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提後二 22『…同那清心呼求主的人,竭力追求公義、信、愛、和平。』

太五 8『清心的人有福了,因爲他們必看見神。』

在召會荒涼的時候,只有清心的人能摸着路〔提後二 22〕。許多在荒涼之下的人摸不着路,是因他們不清心,無法在性質上斷定事情。

我們摸一個工人的工作,要摸其性質。…性質必須是金的、銀的;存心必須要清潔。…一個爲主作工的人,他的存心必須是清的,而不是渾的。清乃是單純;渾就是混雜、不單純。有人傳福音可能如保羅所說,是因着嫉妒(腓一 15)。碰着這樣的人時,我們或許會覺得他很熱心,工作也有些果效;但若是我們去摸他的存心,就會摸着他的心並不清潔(李常受文集一九五六年第二册,三九二頁)。







WEEK 6 — DAY 6


Morning Nourishment

2 Tim. 2:22 …Pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Matt. 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

During the desolation of the church, only those with a pure heart can find the way [2 Tim. 2:22]. In the desolation of the church many people cannot find the way, because their heart is impure, and they are unable to discern the nature of things.

In touching someone’s work, we must discern its nature…Our nature must be gold and silver, and our motive must be pure…One who works for the Lord must have a clear motive, not a cloudy one. A clear motive is pure; a cloudy motive is mixed and impure. Paul says that some preach Christ because of envy (Phil. 1:15). Such persons may be zealous and obtain good results, but when we examine their motive, we see that their hearts are not pure. (CWWL, 1956, vol. 2, “Three Aspects of the Church, Book 2: The Course of the Church,” p. 297)

Todays Reading

Those who are pure in heart will find others who live before God to be their co-workers. Since their heart has been dealt with, they are able to discern the condition of the heart of those they contact. The pure in heart stand together to maintain the Lord’s testimony, walk in the Lord’s way, and do the Lord’s work because inwardly their hearts are pure, not because they share the same doctrinal viewpoint. Differences in opinion related to doctrine lead to divisions. When one who is pure in heart meets another person who is pure in heart, he can willingly be martyred for that person and love him as if he were the Lord. We gain the best co-workers and companions when we are pure in heart.

I coordinated with another brother for about twenty years before he passed away. There were no problems between us because the Lord brought us together. I felt that his heart was for nothing but the Lord. I can testify that he paid a great price for the church and suffered much. However, he never had any feeling for himself, nor did he speak for himself. He had a pure heart; thus, we served the Lord together in one accord and walked in the Lord’s way together. Only those who are pure in heart can walk in the Lord’s way.

A pure heart seeks only God, and prayer implies that there is nothing of the self. Prayer means that we allow the Lord to do everything according to His way and not according to man’s opinion. If we do things out of ourselves by human methods, opinions, and power, we have no need of prayer…Whether we can find those whom the Lord has raised up to be our companions depends not only on the purity of our heart but also on whether we have stopped all the activity of the self. Have we stopped our ability, cleverness, methods, and wisdom? Do we submit ourselves to the Lord and seek His leading, or do we insist on our opinions? If we want to push our opinions through, we do not need to pray; if we want to submit ourselves to the Lord and seek His leading, we need to pray.

Second Timothy 2:22 says that we need to “call on the Lord out of a pur heart.” Our focus is on calling on the Lord and having a pure heart. Anything added to our physical body from the outside cannot become one with our body. In the same principle, if we are ones who pray to the Lord out of a pure heart, we cannot be joined to someone who does not. This is not a question of sectarianism. If we call this sectarianism and try to join with ones who do not pray out of a pure heart, God will condemn us, because He condemns any mixture. The pure in heart and those with an impure heart, those who rely on the Lord and those who do not rely on the Lord, and those who are led by the Lord in their work and those who work by their own methods should not be mixed together. No mixture is approved by God. (CWWL, 1956, vol. 2, “Three Aspects of the Church, Book 2: The Course of the Church,” pp. 299-300, 302)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1956, vol. 2, “Three Aspects of the Church, Book 2: The Course of the Church,” ch. 6

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