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第五週 · 週五



羅七24 我是個苦惱的人!誰要救我脫離那屬這死的身體?

  2 因為生命之靈的律,在基督耶穌裏已經釋放了我,使我脫離了罪與死的律。








WEEK 5 — DAY 5

Morning Nourishment

Rom. 7:24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of this death?

          8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death.

There is a sinning factor, an addiction to sinning, within man. This factor, this addiction, is Satan himself, and man is his captive…First Satan captured us; then he came to dwell in us as the inciter, the instigator, of our sins. The result is that he has become our illegal master, and we have become his captives to the extent that we are unable to do good and can only commit sins. In the Bible, Satan is also called Beelzebul…Beelzebul means “the lord of the dunghill,” from the name meaning “the lord of flies.”…Satan specializes in leading flies to feed on dung; hence, he is also the lord of flies. Since he is the lord of flies, all sinners are like flies that follow Satan to “feed on dung.”…Even upper-class people are like flies. Beelzebul can disguise himself with a high-class appearance so that all the “flies” following him appear to be of a high class. Such persons hold dancing parties in upperclass places, but such places are merely cultured “dunghills.” These people dress nicely and are very cultured, and when they dance, they seem elegant. In actuality, however, they are “eating dung.” (CWWL, 1984, vol. 4, “The Jubilee,” p. 29)

Today’s Reading

Deep in his heart, no one wants to sin, but when a person becomes addicted and is stirred up by Beelzebul, he has to follow, allowing himself to be led around “by the nose.” Afterward, he regrets it and may say, “I am so stupid; what was I doing? Why did I have to do that?” Although deep in his heart no one wants to sin, eventually everyone sins. No one has control over himself, and everyone has become a slave of sin. This is why the Lord Jesus said, “Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin” (John 8:34).

The sin within us is a real controlling power [cf. Rom. 7:24]…How we thank God for Romans 8:2, which says that in Christ the law of the Spirit of life frees us from the law of sin and of death! We thank the Lord for His mercy. Many can testify that when they get angry, they can get over it very quickly, and the anger does not come back. This is because the law of the Spirit of life frees us from the bondage of sin.

The blessings of the gospel are the return to God and the gaining of God as our possession. Once we enjoy God as our possession, we are free. Only those who enjoy God do not commit sin and are really free. John 8:36 says, “If therefore the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.” If we want to be free, if we do not want to commit sin, then we must obtain the Son of God and enjoy Him. The Son of God today is the life-giving Spirit. This life-giving Spirit is the Spirit of life, who is in us as the law of the Spirit of life. Therefore, the law of the Spirit of life is just the Lord Himself, who passed through death and resurrection to become the life-giving Spirit, the Spirit of life. Every
life has a law, so the Spirit of life also has a law. The law of the Spirit of life releases us from the law of sin. We enjoy the freedom of the jubilee not only at the moment we believe in the Lord, but beginning from that day we should enjoy this freedom all our life and for eternity. This freedom comes from our enjoyment of God. He has become our possession for our enjoyment, and when we enjoy Him, we obtain freedom…However, if we do not enjoy God sufficiently, we will still be in bondage in many things.

The year of jubilee is for us to be returned to God as our possession and as our enjoyment so that we may become free and be released from all oppression. Thus, we are returned to God from the authority of Satan and are freed from the slavery of sin. Hence, it is useless to struggle and strive…Making up our mind will not work; we must enjoy the Lord. We must learn to contact this true and living Lord to enjoy Him. In this way He becomes our release within us and our freedom. As a result, we have not only our possession but also our freedom. (CWWL, 1984, vol. 4, “The Jubilee,” pp. 29-31)

Further Reading: Life-study of Luke, msgs. 64—69

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