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彼前一18 ~ 19『…你們得贖,…不是用能壞的金銀等物,乃是用基督的寶血,如同無瑕疵無玷污的羔羊之血。』








耶穌的靈與…聖靈交互使用,〔6 ~ 7,〕啓示耶穌的靈就是聖靈。在新約裏,聖靈是神的靈一般的稱呼;耶穌的靈是神的靈特別的說法,指成爲肉體之救主的靈,這位救主就是在人性裏的耶穌,經過了爲人的生活和十字架上的死。這指明在耶穌的靈裏不僅有神的神聖元素,也有耶穌的人性元素,以及祂爲人生活並受死的元素。使徒傳講的職事,乃是在人的生命裏,爲着人類並在人類中間,一個受苦的職事,因此需要這樣一位包羅萬有的靈。(使徒行傳生命讀經,四三四至四三六頁。)


WEEK 12 — DAY 2

Morning Nourishment

Acts 20:28 Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among whom the Holy Spirit has placed you as overseers to shepherd the church of God, which He obtained through His own blood.

1 Pet. 1:18-19 …You were redeemed…with precious blood, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot, the blood of Christ.

The phrase His own blood [in Acts 20:28] is very unusual. God is God; He is not a man or a creature. How, then, can God, the Creator, have blood? Prior to incarnation, God certainly did not have blood. But through incarnation our God, the Creator, the eternal One, Jehovah, became mingled with man. As a result, He was no longer only God—He became a God-man. As the God-man, He surely had blood with which to obtain, acquire, the church.

When Christ, the God-man, died on the cross, He died not only as man but also as God. The One who died on the cross was the One who had been conceived of God and born with God. Because He was a God-man, the element of God was in Him. The divine element was mingled with His humanity. In this way God joined Himself to humanity to be the Savior (Luke 2:11) who died and shed His blood for us. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 2219)

Today’s Reading

The blood that has redeemed fallen human beings is the blood of Jesus, the Son of God. As human beings, we need genuine human blood for our redemption. Because the Lord Jesus was a man, He could fulfill this requirement. As a man, He shed human blood to redeem fallen human beings. The Lord is also the Son of God, even God Himself. Therefore, with His blood there is the element of eternity, and this element insures the eternal efficacy of His blood.

The God who purchased the church with His own blood is the processed God, the God who became a man called Jesus and Emmanuel, God with us. As such a One,…He is God mingled with man. In the matter of His being God only, He surely did not have blood. But in the matter of His being God incarnate, God mingled with man, He surely, in His humanity, had blood to shed on the cross to purchase the church. This is the reason Paul could say that the very God who called us has obtained us, acquired us, purchasing us with the price of His own blood. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 2219-2220)

As in the evangelistic work of Philip (Acts 8:29, 39), the move of the apostle Paul and his co-workers for the spread of the gospel was not according to their decision and preference or according to any schedule made by human council, but by the Holy Spirit according to God’s counsel. They intended to speak the word in Asia, but the Holy Spirit forbade them [16:6]. Forbidding is also a part of the Holy Spirit’s leading.

The Holy Spirit’s forbidding and the Spirit of Jesus’ not allowing [in verses 6 and 7] indicated that Paul and his coworkers should go directly forward,… toward Macedonia and Achaia. Paul, however, did not have the thought of going there. This made it necessary for the Lord to give him a vision during the night, and in this vision a Macedonian call came to Paul (v. 9).

The Spirit of Jesus and the Holy Spirit [vv. 6-7]…are used interchangeably, revealing that the Spirit of Jesus is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a general title of the Spirit of God in the New Testament. The Spirit of Jesus is a particular expression concerning the Spirit of God and refers to the Spirit of the incarnated Savior who, as Jesus in His humanity, passed through human living and death on the cross. This indicates that in the Spirit of Jesus there is not only the divine element of God but also the human element of Jesus and the elements of His human living and His suffering of death as well. Such an all-inclusive Spirit was needed for the apostle’s preaching ministry, a ministry of suffering among human beings and for human beings in the human life. (Life-study of Acts, 2nd ed., pp. 369-370)

Further Reading: Life-study of Acts, msg. 44

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