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西一9 ~ 10『所以,我們自從聽見的日子,也就爲你們不住的禱告祈求,願你們在一切屬靈的智慧和悟性上,充分認識神的旨意,行事爲人配得過主,以致凡事蒙祂喜悅,在一切善工上結果子,藉着認識神而長大。』








WEEK 2 — DAY 4


Morning Nourishment

Col. 1:9-10 Therefore we also, since the day we heard of it, do not cease praying and asking on your behalf that you may be filled with the full knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, to walk worthily of the Lord to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and growing by the full knowledge of God.

To be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will simply means to have the revelation of God’s plan so that through this revelation we know what God plans to do in this universe. The revelation of God’s plan opens the way for us to have more experience of Christ…Thus, we need to spend more time to learn about Christ in the plan of God. This is one of the most important reasons why we have to read the Scriptures. We read the Scriptures not to receive doctrine or teachings but to receive the revelation of Christ and the full knowledge of God’s eternal plan. (CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The Mystery of God and the Mystery of Christ,” pp. 129-130)

Todays Reading

The Bible opens the universal curtain, the universal veil, to show what is in the mind of God and what it is that God plans to do in this universe. This plan is to make His Son everything. God’s desire, plan, and mind is to make Christ everything. This is the content of the entire Scriptures. Thus, we need to spend more time to read the Scriptures with such a view and expectation—not expecting to learn more doctrines and teachings but expecting to know Christ more and to receive more of the full knowledge of God’s eternal plan.

First we receive the knowledge of God’s plan and then, based on that knowledge, we “walk worthily of the Lord” [Col. 1:10]…Knowing the will of God and the eternal plan of God enable us to walk worthily of the Lord. Our revelation directs our walking. Our walk is under the control of the revelation that we have. (CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The Mystery of God and the Mystery of Christ,” p. 130)

The entire book of Colossians tells us clearly about the will of God. According to God’s will, He caused all His fullness to dwell in Christ, giving Christ the first place in all things and causing Christ to be in us as our life and our all. We need to realize the fact that we are dead, buried, and raised with Christ and that we have put off the old man, Adam, and put on the new man, Christ. We also need to exercise to apply His death to the members of our body, let His peace arbitrate and govern in our hearts, and let His word dwell in us so that we express Him. In brief, the will of God is nothing other than Christ, who is all and in all. We must be clear that the will of God is for Christ to be everything to us. We need to possess Christ, experience Him, and apply Him in all things.

I would ask you all to make a decision that by the grace of the Lord, you would pray every day for three things. First, pray for yourself: “Lord, day by day remind me to walk in You, experience You, and apply You to everything in my daily life.”…We need to experience Christ and apply Him in such a way in our daily life…Second, we need to pray for the saints, not only for those who are with us but also for those who are far away. Remember them and pray for them and for the whole church. Third, pray that the Lord would recover the knowledge and experience of His will among all His children…Pray for yourself, for the churches, and for the recovery of His will concerning the allinclusive Christ and His genuine expression. This is according to the Lord’s mind…The eternal will of God is that we would have Christ as everything to
us. Then we will know God’s will, know what we are pursuing, and know how to pray for the whole church. Moreover, we will know that God will recover the knowledge and experience of His eternal purpose, plan, and will in this age. We look to the Lord to burden us every day to pray for ourselves, for the saints, and for the recovery of this matter in these last days. (CWWL, 1961- 1962, vol. 4, pp. 489-490)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, pp. 485-490; CWWN, vol. 34, “The Glorious Church,” ch. 1

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