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彼前一10 ~ 11『關於這救恩,那豫言你們要得恩典的眾申言者,已經詳細的尋求考察過,就是考察在他們裏面基督的靈,豫先證明那要臨到基督的苦難,以及後來的榮耀,所指明的是甚麼時候,並怎樣的時候。』

〔在〕彼前一章十節…彼得和主耶穌一樣,用舊約的申言者證實他關於新約救恩的教訓。(路二四25 ~ 27,44 ~ 46。)



彼前一章十節說到那些對於信徒魂的救恩,已經詳細尋求考察過的眾申言者,豫言信徒所要得的恩典。彼得在這裏所題〔這一方面〕的恩典,與約翰一章所題〔那一方面〕的恩典不同。約翰說,話成了肉體,豐豐滿滿的有恩典,並且這恩典是藉着耶穌基督來的。(14,17。)恩典在耶穌成爲肉體時,藉着耶穌基督來了;但彼得說,有一個恩典還未臨到,然而將要臨到。這恩典在舊約沒有題起,但是眾申言者已經豫言過了;他們對於信徒魂的救恩(不是他們的體或靈的救恩),已經詳細的尋求考察過。(彼前一9 ~ 10。)…彼得說到爲着信徒魂的救恩的恩典。彼得所教導的恩典,不是拯救我們的靈或我們的體的恩典,乃是拯救我們魂的恩典。…一個人可以賺得全世界,而喪失他的魂。〔可八36。〕這給我們看見,魂需要得救。如果你爲着拯救你的魂,犧牲全世界,那是值得的。(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第一册,五七八、五八○頁。)





WEEK 5 — DAY 2


Morning Nourishment

1 Pet. 1:10-11 Concerning this salvation the prophets, who prophesied concerning the grace that was to come unto you, sought and searched diligently, searching into what time or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ in them was making clear, testifying beforehand of the sufferings of Christ and the glories after these.

[In] 1 Peter 1:10…Peter used the Old Testament prophets to confirm his teaching concerning the New Testament salvation. The Lord Jesus did the same thing (Luke 24:25-27, 44-46).

In 1 Peter 1:10…grace is a synonym for salvation. In 1:13 grace also refers to God’s salvation. John 1:14 says that the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us, full of grace. This grace is God in the Son as our enjoyment. In 1 Corinthians 15:10 Paul says, “By the grace of God I am what I am; and His grace unto me did not turn out to be in vain, but, on the contrary, I labored more abundantly than all of them, yet not I but the grace of God which is with me.” The grace to which Paul refers three times in this verse is the resurrected Christ becoming the life-giving Spirit to bring the processed God in resurrection into us to be our life and life supply that we may live in resurrection. Therefore, grace is the Triune God becoming life and everything to us. (Life-study of 1 Peter, p. 64)

Today’s Reading

First Peter 1:10 speaks of the grace that was to come unto the believers, which was prophesied by the prophets, who sought and searched diligently concerning the salvation of the believers’ souls. The [aspect of ] grace mentioned by Peter here is different from the [aspect of] grace mentioned in John 1. John says that the Word became flesh, full of grace, and that grace came through Jesus Christ (vv. 14, 17). Grace came through Jesus Christ, with Jesus’ incarnation, but Peter says that there is a grace that is not yet but is to come. This grace was not mentioned in the Old Testament, but it was prophesied by the prophets, who sought and searched diligently concerning the salvation of the believers’ souls (1 Pet. 1:9)…Peter speaks of the grace that was for the salvation of the believers’ souls. What Peter teaches as grace is not the grace that saves our spirit or our body, but the grace that saves our soul…A man can gain the whole world and lose his soul [Mark 8:36]. This shows that the soul needs to be saved. If, for the sake of saving your soul, you sacrifice the whole world, that is worthwhile. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “Crystallization-study of
the Epistle to the Romans,” pp. 457-458)

In 1 Peter 1:12…these things refers to the sufferings of Christ and His glories. The Old Testament prophets ministered the sufferings and glories of Christ to the New Testament believers. These things have been announced to us through those who preached the gospel. The ones who preached the gospel were the apostles of the New Testament. The prophets searched and prophesied; the apostles preached. The preaching of the apostles is the Spirit’s practical application of God’s salvation in the New Testament. Both the prophesying of the prophets and the preaching of the apostles were the application of the Spirit. This means that the Spirit applies God’s full salvation by two instrumentalities, the prophesying of the prophets and the preaching of the apostles.

I believe that…the Spirit is applying God’s full salvation to you…I simply preach Christ, the death of Christ, and the different glories of Christ. Each preaching is an application of the Spirit…My greatest joy is to see the saints receive Christ through the application of the Spirit. I am especially happy to see the second generation growing up in the church life. My heart leaps when I see that they are receiving the application of God’s salvation through this ministry and by the Spirit.

I encourage you all to go forth and preach Christ. The apostles are not the only ones who can preach. As long as you preach Christ, you are included among those who preach the gospel by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. (Lifestudy of 1 Peter, pp. 76-77)

Further Reading: Life-study of 1 Peter, msgs. 1—2, 7—9

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