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第五週 彼得書信中的恩典 詩歌:376 讀經:彼前一2 下,10,13,二19 ~ 20,三7,四10,五5,10,12,彼後一2,三18 【週一】 壹 恩典乃是基督自己作我們的享受——恩典就是復活的基督作爲賜生命的靈,將祂自己白白賜給我們,作我們的一切,並在我們裏面、藉着我們、且爲我們作一切—約一14,16~ 17,賽五五1,林後一8 ~ 9,12,加二20,參林前十五10。 貳 繁增的恩典,乃是恩典在我們日常的生活裏,在我們對神和我們主耶穌充分的認識裏繁增;神在祂經綸中的恩典是豐富的、繁增的、洋溢的—彼前一2 下,彼後一2,約一16,弗一6 ~ 8,二7,羅五17,21,提前一14,啓二二21: 一 恩典是藉着我們的受苦、受限制和輭弱而繁增;恩典乃是基督作我們重擔的背負者;我們越有重擔,就越有機會經歷基督作恩典—林後十二7 ~ 9,參一12,15。 二 對主作恩典的享受,乃是與那些愛祂的人同在—弗六24,約二一15 ~ 17,彼前一8。 三 對主作恩典連同祂神聖性情的享受,乃是藉着我們領受並住留在祂恩典的話裏;這話包含祂一切又寶貴又極大的應許—徒二十32,彼後一4,弗六17 ~ 18。 【週二】 叁 舊約的申言者豫言所要臨到我們的恩典—彼前一10: 一 舊約申言者裏面基督的靈,使他們清楚基督來作我們的恩典,乃是藉着祂的成肉體,祂在人性生活和釘十架裏的受苦,以及祂在復活、升天、第二次來、和掌權裏的榮耀,好將神完全的救恩應用於我們—5,9 ~ 10 節,參詩二二,賽五三,但九26。 二 雖然基督的靈,其構成是時代的,是在新約時期藉着並用基督的死與復活所構成的,(約七39,羅八9 ~ 11,)其功效卻是永遠的,因爲祂是永遠的靈。(來九14。) 三 基督的靈在其永遠的功效上,是在舊約的申言者裏面,使他們清楚基督要臨到新約的信徒,對他們成爲神完全救恩那全然彀用且無限的恩典,使他們得以進入主在國度時代的快樂裏,也就是他們魂的救恩—約一17,來十29,彼前一9,太二五21,23。 四 基督的靈將神完全的救恩作爲恩典應用於我們,乃是藉着兩種方法:舊約申言者的豫言和新約使徒的傳講—彼前一10 ~ 12,參啓二7 上。 【週三】 肆 信徒所全然寄望的恩典,乃是耶穌基督顯現的時候,所要帶給信徒的—彼前一13: 一 耶穌基督顯現的時候,所要帶給我們的恩典,指魂的救恩,作爲神完全救恩的完成—5,9 ~10 節: 1 在基督裏賜給我們的恩典,是在世界起始之前就賜給我們的—提後一9,多二11。 2 太初就有的神,在時間裏成了肉體,作爲恩典給人接受、擁有並享受—約一1,14,16 ~ 17。 3 經過過程的三一神,終極完成爲包羅萬有、賜生命、並內住的那靈,已經成了恩典的靈,與我們的靈同在—林前十五45 下,林後三17,來十29,加六18,腓四23。 二 日復一日,我們應當作敞開的器皿,一直接受恩典,並且全然、完全的寄望於這恩典—羅五17,彼前一13。 【週四】 伍 在彼前二章十九至二十節,『在神乃是甜美的〔直譯,恩典〕,』指神聖生命在我們裏面的推動,以及在我們生活中的彰顯,使我們的行事爲人,在人與神眼中,都是甜美、可蒙悅納的: 一 恩典乃是經過過程的三一神給我們享受,在我們與神親密的交通並我們對神的感覺中,成爲在我們裏面的推動,以及在我們外面的彰顯;我們都必須學習如何接受恩典,就是取用恩典、據有恩典、使用恩典並應用恩典—來十二28。 二 經過過程的三一神作爲我們所得着並享受的恩典,彰顯於我們聖別的生活與召會的聚會中,成爲別人看得見的—徒十一23。 三 我們已經蒙召在受苦中享受基督作恩典並彰顯祂,使我們照着那作我們模型之基督的神人生活,成爲祂的複製品,影印本—彼前二20 ~ 21。 【週五】 陸 生命之恩乃是所有信徒,不論剛強或輭弱,所承受的—三7: 一 生命之恩就是神在祂的神聖三一裏作我們的生命和生命的供應—父是生命的源頭,子是生命的流道,靈是生命的流出,同着子與父在我們裏面湧流,作我們的恩典—約七38 ~ 39,啓二二1。 二 我們是承受生命之恩的人,也是盛裝生命之恩的器皿—彼前三7,弗一14,林後四7。 柒 神諸般的恩典指明神種種恩典的豐富,由聖徒彼此供應—彼前四10: 一 神諸般的恩典乃是生命豐富的供應,也就是三一神在多方面供應到我們裏面—林後十三14,十二9。 二 我們需要作神諸般恩典的好管家,講論作爲神諭言之恩典的話,並本於神所供應之恩典的力量和能力服事—彼前四10 ~ 11,路四22,弗三2,四29。 捌 神賜恩給謙卑的人,敵擋狂傲的人—彼前五5: 一 在召會生活中,我們眾人彼此相待,都需要以謙卑束腰,使我們享受神作賜恩者—參約十三3 ~ 5。 二 謙卑要救我們免去各種的毀壞,而邀來神的恩典;驕傲卻使我們成爲一個絕頂愚昧的人—雅四6,詩一三八6,箴二九23。 三 我們必須願意服在神管教之大能的手下而成爲謙卑、低微的,並將我們的生活及其罣慮卸給神,因爲祂對我們有愛和信實的顧念—彼前五5 ~ 7,參詩五五22。 玖 『那全般恩典的神』——祂曾召信徒進入祂永遠的榮耀——藉着苦難成全他們,堅固他們,加強他們,給他們立定根基;這『全般〔的〕恩典』就是『神真實的恩典』,信徒要進入這恩典,並在其中站住—彼前五10,12。 【週六】 拾 神真實的恩典乃是信徒當在其上長大的恩典,他們也當在我們的主和救主耶穌基督的知識上長大,使榮耀歸與祂,從現今直到永遠之日—彼後三18: 一 這是使徒彼得著作的結語,指明他所寫的一切,乃是屬於神的恩典、在神的恩典裏、憑着神的恩典、並藉着神的恩典。 二 神經綸中之恩典的產品,乃是基督的身體作爲神的詩章,成爲新耶路撒冷,作神在新天新地中義的完成—弗二7 ~ 10,彼後三13。 三 神恩典的豐富,就是神自己的豐富,作我們的享受,超越各樣的限制,並要公開顯示出來,直到永遠—弗二7。 Week Five Grace in Peter’s Epistles Hymns: 497 Scripture Reading: 1 Pet. 1:2b, 10, 13; 2:19-20; 3:7; 4:10; 5:5, 10, 12; 2 Pet. 1:2; 3:18 § Day 1 I. Grace is Christ Himself as our enjoyment—grace is the resurrected Christ as the life-giving Spirit giving Himself freely to us, being everything to us, and doing everything in us, through us, and for us—John 1:14, 16-17; Isa. 55:1; 2 Cor. 1:8-9, 12; Gal. 2:20; cf. 1 Cor. 15:10. II. The multiplication of grace is the grace that multiplies in our daily life in the full knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; the grace of God in His economy is rich, multiplying, and abounding—1 Pet. 1:2b; 2 Pet. 1:2; John 1:16; Eph. 1:6-8; 2:7; Rom. 5:17, 21; 1 Tim. 1:14; Rev. 22:21: A. Grace is multiplied to us through our sufferings, limitations, and weaknesses; grace is Christ as our burden bearer; the more burdens we have, the more opportunities we have to experience Christ as grace—2 Cor. 12:7-9; cf. 1:12, 15. B. The enjoyment of the Lord as grace is with those who love Him—Eph. 6:24; John 21:15-17; 1 Pet. 1:8. C. The enjoyment of the Lord as grace with His divine nature is by our receiving and abiding in the word of His grace, which includes all His precious and exceedingly great promises—Acts 20:32; 2 Pet. 1:4; Eph. 6:17-18. § Day 2 III. The prophets in the Old Testament prophesied concerning the grace that was to come unto us—1 Pet. 1:10: A. The Spirit of Christ in the Old Testament prophets made them clear concerning Christ coming as grace to us through His incarnation, His sufferings in His human living and crucifixion, and His glories in His resurrection, ascension, second coming, and reigning for the application of Gods full salvation to us—vv. 5, 9-10; cf. Psa. 22; Isa. 53; Dan. 9:26. B. Although the Spirit of Christ was constituted dispensationally through and with Christs death and resurrection in the New Testament time (John 7:39; Rom. 8:9-11), the function of the Spirit is eternal, because He is the eternal Spirit (Heb. 9:14). C. The Spirit of Christ, in His eternal function, was in the Old Testament prophets, making them clear concerning Christ coming to the New Testament believers to be the all-sufficient and unlimited grace of Gods full salvation to them for their entry into the joy of the Lord in the kingdom age, which is the salvation of their souls—John 1:17; Heb. 10:29; 1 Pet. 1:9; Matt. 25:21, 23. D. The Spirit of Christ applies Gods full salvation as grace to us by two instrumentalities: the prophesying of the Old Testament prophets and the preaching of the New Testament apostles—1 Pet. 1:10-12; cf. Rev. 2:7a. § Day 3 IV. The grace on which the believers set their hope perfectly will be brought to the believers at the revelation of Jesus Christ—1 Pet. 1:13: A. The grace being brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ refers to the salvation of the soul as the consummation of Gods full salvation—vv. 5, 9-10: 1. The grace given to us in Christ was bestowed on us before the world began—2 Tim. 1:9; Titus 2:11. 2. God, who was in the beginning, became flesh in time as grace for man to receive, possess, and enjoy—John 1:1, 14, 16-17. 3. The processed Triune God, who has been consummated as the all-inclusive, life-giving, and indwelling Spirit, has become the Spirit of grace with our spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:17; Heb. 10:29; Gal. 6:18; Phil. 4:23. B. Day by day we should be open vessels to be continual receivers of grace and set our hope wholly and perfectly on this grace—Rom. 5:17; 1 Pet. 1:13. § Day 4 V. Grace with God in 1 Peter 2:19-20 refers to the motivation of the divine life within us and its expression in our living, which becomes in our behavior gracious and acceptable inthe eyes of both man and God: A. Grace as the processed Triune God for our enjoyment becomes our inward motivation and outward expression in our intimate fellowship with God and our consciousness of God; we all have to learn how to have grace, which is to take grace, possess grace, use grace, and apply grace— Heb. 12:28. B. The processed Triune God as grace received and enjoyed by us becomes visibly expressed for others to see in our holy living and church meetings—Acts 11:23. C. We have been called to enjoy and express Christ as grace in the midst of sufferings so that we may become a reproduction, a xerox copy, of Christ as our model, according to His God-man living—1 Pet. 2:20-21. § Day 5 VI. The grace of life is the inheritance of all the believers,whether strong or weak—3:7: A. The grace of life is God as life and life supply to us in His Divine Trinity— the Father as the source of life, the Son as the course of life, and the Spirit as the flow of life, who flows within us, with the Son and the Father, as grace to us—John 7:38-39; Rev. 22:1. B. We are heirs to inherit the grace of life and vessels to contain the grace of life—1 Pet. 3:7; Eph. 1:14; 2 Cor. 4:7. VII. The varied grace of God indicates the riches of the grace of God in its varieties ministered by the saints one to another—1 Pet. 4:10: A. The varied grace of God is the rich supply of life, which is the Triune God ministered into us in many aspects—2 Cor. 13:14; 12:9. B. We need to be good stewards of the varied grace of God, speaking the words of grace as the oracles of God and ministering out of the strength and power of grace, which God supplies—1 Pet. 4:10-11; Luke 4:22; Eph. 3:2; 4:29. VIII. God gives grace to the humble while He resists the proud—1 Pet. 5:5: A. In the church life, all of us need to gird ourselves with humility toward one another so that we may enjoy God as the Grace-giver—cf. John 13:3-5. B. Humility saves us from all kinds of destruction and invites Gods grace, whereas pride makes us a top fool—James 4:6; Psa. 138:6; Prov. 29:23. C. We must be willing to be made humble, lowly, under the mighty hand of God in His discipline and to throw our life with its care upon God, because He cares for us lovingly and faithfully—1 Pet. 5:5-7; cf. Psa. 55:22. IX. "The God of all grace"—who has called the believers into His eternal glory—perfects, establishes, strengthens, and grounds them through their sufferings; this "all grace" is the "true grace of God," into which the believers should enter and in which they stand—1 Pet. 5:10, 12. § Day 6 X. The true grace of God is the grace in which, together with the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the believers should grow unto His glory both now and unto the day of eternity—2 Pet. 3:18: A. This is the concluding word of the apostle Peters writings, indicating that whatever he has written is of, in, by, and through the grace of God. B. The product of the grace in Gods economy is the Body of Christ as Gods poem to be the New Jerusalem as the consummation of Gods righteousness in the new heavens and new earth—Eph. 2:7-10; 2 Pet. 3:13. C. The riches of Gods grace, the riches of God Himself for our enjoyment, surpass every limit and will be publicly displayed for eternity—Eph. 2:7. |
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