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提後二 22『你要逃避青年人的私慾,…竭力追求公義、信、愛、和平。』

詩八九 14『公義和公平,是你寶座的根基;慈愛和真實,行在你面前。』


神的作爲是祂的活動,而神的道路是祂管治的法則〔啓十五 3〕。…你若認識神的道路,就無須等到看見祂的作爲纔讚美祂。雖然祂的作爲尚未來到,但你知道它會來到,因爲你認識神作事的管治法則(新約總論第一册,一○一至一○二頁)。


『信』這辭有兩種意義。第一種意義指信徒所相信的事物;這是客觀的信(信仰)(弗四 13,提前一 19 下,提後四 7)。第二種意義指信徒信的行動;這是主觀的信(加二 20)。基督是我們信仰的對象,這信仰是客觀的。然後我們信主,這個信是主觀的行動,是我們對主耶穌行動的信。

信徒的信實際上不是他們自己的信,乃是基督進到他們裏面作他們的信。…當我們悔改歸向神,那是靈的基督作神那聖化人的靈(彼前一 2 上),就在我們裏面運行,作我們的信,使我們憑這信信靠主耶穌(徒十六 31)。…我們這些罪人,原是沒有信的。信乃是藉着我們聽見話而進到我們裏面的〔羅十 17〕。這話就是基督自己。




許多年輕人被救主的榮美吸引。甚至他們的父母逼迫他們,以死威脅他們,他們也不放棄他們對基督的信。這種的信,乃是基督自己。憑這樣的信,相信的人信神叫耶穌基督從死人中復活,使他們能彀得救(羅十 9 下~ 10 上,五 1)。藉着信,他們就得進入現在所站的恩典中(2)(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第一册,三三四至三三六頁)。


WEEK 6 — DAY 3


Morning Nourishment

2 Tim. 2:22 But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace…

Psa. 89:14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; lovingkindness and truth go before Your face.

God is righteous as well as holy. Whereas holiness is related to God’s inward nature, righteousness is related to God’s outward acts, ways, actions, and activities. Everything God does is righteous. The righteousness of God is what God is in His action with respect to justice and righteousness. God is just and right. Whatever God is in His justice and righteousness constitutes His righteousness.

God’s works are His acts, whereas God’s ways are His governing principles [cf. Rev. 15:3]…If you know God’s ways, you will not need to wait to see His works in order to praise Him. Although His works have not yet come, you will know they will come because you know the governing principles by which God does things. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 87)

Todays Reading

The word faith bears two denotations. The first denotation refers to the things the believers believe in; it is the objective faith (Eph. 4:13; 1 Tim. 1:19b; 2 Tim. 4:7). The second denotation refers to the believing action of the believers; this is the subjective faith (Gal. 2:20). Christ is the object of our faith. Here the faith is objective. Then we believe in the Lord. This believing is a subjective action, our acting faith in the Lord Jesus.

The faith of the believers is actually not their own faith but Christ entering into them to be their faith…When we repented unto God, the pneumatic Christ as the sanctifying Spirit of God (1 Pet. 1:2a) moved within us to be our faith by which we believed on the Lord Jesus (Acts 16:31)…As sinners, we did not have faith. Faith came into us by our hearing the word [Rom. 10:17]. This word is just Christ Himself.

When we heard the gospel, the preacher described Christ to us. The more we heard, the more we saw Christ and were attracted to Christ…The preachers preach Christ to present Christ’s beauty. After hearing such a word about Christ, that is, after seeing such a Christ, within us there is an appreciation of Christ, and our appreciation of Him is the reaction to His attraction. We can believe in the Lord Jesus because we hear about Him; that is, we see Him. We read the Bible, and in the Bible we see something about Him.

Tell people about Christ in His divinity and humanity, in His being the only begotten Son of God and the firstborn Son of God. Many logical and thoughtful people would be attracted to such a wonderful person in the universe…After seeing…such a Christ, who would not believe in Him? Faith comes from hearing, hearing equals seeing, and seeing equals knowing Christ. Faith comes from hearing, and hearing is from the word of Christ.

When the proper preaching of the gospel is going on, the Spirit, the pneumatic Christ, accompanies that preaching. That preaching speaks Christ outside of you, but the pneumatic Christ right away accompanies that preaching and works within you. Then you repent and appreciate such a One. Spontaneously, something within you rises up. This is your faith, your believing. Your believing comes from your knowing of Christ. Your believing actually is your appreciation of Christ as a reaction to His attraction.

Many young people have been attracted by the Savior’s beauty. Even if their parents persecute them and threaten them to death, they will not give up their faith in Christ. This kind of faith is Christ Himself. By such a faith the believing ones believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead that they may be saved (vv. 9b-10a; 5:1). They have access through faith into the grace in which they now stand (v. 2). (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “Crystallization-study of the Epistle to the Romans,” pp. 273-274)

Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 7-8

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