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第七週.週一 晨興餧養 太六10『願你的國來臨,願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。』 弗六11~12『要穿戴神全副的軍裝,使你們能以站住,抵擋魔鬼的詭計,因我們並不是與血肉之人摔跤,乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這黑暗世界的、以及諸天界裏那邪惡的屬靈勢力摔跤。』 一九二八年倪弟兄召開第一次得勝者特會,說到屬靈的爭戰。…倪弟兄指出,在宇宙中有三個意志:神的意志、撒但的意志、以及人的意志。我們若要知道召會如何能作神的戰士,從事屬靈的爭戰,我們就必須認識這三個意志,這三個意願。神的意志是自有永有的,是永遠的、非受造的。作為受造之物的天使也有意志。眾天使中的一位,就是天使長,受神指派管理亞當被造之前的宇宙。這天使長因着自己的高位和美麗,就變得驕傲起來。這驕傲使他興起邪惡的意圖,這就成了撒但的意志。因此,在神的意願,神的意志之外,還有第二個意願,第二個意志;因為撒但的意志如今是對抗神的意志的。(以弗所書生命讀經,六三四頁。) 信息選讀 一切爭戰都源自這兩個意志的衝突。在撒但的意志興起與神的意志敵對之前,宇宙中沒有爭戰。宇宙中的衝突起始於天使長對神的背叛。那背叛乃是現今發生在國家之間,以及社會、家庭、和個人裏面一切爭戰的起頭。歷代以來,國家、團體、人群之間,甚至人自己裏面,都一直有爭戰。譬如,你也許經歷理智與情慾內裏的爭戰。各式各樣的爭戰,其源頭都在於神的意志與撒但的意志之間的衝突。 我們不知道撒但背叛和亞當受造之間相隔有多久。我們只知道在某個時候,神造了人,並且賦與他自由的意志。因着神的偉大,祂給人自由的意志。…神給人自由的意志,指明祂不勉強人順從祂。我年輕時,認為神創造人時給人自由意志是不智慧的。我若是神,我必定叫人無所選擇;…但神是偉大的,祂給人選擇的自由。 我們在創世記二章看見,人可以自由的運用他的意志,或喫生命樹,或喫善惡知識樹。這兩棵樹分別代表神的意志和撒但的意志。因此,在園子裏有一個三角的局面:生命樹代表神的意志,善惡知識樹代表撒但的意志,亞當代表人的意志。實際上,生命樹是指神自己,善惡知識樹是指撒但。所以,有三個人位—神、撒但和人—各有一個意志。 雖然有三個意志,但衝突只牽涉兩方—神和撒但。要緊的問題乃是,人是選擇神的意志還是選擇撒但的意志。…我們都知道,人的意志是站在撒但意志的那一邊。這意思是說,人揀選跟從撒但,與撒但的意志站在同一邊。所以撒但暫時得了勝。然而,藉着悔改,人能從撒但的意志轉向神的意志,從撒但那一邊轉到神這一邊。 神的仇敵…必須被擊敗。為此,召會必須是戰士。…因此,…我們…爭戰,為要征服撒但的意志。…我們的爭戰是為着擊敗神的仇敵。(以弗所書生命讀經,六三四至六三七頁。) 參讀:馬太福音生命讀經,第三十三篇;國度,第八至九章。 WEEK 7 — DAY 1 Morning Nourishment
Matt. 6:10 Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.
Eph. 6:11-12 Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the stratagems of the devil, for our wrestling is not against blood and flesh but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies.
In 1928 Brother Nee held his first overcomer conference on spiritual warfare…Brother Nee pointed out that in the universe there are three wills: the divine will, the satanic will, and the human will. If we would know how the church can be God’s warrior to engage in spiritual warfare, we must know these three wills, these three intentions. God’s will, being self-existing, is eternal, uncreated. As created beings, the angels also have a will. One of these angels, an archangel, was appointed by God to rule the universe that existed before the creation of Adam. Because of his high position and his beauty, this archangel became proud. This pride gave rise to an evil intention, which became the satanic will. Therefore, in addition to God’s intention, God’s will, there is a second intention, a second will, for now the satanic will is set against God’s will. (Life-study of Ephesians, p. 515)
Today’s Reading
All warfare has its source in this conflict of wills. Before the satanic will rose up to contradict the divine will, there was no war in the universe. The controversy in the universe began with the rebellion of the archangel against God. That rebellion was the beginning of all the fighting that is now taking place among nations, in society, in the family, and in individuals. Throughout history there have been wars between nations, groups, persons, and even within individuals. For example, you may experience an inner warfare between your reason and your lust. All the different kinds of warfare have their source in the controversy between the divine will and the satanic will.
We do not know how much time elapsed between the rebellion of Satan and the creation of Adam. We simply know that at a particular time, God created man and endowed him with a human will that was free. It is because of God’s greatness that He gave man a free will …By giving man a free will, God was indicating that He would not force man to obey Him. When I was young, I thought that God was not wise in creating man with a free will. If I had been God, I would have made it impossible for man to have had a choice…But in His greatness God gave man freedom of choice.
In Genesis 2 we see that man was free to exercise his will to eat either of the tree of life or of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. These two trees represent the divine will and the satanic will, respectively. Hence, in the garden there was a triangular situation, with the tree of life representing the divine will, the tree of knowledge representing the satanic will, and Adam representing the human will. Actually, the tree of life denotes God Himself, and the tree of knowledge denotes Satan. Therefore, there were three persons— God, Satan, and man—each one with a will.
Although there were three wills, the controversy involved just two parties—God and Satan. The crucial issue was whether man would choose the divine will or the satanic will …As we all know, the human will took sides with the satanic will. This means that man chose to follow Satan and sided with the satanic will. Therefore, Satan was victorious temporarily. However, through repentance man can turn from the satanic will to the divine will, from Satan’s side to God’s side.
God’s enemy must be defeated. For this, the church must be a warrior… Therefore, …we fight to subdue the satanic will …Our fighting is for the defeat of God’s enemy. (Life-study of Ephesians, pp. 515-517)
Further Reading: Life-study of Matthew, msg. 33; CWWL, 1972, vol. 2, “The Kingdom,” chs. 8—9
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