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林後四16 所以我們不喪膽,反而我們外面的人雖然在毀壞,我們裏面的人卻日日在更新。

弗三16~17 願祂…藉着祂的靈,用大能使你們得以加強到裏面的人裏,使基督藉着信,安家在你們心裏…。











Morning Nourishment

2 Cor. 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart; but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.

Eph. 3:16-17 That He would grant you…to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith…

Whatever we are by birth, whether good or bad, whether useful or not, is natural and altogether a hindrance to the Holy Spirit in constituting the divine life into our being. For this reason our natural strength, natural wisdom, natural cleverness, natural disposition, natural shortcomings, natural virtues, and natural attributes, plus our character and habits, must all be torn down in order that the Holy Spirit may form in us a new disposition, new character,
new habits, new virtues, and new attributes. In order to accomplish this work of  reconstitution, the Holy Spirit of God moves within us to enlighten, inspire, lead, and saturate us with the divine life. He also works in our environment to arrange every detail, person, matter, and thing in our situation to tear down what we are naturally. He may arrange to place a certain person in our home in order to tear down our natural quickness or slowness. He may arrange certain matters to abolish our natural cleverness or dullness. He may arrange another
situation to tear down our natural wisdom or folly. He uses all kinds of persons, matters, and things to tear down all aspects of our natural being in order that He may conform us to the image of Christ. (Watchman Nee—a Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age, pp. 115-116)

Today’s Reading

The Holy Spirit dwelling in our spirit is confined and imprisoned by the outer man. For this reason the outer man must be broken that the inner man (the human spirit with the Holy Spirit) might be released [cf. 2 Cor. 4:16]. (Watchman Nee—a Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age, p. 117)

Why do so many people remain unchanged after being dealt with for years?…There are two main reasons.

First, these ones are living in darkness,…not [seeing] God’s hand. God is working and breaking, yet they do not know that God is doing the work. They are short of light, and they are not living in the light. They only see men, thinking that men are opposing them. Or they only see the environment, complaining that it is too harsh…May the Lord grant us the revelation to see
God’s hand. May we kneel down and say, “This is You. This is You. I accept it.”… At a minimum we have to know that hand and see that it is not the world, our family, or the [saints] who are dealing with us…God is the One who is dealing with us…We have to accept and believe everything that the Lord has done. He can never be wrong in what He does.

Second, a person is not broken because he loves himself too much…When God plucks this self-love from us, we have to worship Him, saying, “Lord! If this is Your hand, I accept it from my heart.” We have to remember that all misunderstandings, complaints, and dissatisfactions arise from only one thing—secret self-love…Many times problems arise because we try to save ourselves…Self-love is the root of our problem. May the Lord speak within us today, and may we pray, “My God! I now see that everything comes from You…All of these things were done with only one purpose in mind—that Your life would be expressed through me…Through self-love I have done many things to save myself, and I have wasted much of Your time. Today I see Your hand, and I willingly consecrate myself to You. I commit myself to Your hand once again.”

Hopefully the Lord will find a way through us. May our outer man be broken to such an extent that the inner man can be released and expressed. This is precious, and this is the way of the servants of the Lord. (CWWN, vol. 54, “The Breaking of the Outer Man and the Release of the Spirit,” pp. 157-159)

Further Reading: Watchman Nee—a Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age, chs. 15-16

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