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第一週 週五



耶四八11 摩押自幼年以來,常享安逸,如酒在渣滓上澄清,沒有從這器皿倒在那器皿裏,也未曾被遷徙;因此,他的原味尚存,香氣未變。

來十二11 一切的管教,當時固然不覺得喜樂,反覺得愁苦;後來卻給那藉此受過操練的人,結出平安的義果。













Morning Nourishment

Jer. 48:11 Moab has been at ease from his youth;…and has not been emptied from vessel to vessel; nor has he gone into exile. Therefore his taste remains in him, and his scent is not changed.

Heb. 12:11 Now no discipline at the present time seems to be a matter of joy, but of grief; but afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been exercised by it.

Jeremiah 48:11 describes those who have never suffered any chastisement or sufferings before the Lord. The Moabites had been at ease from their youth. They experienced no suffering or pain. What did such ease produce? They became like wine settled on its lees. If a person brews liquor from grapes or other kinds of fruit, the wine surfaces to the top, while the lees settle to the bottom. The wine floats, while the lees sink. In order to clear the wine, it has to be poured from vessel to vessel…One pouring is not enough; some lees are bound to escape into the other vessel. This is why he has to do this again… He has to keep pouring until no lees are left in the wine. God said that Moab had been at ease from his youth and had settled on his lees. He had not been emptied from vessel to vessel, and his lees always followed him. One must be
emptied from vessel to vessel if he wants to do away with the lees. He has to be poured out again and again until one day the lees at the bottom are gone. Moab was full of lees; although he was clear at the top, he was not emptied at the bottom. Those who have never gone through trials and chastisement have never been emptied from vessel to vessel. (CWWN, vol. 50, “Messages for Building Up New Believers (3),” pp. 703-704)

Today’s Reading

To be at ease is not a good thing. Brothers and sisters, God wants to purify us. This is why He disciplines and scourges us. Never consider ease and comfort to be something good. Moab’s ease caused him to remain Moab forever!

Here are some sobering words: “His taste remains in him, / And his scent is not changed.” Because Moab was not emptied from vat to vat, from pot to pot, and from vessel to vessel, and because he was never disciplined and dealt with by God, his taste remained in him and his scent never changed!

Brothers, this is why God has to work on you. He wants to take away your taste and change your scent. God does not want your own taste and scent…You had a certain kind of taste before you believed in the Lord. Today you may have been a believer for ten years, yet your taste is still the same. Your scent remains the same as it was before you believed in the Lord. The word scent in Hebrew means “smell,” which is the flavor of something in its original state. You had a certain smell before you were saved. Today you have the same smell; there is no change in you at all.

God’s discipline is indeed precious! He wants to uproot us and to empty us from vessel to vessel. God disciplines us and deals with us in many ways so that we may lose our original smell and yield the peaceable fruit…of righteousness.

Please remember that the fruit is peaceable. A man must be at peace with God in order to obtain this fruit. The worst thing one can do is to murmur, to lose his peace, and to rebel during times of discipline. One can be grieved by the discipline, but he should not murmur or rebel. The problem with many people is that they have no peace. This is why we need the peaceable fruit when we are under discipline. If you want the peaceable fruit, you must first learn to accept the discipline. You must learn not to fight with God or argue with Him…Once you have the fruit of peace, you have the fruit of righteousness…If the inward fruit is peace, the outward expression is righteousness. If you have the fruit of peace within, you will spontaneously partake of God’s holiness.

Our hope is that God would constitute us with something, something called a holy character. (CWWN, vol. 50, “Messages for Building Up New Believers (3),” pp. 704-705)

Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 50, “Messages for Building Up New Believers (3),” chs. 41-42



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