖別的果子,結局就是永遠的生命。』 基督作為公義,顧到我們的已往。從前我們是不義的,行事總是不義。如今基督已傳輸到我們裏面,成為我們的公義,顧到我們的已往,使我們在祂裏面蒙神悅納。 因著我們已往的生活是罪惡的,我們需要基督作我們的公義。這是真正的救治,真正的醫治。從前,因著我們的罪和過錯,我們的已往是可怕的;但如今,因著基督,我們的已往是榮耀的。藉著祂、由於祂、並在祂裏面,我們已蒙神稱義,我們的已往已得了赦免。(新約總論第十冊,一三○頁。) 信息選讀 公義實際上乃是基督自己。所以,基督不僅僅為著我們的已往是公義的,使我們得神稱義;祂在我們的日常生活中也該是我們現在的公義。基督這公義使我們能對神、對人並對一切事物,全然是正義的,是對的。基督從神分賜到我們裏面,作我們的生命、能力和智慧,使我們能活出這種公義的生活,一言一行,一舉一動都是義的。 基督作為我們客觀的義,乃是我們在祂裏面得神稱義的那一位。〔羅三26。〕稱義是神照著祂義的標準稱許我們的行動。…基督作為我們主觀的義,乃是住在我們裏面的那一位,為我們過一種能得神稱義,並始終蒙神悅納的生活。(腓三9。)我們活這位基督並彰顯祂,祂就成為我們每天的義。我們信徒不僅需要客觀的接受基督作我們的義,更需要主觀的活祂作我們的義。我們運用靈接觸祂,就成為義的。我們越接觸祂並享受祂,就越在祂裏面成為義的。至終,因著有基督作到我們裏面,我們就在基督裏面成為神的義。(林後五21。) 基督作為聖別,照顧我們的現在。…在我們自己裏面,也就是在我們的天然生命裏,我們完全不聖,沒有聖別歸神。然而,那在基督的生命裏,不斷傳輸到我們裏面的神聖元素聖別我們,將我們分別歸神,藉此使我們聖別。 『成為聖別(或聖化)』(sanctification)比『聖別』(holiness)包含得更多;『成為聖別』乃是『聖別』在主觀和經歷上臨到我們。聖別是事情本身,而成為聖別是聖別成了我們的經歷。我們藉著不斷的呼求主名,就主觀的得著基督作我們的聖別,經歷祂作我們每日和每時的聖別。日復一日,我們需要經歷基督作我們的聖別,叫我們日常的每一方面,包括我們的外表、態度和與人的關係,都是基督。我們越運用靈呼求主耶穌的名,就越從凡俗的事物分別出來,自己就不再是凡俗的。我們所享受的基督使我們成為聖的、聖別的、分別的。這樣,我們就不再是凡俗的;我們乃是分別、聖別、特別的,與世人完全不同。這就是成為聖別—基督在我們的經歷中,成為我們的聖別。 基督作為從神給我們的聖別,不只在地位上,更在性情上聖別我們,使我們能從一切凡俗的事物中分別歸神。祂是我們聖化的能力,也是聖化的因素,藉著祂神聖的分賜,一直傳輸到我們裏面,使我們的全人—靈、魂、體—得以聖別,完全成聖,滿有神聖的成分。(新約總論第十冊,一三○至一三三頁。) 參讀:新約總論,第三百零七篇。 WEEK 15 — DAY 5 Morning Nourishment 1 Cor. 1:30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became wisdom to us from God: both righteousness and sanctification and redemption. Rom. 6:22 But now, having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end, eternal life. Christ as righteousness takes care of our past. In the past we were unrighteous, always doing things unrighteously. Now Christ is transmitted into us as our righteousness to take care of our past in order that in Him we would be accepted by God. Because our past life was sinful, we need Christ to be our righteousness. This is the real remedy, the real cure. Formerly, our past was awful because of our sins and wrongdoings, but now it is glorious because of Christ. By Him, through Him, and in Him, we have been justified by God, and our past has been forgiven. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 3123-3124) Todays Reading Righteousness is actually Christ Himself. Christ, therefore, is not merely to be righteousness for our past so that we may be justified by God; He should also be our present righteousness in our daily living. Christ as righteousness enables us to be right and just toward God, man, and everything else. Christ is dispensed from God into us to be our life, power, and wisdom so that in our living we can be righteous in every word, deed, movement, and action. As our objective righteousness, Christ is the One in whom we are justified by God [Rom. 3:26]. Justification is God’s action in approving us according to the standard of His righteousness…As our subjective righteousness, Christ is the One dwelling in us to live for us a life that can be justified by God and that is always acceptable to God (Phil. 3:9). When we live this Christ and express Him, He becomes our daily righteousness. As believers, we need not only to receive Christ as our righteousness but also to live Him as righteousness subjectively. When we exercise our spirit to contact Him, we become righteous. The more we contact Him and enjoy Him, the more righteous we become in Him. Eventually, by having Christ wrought into us, we become the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Cor. 5:21). Christ as sanctification takes care of our present…In ourselves, that is, in our natural life, we are altogether not holy, not sanctified unto God. However, the divine element in the life of Christ that is constantly transmitted into our being sanctifies us, separating us unto God and thereby making us holy. Sanctification is more than holiness; it is holiness “to us” in a subjective and experiential way. Whereas holiness refers to the thing itself, sanctification is holiness becoming our experience. By calling on the name of the Lord continually, we gain Christ as our holiness in a subjective way and experience Him as our daily and hourly sanctification. Day by day we need to experience Christ as our sanctification in order that every aspect of our daily walk, including our appearance, our attitude, and our relationships, would be Christ. The more we exercise the spirit to call on the name of the Lord Jesus, the more we are separated from what is common and from being common ourselves. The Christ we enjoy causes us to become holy, sanctified, and separated. In this way, we are no longer common; instead, we are sanctified, separated, marked out, and absolutely different from the worldly people. This is sanctification—Christ becoming our holiness in our experience. Christ as the sanctification to us from God is sanctifying us not only in position but also in disposition so that we can be set apart to God from everything common. He is both the power of our sanctification and the factor for our sanctification. Through Him, the divine dispensing is continually transmitted into us, sanctifying our whole being—spirit, soul, and body— making us holy, full of the divine element. (The Conclusion of the New Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 307 |
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