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提摩太後書教導人如何對抗召會的墮落,有力的強調我們的靈。該書一開始就強調能力、愛並清明自守的靈已經賜給我們,藉此我們能將神的恩賜,如火挑旺起來,並且按神的能力以及主分賜生命的恩典,與福音同受苦難(一6 ~ 10)。到了結語,該書強調主與我們的靈同在,且以此祝福我們,使我們享受祂作恩典,以站住抵擋召會敗落中那下坡的流,並藉着祂內住的靈(一14)和裝備的話(三16 ~ 17),完成神的經綸(李常受文集一九八五年第三册,七○六至七○七頁)。


在召會墮落加劇的艱難日子裏,所需要的乃是神永遠的恩典,這恩典是在永遠裏所賜給我們的(一9),也是在今世供我們取用的。這在不能毀壞之生命裏的恩典,一點不差就是那位是神聖生命的具體化身,且居住並活在我們靈裏之神的兒子基督。我們必須運用我們的靈,以享受這位基督的豐富(弗三8)作彀用的恩典(林後十二9)。這樣,我們就可以活祂作我們的敬虔(提前四7 ~ 8),好建造召會作祂的見證,照着神的經綸擔負一切神聖的實際(李常受文集一九八五年第三册,七○七頁)。



WEEK 7 — DAY 1


Morning Nourishment

2 Tim. 1:6 For which cause I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

2:1 You therefore, my child, be empowered in the grace which is in Christ Jesus.

4:22 The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.

[Second Timothy 4:22 says], “The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.” You have to join, or combine, this point with fanning the teaching spirit into flame (1:6) and being empowered in the grace (2:1). This verse combines those two verses. In these verses the main items are our spirit and grace.

Second Timothy, which gives instruction on how to confront the degradation of the church, strongly stresses our spirit. In the beginning it emphasizes that a strong, loving, and sound spirit has been given to us by which we can fan the gift of God into flame and suffer evil with the gospel according to the power of God and the Lord’s life-imparting grace (1:6-10). In the conclusion it blesses us with the emphasis of the Lord being with our spirit so that we may enjoy Him as grace to stand against the downward current of the church’s decline and to carry out God’s economy through His indwelling Spirit (v. 14) and equipping Word (3:16-17). (CWWL, 1985, vol. 3, “Elders’ Training, Book 6: The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul’s Epistles,” p. 551)

Todays Reading

In the grievous days during the worsening degradation of the church, what is needed is the eternal grace of God, which was given to us in eternity (2 Tim. 1:9) and is appropriated by us in this age. This grace, which is in the indestructible life, is nothing less than Christ the Son of God, who is the very embodiment of the divine life, dwelling and living in our spirit. We need to exercise this spirit to enjoy the riches of Christ (Eph. 3:8) as the sufficient grace (2 Cor. 12:9). Thus we may live Him as our godliness (1 Tim. 4:7-8) for the building up of the church as a testimony of Christ, bearing all the divine realities according to God’s economy. (CWWL, 1985, vol. 3, “Elders’ Training, Book 6: The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul’s Epistles,” pp. 551-552)

If we do not experience the Lord’s being with our spirit [2 Tim. 4:22] and therefore lose the presence of grace, that is the degradation of the church… Our highest enjoyment and experience are that our Lord is with our spirit. The Lord, who is the Creator of heaven and earth, the sovereign Lord of all, is with our spirit…The Lord’s being with us is not in our mind or our thoughts; He as the Spirit is with our spirit. Over thirty years ago I came to the United States with a specific burden, that is, to speak concerning the two spirits, the divine Spirit and our human spirit. In those days many American saints said that they never knew that man has a spirit…Now it is more common for Christians to refer to the human spirit. Recently, the Lord also has shown us that the secret of experiencing God’s organic salvation lies in “the Spirit…with our spirit” (Rom. 8:16). Today Christ is the Spirit, and if we want to experience and enjoy Him, we must be in our spirit. I can testify that, according to my age, without the Spirit’s being with my spirit, I could not bear the burden of the Lord’s recovery and the churches. Some have advised me to not have so many activities, but I thank and praise the Lord that it is the Lord as the Spirit with me who enables
me to have such activities. As soon as I rise from my bed, I say, “O Lord, I rise with You.” The moment I touch the floor, I say, “O Lord, not only do I walk by You, but I walk with You. You are holding me while I am walking.”…Thank the Lord, today the Lord is the Spirit, and we can enjoy Him in the spirit. This is an exceedingly great blessing. To enjoy the Lord’s Spirit being in our spirit is to have grace with us. When this is lost, the degradation of the church is present. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “How to Be a Co-worker and an Elder and How to Fulfill Their Obligations,” pp. 252-253)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “How to Be a Co-worker and an Elder and How to Fulfill Their Obligations,” ch. 3

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