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第二週■週四 晨興餧養 西一9 ~ 10『所以,我們自從聽見的日子,也就爲你們不住的禱告祈求,願你們在一切屬靈的智慧和悟性上,充分認識神的旨意,行事爲人配得過主,以致凡事蒙祂喜悅,在一切善工上結果子,藉着認識神而長大。』 充分認識神的旨意,意思就是對神的計畫有啓示,以致藉着這啓示,我們知道神在這宇宙中計畫要作的。…對神計畫的啓示會爲我們開路,使我們對基督有更多的經歷。…因此,我們需要花更多時間學習關於在神計畫裏的基督。這是我們必須讀聖經的一個最重要的原因。我們讀聖經不是要得着道理或教訓,乃是要得着對基督的啓示,和對神永遠計畫充分的認識(李常受文集一九六一至一九六二年第四册,一六七至一六八頁)。 信息選讀 聖經打開宇宙的簾子,宇宙的幔子,給我們看見在神心思裏的是甚麼,以及神在這宇宙中所計畫要作的是甚麼。這計畫就是要使祂的兒子成爲一切。神的願望、計畫和心思,是要使基督成爲一切。這是全本聖經的內容。因此,我們需要花更多時間,帶着這樣的眼光和期待來讀聖經;不是期待認識更多的道理和教訓,乃是期待更多認識基督,並更多得着對神永遠計畫充分的認識。 首先我們得着對神計畫的認識,然後基於那認識,我們『行事爲人配得過主』〔西一10〕。…認識神的旨意和神永遠的計畫,使我們行事爲人能配得過主。我們的啓示指引我們的行事爲人。我們的行事爲人受我們所得着之啓示的控制。 整卷歌羅西書清楚的告訴我們神的旨意。神照着祂的旨意,使祂一切的豐滿都居住在基督裏面,使基督在萬有中居首位,並使基督在我們裏面作我們的生命以及我們的一切。我們要領悟這個事實:我們與基督同死、同埋葬並同復活,而且我們已經脫去舊人—亞當,並穿上了新人—基督。我們也要操練將基督的死應用於我們身體的肢體,讓基督的平安在我們心裏作仲裁並施行管治,又要讓祂的話住在我們裏面,使我們彰顯祂。簡而言之,神的旨意一點不差就是基督自己,祂是一切,又在一切之內。我們必須清楚,神的旨意是要基督作我們的一切。我們需要據有基督,經歷祂,並在凡事上應用祂。 我請求你們眾人下定決心,靠主的恩典天天爲三件事禱告。首先,爲你自己禱告:『主,天天題醒我,要在你裏面行事爲人,經歷你,並在日常生活中凡事應用你。』…我們需要在日常生活中,以這樣的方式經歷基督並應用祂。…第二,我們需要爲眾聖徒禱告,不單爲着同我們在一起的人,還要爲遠處的聖徒禱告。要記念他們,爲他們禱告,也爲全召會禱告。第三,禱告求主恢復在祂的眾兒女當中,…對祂旨意的認識與經歷。要爲你們自己、爲眾召會並爲着恢復祂的旨意禱告;祂的旨意乃是關於包羅萬有的基督和祂真正的彰顯。這乃照着主的心意。…神永遠的旨意乃是要使基督作我們的一切。這樣我們就會認識神的旨意,知道我們所追求的是甚麼,並且知道如何爲全召會禱告。不僅如此,我們也就會知道,神要在這時代恢復對祂永遠定旨、計畫和旨意的認識與經歷。我們仰望主天天加給我們負擔,爲我們自己、爲眾聖徒並爲着在這末後的日子恢復這件事而禱告(李常受文集一九六一至一九六二年第四册,一六八至一六九、六五三至六五四頁)。 參讀:以弗所書和歌羅西書中對基督的認識與經歷,第六章;聖潔沒有瑕疵,第一章。 WEEK 2 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment Col. 1:9-10 Therefore we also, since the day we heard of it, do not cease praying and asking on your behalf that you may be filled with the full knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, to walk worthily of the Lord to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and growing by the full knowledge of God. To be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will simply means to have the revelation of God’s plan so that through this revelation we know what God plans to do in this universe. The revelation of God’s plan opens the way for us to have more experience of Christ…Thus, we need to spend more time to learn about Christ in the plan of God. This is one of the most important reasons why we have to read the Scriptures. We read the Scriptures not to receive doctrine or teachings but to receive the revelation of Christ and the full knowledge of God’s eternal plan. (CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The Mystery of God and the Mystery of Christ,” pp. 129-130) Todays Reading The Bible opens the universal curtain, the universal veil, to show what is in the mind of God and what it is that God plans to do in this universe. This plan is to make His Son everything. God’s desire, plan, and mind is to make Christ everything. This is the content of the entire Scriptures. Thus, we need to spend more time to read the Scriptures with such a view and expectation—not expecting to learn more doctrines and teachings but expecting to know Christ more and to receive more of the full knowledge of God’s eternal plan. First we receive the knowledge of God’s plan and then, based on that knowledge, we “walk worthily of the Lord” [Col. 1:10]…Knowing the will of God and the eternal plan of God enable us to walk worthily of the Lord. Our revelation directs our walking. Our walk is under the control of the revelation that we have. (CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The Mystery of God and the Mystery of Christ,” p. 130) The entire book of Colossians tells us clearly about the will of God. According to God’s will, He caused all His fullness to dwell in Christ, giving Christ the first place in all things and causing Christ to be in us as our life and our all. We need to realize the fact that we are dead, buried, and raised with Christ and that we have put off the old man, Adam, and put on the new man, Christ. We also need to exercise to apply His death to the members of our body, let His peace arbitrate and govern in our hearts, and let His word dwell in us so that we express Him. In brief, the will of God is nothing other than Christ, who is all and in all. We must be clear that the will of God is for Christ to be everything to us. We need to possess Christ, experience Him, and apply Him in all things. I would ask you all to make a decision that by the grace of the Lord, you would pray every day for three things. First, pray for yourself: “Lord, day by day remind me to walk in You, experience You, and apply You to everything in my daily life.”…We need to experience Christ and apply Him in such a way in our daily life…Second, we need to pray for the saints, not only for those who are with us but also for those who are far away. Remember them and pray for them and for the whole church. Third, pray that the Lord would recover the knowledge and experience of His will among all His children…Pray for yourself, for the churches, and for the recovery of His will concerning the allinclusive Christ and His genuine expression. This is according to the Lord’s mind…The eternal will of God is that we would have Christ as everything to Further Reading: CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, pp. 485-490; CWWN, vol. 34, “The Glorious Church,” ch. 1 |
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