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第七週.週二 晨興餧養 太十二26『若撒但趕逐撒但,他就自相分爭,他的國怎能站住?』 28『我若靠着神的靈趕鬼,這就是神的國臨到你們了。』 約十四30『以後我不再同你們多說話,因為這世界的王將到,他在我裏面是毫無所有。』 召會在今天就是神掌權的一個模型。…[神]要藉着召會捆綁撒但,消除他的權勢,好使祂的名為全地所尊崇,祂的國度在全地得建立,祂的旨意在全地能通行。這就是召會的使命,這也就是召會屬靈爭戰的目的。 宇宙中有神的國,也有撒但的國;我們所說的屬靈爭戰,就是這兩國之間的爭戰。 神的國無論從時間說,或從空間說,都是永遠的。神如何是從永遠到永遠的,神的國也如何是從永遠到永遠的。並且神的國也是光明的,就像神自己是光明的一樣。撒但的國不是永遠的,按時間說,是在時間裏面;按空間說,只限於空中和地面。並且撒但的國也是黑暗的,和神的國相對。 此外,還有一個很大的分別,就是神的國是合法的,而撒但的國是非法的。宇宙都是神創造的,都是屬於神的,所以神有合法的權柄在其中掌權。但撒但的國,卻是因着他背叛神而設立的,所以完全是非法的。(李常受文集一九五三年第三冊,七○三至七○四頁。) 信息選讀 撒但的國…組織成了一個系統,由撒但藉着來霸佔空中和地上,以推翻神在其中的權柄,而建立他自己的國。所以撒但用他背叛的勢力所組成的這個國,完全是非法的。 新約時代開始…,主耶穌出來作工,就宣告說,『你們要悔改,因為諸天的國已經臨近了。』(太四17。)主這話的意思就是說,從前在這裏是地上的國,是撒但的國,是撒但在掌權,現在諸天的國,就是神的國要來,神要來地上掌權。以後主教導門徒們禱告,就說,願神的國來臨。[六10。]這事的成全,乃是在將來第七號吹響的時候。(啟十一15。)那時世上的國,成了神和基督的國,神的國就具體而完滿的臨到地上。 [現在]就是神要祂的子民在地上為祂爭戰的時候。最晚從主耶穌出來作工開始,直到祂再來,所有屬神的人,在地上為神所作的一切,都是屬靈的爭戰。神就是要藉着屬乎祂的人,把撒但擄去的人搶救回來,而奪回撒但所霸佔的地。…主在馬太十二章給我們看見,[這]就是神的國與撒但的國之間的爭戰。(李常受文集一九五三年第三冊,七○五至七○六頁。) 許多基督徒不知道傳福音的真義。聖經說,我們必須為着國度悔改。(太四17。)神的國實際上就是神聖意志的行使。當罪人為着神的國悔改時,他們就從撒但那一邊轉到神這一邊,就是轉向神的國,神的意志。一個人從撒但的意志轉向神的意志之後,就必須相信主耶穌並且受浸。藉着受浸,他從黑暗的權勢,就是撒但的意志,遷到神愛子的國裏。(西一13。)(以弗所書生命讀經,六三六頁。) 參讀:歌羅西書生命讀經,第四篇;國度之於信徒,第七篇。 WEEK 7 — DAY 2 Morning Nourishment
Matt. 12:26 And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?
28 But if I, by the Spirit of God, cast out the demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
John 14:30 I will no longer speak much with you, for the ruler of the world is coming, and in Me he has nothing.
Today the church is a model of God’s reign…It is through the church that God will bind Satan and destroy his power. Thus, His name will be honored in the whole earth, His kingdom set up, and His will done. This is the commission of the church. This also is the purpose of the church’s spiritual warfare.
In the universe there is the kingdom of God, and there is also the kingdom of Satan. The spiritual warfare we are speaking of is the warfare between these two kingdoms.
God’s kingdom is eternal, both in time and in space. Since God Himself is from eternity to eternity, so also is His kingdom from eternity to eternity. Furthermore, since God Himself is in light, so also is God’s kingdom in light. Satan’s kingdom is not eternal. As to time, it is limited in time; as to space, it is limited to the air and the earth. Furthermore, Satan’s kingdom is in darkness, the exact opposite of the kingdom of God.
In addition, there is still another great difference: God’s kingdom is legal, whereas the kingdom of Satan is illegal. The whole universe was created by God and belongs to Him; hence, God has the legal right to reign. On the contrary, Satan’s kingdom was established by rebellion against God; hence, it is entirely illegal. (CWWL, 1953, vol. 3, “The Experience of Life,” pp. 519-520)
Today’s Reading
The kingdom of Satan…[is] organized altogether into a system through which Satan usurps the air and the earth to the end that he may overthrow God’s authority and set up his own kingdom. Therefore, this kingdom, organized by Satan’s rebellious force, is absolutely illegal.
At the beginning of the dispensation of the New Testament,…the Lord Jesus came forth to His ministry and declared, “Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.” What the Lord meant was that before this it was the kingdom of earth, the kingdom of Satan, wherein Satan ruled, that held sway; but now it is the kingdom of the heavens, the kingdom of God, coming upon this earth to reign. Later, He taught the disciples to pray, “Let thy kingdom come.” The full accomplishment of this matter will be seen at the sound of the seventh trumpet in the future (Rev. 11:15). Then the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of God and Christ. Thus, God’s kingdom will practically and completely come upon the earth.
[Now] is the time for the people of God to fight for Him on the earth. From the time the Lord Jesus came forth to minister, until the time of His second coming, all the works that the people of God are doing for Him are instances of spiritual warfare. God’s desire is to rescue, through those who belong to Him, the people who were captured by Satan, and to recover the earth, which was usurped by Satan. This…is, according to what the Lord has shown us in Matthew 12, the warfare between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. (CWWL, 1953, vol. 3, “The Experience of Life,” pp. 521-522)
Many Christians do not know the true significance of the preaching of the gospel. The Bible says that we must repent for the kingdom (Matt. 4:17). The kingdom of God is actually the exercise of the divine will. When sinners repent for the kingdom of God, they turn from the side of Satan to the side of God, which is the kingdom of God, the will of God. After a person turns from the satanic will to the divine will, he must believe in the Lord Jesus and be baptized. Through baptism he is brought out of the authority of darkness, the satanic will, and is transferred into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love (Col. 1:13). (Life-study of Ephesians, pp. 516-517)
Further Reading: Life-study of Colossians, msg. 4; CWWL, 1957, vol. 2, “What the Kingdom Is to the Believers,” ch. 7
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