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阿尼色弗是得勝者,他勝過一般的趨勢,並站住抵擋那下坡的流,使主的大使靈、魂、體都舒爽,不以他爲主的使命被囚爲恥(聖經恢復本,提後一16 註1)。

除了新約的知識以外,提摩太從小對舊約的知識也有美好的根基。他得了充分的成全和裝備,以供應神的話,不僅爲照管地方召會,也爲面對召會日趨敗落的光景(提後三15 註1)。

〔腓立比書〕非常着重信徒的魂。我們必須同魂與人位化的福音信仰一齊努力(一27);我們必須魂裏聯結,思念同一件事(二2);並且我們必須同魂,真正關心基督耶穌的事(20 ~ 21)。在福音的工作上,在信徒的交通上,以及在主的權益上,我們的魂總是個難處。因此,我們的魂,特別是魂的主要部分—心思,必須被變化(羅十二2),使我們在基督的身體生活裏是一魂的,在魂裏聯結,並且同魂(腓二20 註1)。


早期的召會承認路加是〔路加〕福音和行傳的著者。從文體看,顯然路加是這兩卷書的著者。路加是外邦人(西四14,參11),可能是住小亞細亞的希利尼人,也是醫生(14)。他在特羅亞開始加入保羅的職事,在保羅後三次出外盡職時,與保羅同行(徒十六10 ~ 17,二十5 ~二一18,二七1 ~二八15)。他忠信的陪伴保羅,直到保羅殉道(門24,提後四11)。因此,他的福音應當代表保羅的觀點,如馬可福音代表彼得的觀點一樣(見可一1 註1 一段)(聖經恢復本,路一3 註1)。





WEEK 3 — DAY 1


Morning Nourishment

2 Tim. 1:16 May the Lord grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chain.

1 Cor. 4:17 …I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways which are in Christ…

Phil. 2:20 For I have no one like-souled who will genuinely care for what concerns you.

Onesiphorus was an overcomer who surmounted the general trend and stood against the downward current to refresh the Lord’s ambassador in spirit, soul, and body, not being ashamed of the apostle’s imprisonment on behalf of the Lord’s commission. (2 Tim. 1:16, footnote 1)

In addition to his knowledge of the New Testament, Timothy had, from his childhood, a good foundation in the knowledge of the Old Testament. He was one who was fully perfected and equipped to minister the word of God, not only in caring for a local church but also in confronting the worsening decline of the church. (2 Tim. 3:15, footnote 1)

Philippians deals very much with the believers’ soul. We must strive together with one soul along with the personified faith of the gospel (1:27); we must be joined in soul, thinking the one thing (2:2); and we must be like-souled, genuinely caring for the things of Christ Jesus (vv. 20-21). In the gospel work, in the fellowship among the believers, and in the pursuing of the Lord’s interests, our soul is always a problem. Hence, it must be transformed, especially in its leading part, the mind (Rom. 12:2), that we may be of one soul, joined in soul, and like-souled in the Body life. (Phil. 2:20, footnote 1)

Todays Reading

The early church recognized Luke as the author of both this Gospel and the Acts. Luke’s authorship is evident from the style of composition of the two books. Luke was a Gentile (Col. 4:14; cf. Col. 4:11), probably an Asiatic Greek, and a physician (Col. 4:14). Beginning in Troas, he joined Paul in his ministry and accompanied him in his last three ministry journeys (Acts 16:10-17; 20:5—21:18; 27:1—28:15). He was a faithful companion of Paul until Paul’s martyrdom (Philem. 24; 2 Tim. 4:11). Hence, his Gospel should represent Paul’s views, as Mark’s represents Peter’s (see Mark 1:1, footnote 1, par. 1). (Luke 1:3, footnote 1)

Paul did not care for the circumstances or for what he thought or could see. He only cared for his spirit. His brother Titus had not come, so he did not have rest in his spirit [2 Cor. 2:13]. I like this phrase—in my spirit. We have to be brought into the realization of our spirit, and we have to learn how to do everything in our spirit. If we are going to be happy, we have to be happy in the spirit. If we are going to be sorrowful, we have to be sorrowful in the spirit. Many times we are happy merely in our emotions…We have to learn how to be happy in the spirit, how to have rest in our spirit. We need to learn to take care of the rest in our spirit and be persons living in the spirit.

In 2 Corinthians 4:13 Paul tells us that he and the brothers with him had “the same spirit of faith.” We have to learn to exercise the spirit to such an extent. Whatever we do and whatever we say, we have to be sure that we have the same spirit, that we are in the same spirit. This is not something in the soul or in the flesh, but in the spirit. When we go to see a brother, we have to go in the spirit. When we have fellowship, we must have it in the spirit.

In 2 Corinthians 12:18 Paul said that he and Titus walked in the same spirit. This verse and the other verses we have fellowshipped show us what kind of person the apostle Paul was. He was a person fully, absolutely, and thoroughly living in the spirit. He would never be kept away from the spirit. (CWWL, 1967, vol. 2, “An Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit,” pp. 146, 148)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 4, “The Secret of God’s Organic Salvation—’the Spirit Himself with Our Spirit,’” chs. 4, 6

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