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第二週 綱目




週 一

壹 我們是基督裏的信徒,該過接枝的生活,在這生活中我們與主是一靈,並活在與祂生機的聯結裏—林前六17,約十五4

貳 聖經啟示神渴望與人所有的關係,乃是祂要與人成為一—林前六17

一 神渴望神聖的生命與屬人的生命聯合一起,成為一個生命—約十五14~5

二 這個一乃是生機的聯結,在生命裏的聯結—接枝的生命。

三 神的生命與人的生命接為一命的觀念,是奧祕的,超過天然的觀念,對人的思想是陌生的。


叁 在接枝時,兩種相似的生命接在一起,然後長在一起—羅十一17~24

一 只有兩種相似的生命接在一起,接枝纔能成功。

二 因着我們人的生命是按着神的形像,照着神的樣式造的,所以能與神聖的生命聯結。

三 我們人的生命與神聖的生命相似;因此,神聖的生命與人的生命能接枝在一起,然後生機的長在一起。

肆 為使我們接枝到基督裏,祂必須經過成為肉體、釘死和復活的過程:

一 基督成為肉體,作了大衛的子孫,也就是大衛的枝子,那苗,好使我們能與祂接枝在一起;祂成了和我們一樣一式,使祂與我們能接枝在一起—約一14,太一1,亞三8,耶二三5,三三15

二 基督在十字架上被切割,使我們能被接枝在祂裏面:

1 基督成為大衛的枝子,並不是說祂就能與我們接枝。

2 接枝需要切割;接枝要成功,就需要兩方面都被切割:

a 基督在十字架上受死時,就被切割。

b 我們悔改並接受主時,就被切割。

3 切割之後,聯合與生機的聯結纔發生;因此,在接枝的事上,有切割、聯合以及生機的聯結。

三 基督在十字架上被切割之後,復活成了賜生命的靈—林前十五45下,林後三17上:

1 基督成了這樣的靈,就豫備妥當可以接枝了。

2 我們一悔改接受主,主這賜生命的靈就進到我們的靈裏,把神的生命帶進我們裏面,我們就與基督接枝在一起—約二十22,羅八11

a 這個生命是死而復活的生命。

b 基督作為賜生命的靈,就把死而復活的門竅帶到我們這些信徒裏面,使我們可以與基督同死同復活—加二20

c 我們就在這個死與復活裏,與基督接枝在一起。

週 四

伍 我們這些重生的人,應當活接枝的生命—一種雙方在其中聯合一起而生機生長的生命—約十五14~5

一 我們與基督接在一起以後,就不能再憑我們自己活着,乃要讓那是靈的基督活在我們裏面—加二20

二 我們也不能再憑自己的肉體或天然的所是活着,乃要憑我們重生的靈,也就是與基督接枝的靈活着—羅八4

三 藉着這接枝,我們就與基督聯結、調和並且合併在一起,而成為基督的身體—十二4~5

週 五

陸 接枝的生命不是替換的生命,乃是屬人生命與神聖生命的調和—加二20

一 替換生命的觀念是我們將我們屬人的生命讓給主,而祂以祂神聖的生命來取代之。

二 基督徒的生命並非替換的生命,乃是接枝的生命—屬人的生命與神聖的生命調和—羅六3~5,約十五14~5

1 這裏並沒有生命的替換或交換。

2 不是替換,乃是神聖的生命分賜、注入到屬人的生命裏,以及神聖生命與屬人生命的調和。

三 基督徒經歷中最美妙的實際,乃是在基督裏的信徒與基督以生命的方式聯合為一—林前六17

1 凡基督所是並所作的完全是為着一件事,就是祂與我們能有生機的聯結,同過接枝的生活—約十五4~5

2 在主的恢復裏,主正在恢復接枝的生命這件被忽視的事。

週 六

柒 在接枝的生命裏,屬人的生命不是被除去,乃是被神聖的生命加強、拔高並充實—羅十一17~24

一 在接枝的生命裏,枝子仍保有它同樣素質的特徵,但因着接在較好的生命上,枝子的生命就被拔高並變化:

1 較高的生命征服較低的生命。

2 較高的生命將較低的生命充實、拔高並變化。

二 在接枝的生命裏,神聖的生命在我們裏面作工,排除消極的元素—林後三18

1 神聖的生命逐漸作工,除去屬天然的一切。

2 我們性情裏消極的元素被殺死;然後,主不是把我們的性情廢去,乃是拔高且使用我們的性情。

三 在接枝的生命裏,神聖的生命使神原初所造的復活—約十一25

1 神並未放棄祂所造的,乃要重新得回。

2 神的心意是要將我們所是的各方面都帶進復活裏—腓三11

a 神聖的生命一面排除消極的事物,一面作工使神原初所造的復活。

b 這樣,我們原初的功用—我們受造時所得的功用—就得着恢復、加強並充實—加二20

四 在接枝的生命裏,神聖的生命將基督的豐富供應到我們裏面的各部分—羅十二2

1 我們復活並拔高的官能,得着了基督豐富的供應。

2 藉着這樣的供應,我們就在心思、情感和意志裏得着更新。

五 在接枝的生命裏,神聖的生命浸透我們全人—八29~30

1 基督的豐富浸透我們並變化我們—十二2,林後三18

2 藉着神聖生命這樣的浸透,我們就模成基督的形像—羅八29

Week Two

A Grafted Life

Hymns: E482

Scripture Reading: John 15:1, 4-5; Rom. 11:17-24; 1 Cor. 6:17

§ Day 1

I. As believers in Christ, we should live a grafted life—a life in which we are one spirit with the Lord and live in an organic union with Him—1 Cor. 6:17; John 15:4.

II. The Bible reveals that the relationship God desires to have with man is that He and man become one—1 Cor. 6:17:

A. God desires that the divine life and the human life be joined together to become one life—John 15:1, 4-5.

B. This oneness is an organic union, a union in life—a grafted life.

C. The concept of the divine life and the human life being grafted into one is mysterious, beyond the natural concept, and foreign to human thought.

§ Day 2 & Day 3

III. In grafting, two similar lives are joined and then grow together—Rom. 11:17-24:

A. Grafting can be effective only if the lives to be grafted are similar.

B. Because our human life was made in the image of God and according to the likeness of God, it can be joined to the divine life.

C. Our human life resembles the divine life; therefore, the divine life and the human life can be grafted together and then grow together organically.

IV. In order for us to be grafted into Christ, He had to pass through the processes of incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection:

A. Christ became flesh to be the seed of David, the branch of David, the Shoot, so that we might be grafted together with Him; He became the same as we are so that He and we could be grafted together—John 1:14;
Matt. 1:1; Zech. 3:8; Jer. 23:5; 33:15.

B. Christ was “cut” on the cross so that we could be grafted into Him:

1. Christs becoming the branch of David does not by itself mean that He could be grafted together with us.

2. Grafting requires cutting; two branches cannot be grafted together unless both are cut:

a. Christ was cut when He died on the cross.

b. We were cut when we repented and received the Lord.

3. After the cutting occurs, the joining and the organic union take place; therefore, in grafting we have the cutting, the joining, and the organic union.

C. After Christ was cut on the cross, He was resurrected to become the lifegiving Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:17a:

1. By becoming such a Spirit, Christ was ready for grafting.

2. Once we repent and receive the Lord, He as the life-giving Spirit enters into our spirit, bringing the divine life into us, and we are grafted together with Christ—John 20:22; Rom. 8:11:

a. This life is a life of death and resurrection.

b. As the life-giving Spirit, Christ brings the key to death and resurrection into us, the believers, that we may die and be raised with Christ—Gal. 2:20.

c. In this death and resurrection we are grafted together with Christ.

§ Day 4

V. As regenerated ones, we should live a grafted life—a life in which two parties are joined to grow organically—John 15:1, 4-5:

A. After we have been grafted into Christ, we should no longer live by ourselves; rather, we should allow the pneumatic Christ to live in us—Gal. 2:20.

B. We should no longer live by our flesh or by our natural being; instead, we should live by our regenerated spirit, a spirit grafted with Christ—Rom. 8:4.

C. Through this grafting we are united with Him, mingled with Him, and incorporated with Him to become the Body of Christ—12:4-5.

§ Day 5

VI. The grafted life is not an exchanged life but the mingling of the human life with the divine life—Gal. 2:20:

A. The concept of the exchanged life is that we yield our human life to the Lord, and He replaces it with His divine life.

B. The Christian life is not an exchanged life but a grafted life—the mingling of the human life with the divine life—Rom. 6:3-5; John 15:1, 4-5:

1. There is no exchange, or trade, of lives.

2. Instead of exchange there is the dispensing, the infusing, of the divine life into the human life and the mingling of the divine life with the human life.

C. The most wonderful reality in the Christian experience is that the believers in Christ are united with Christ in the way of life—1 Cor. 6:17:

1. Whatever Christ is and whatever He has done are altogether for one thing: that He and we could be organically united and live a grafted life—John 15:4-5.

2. In His recovery the Lord is recovering this neglected matter of the grafted life.

§ Day 6

VII. In the grafted life the human life is not eliminated but is strengthened, uplifted, and enriched by the divine life— Rom. 11:17-24:

A. In the grafted life the branch still retains its same essential characteristics, but its life is uplifted and transformed by being grafted into a better life:

1. The higher life subdues the lower life.

2. The higher life enriches, uplifts, and transforms the lower life.

B. In the grafted life the divine life works within us to discharge the negative elements—2 Cor. 3:18:

1. The divine life works in a gradual way to eliminate whatever is natural.

2. The negative element in our disposition is killed, and then, instead of casting away our disposition, the Lord uplifts it and uses it.

C. In the grafted life the divine life resurrects Gods original creation—John 11:25:

1. Instead of giving up His creation, God will reclaim it.

2. God intends to bring all the aspects of our being into resurrection—Phil. 3:11:

a. As the divine life discharges the negative things, it works to resurrect Gods original creation.

b. In this way our original functions—the functions given us at creation—are restored, strengthened, and enriched—Gal. 2:20.

D. In the grafted life the divine life supplies the riches of Christ to our inward parts—Rom. 12:2:

1. Our resurrected and uplifted faculties are supplied with the riches of Christ.

2. Through such a supply we are renewed in our mind, emotion, and will.

E. In the grafted life the divine life saturates our whole being—8:29-30:

1. The riches of Christ saturate us and transform us—12:2; 2 Cor. 3:18.

2. By this saturation of the divine life we are conformed to the image of Christ— Rom. 8:29.

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