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第二週■週二 晨興餧養 弗三9 ~ 11『並將那歷世歷代隱藏在創造萬有之神裏的奧祕有何等的經綸,向眾人照明,爲要藉着召會,使諸天界裏執政的、掌權的,現今得知神萬般的智慧,這是照着祂在我們的主基督耶穌裏,所立的永遠定旨。』 約伯記留給我們一個雙重的緊要問題,關於神創造人以及神對付祂選民的目的。…這問題的答案…在舊約裏找不到,惟有在新約裏纔有。神在祂的啓示裏所給的這答案,完全與三一神自己有關。 新約向我們揭示,神創造宇宙和萬物,包括人在內,祂的目的是要將祂自己作到人裏面。神要進到人裏面,作人的內容,作人的生命、性情、生命供應和元素(約伯記生命讀經,一○四頁)。 信息選讀 聖經不是照着人的邏輯寫的,乃是照着神的行動寫的。神雖然在舊約裏作了許多事,但祂沒有行動。從亞當到基督,神留在祂的神性裏,停留在永遠裏。…有一天神…從永遠裏出來,帶着祂的神性進到時間裏,並且進到一個童女的腹中,將自己與人性聯結。這乃是神行動的頭一步。第二步是祂從那個童女的腹中生出來,成爲神人。祂留在童女的腹中九個月,就從那裏出來,成爲一個人,不僅帶着神性,也帶着人性,名叫耶穌。 這親愛的一位,這位神人,兼有神人二性的神子耶穌基督,在地上過一個真正的人性生活。…主耶穌在祂地上生活的末了,到十字架上受死。 基督在十字架上完成祂的工作以後,就睡了,安息了(雖然在祂的死和復活之間祂也作了許多事)。然後祂從死人中起來,祂復活了。藉着祂的復活,祂將祂的人性帶到神性裏(羅一3 ~ 4)。祂也生爲神的長子,成爲神眾子中的頭一位。在復活裏,祂也成了賜生命的靈(林前十五45 下)。…不僅如此,在基督的復活裏,所有蒙神揀選的人,也重生成爲神的眾子(彼前一3)。…神這許多的兒子,就成了基督的許多肢體,構成基督的身體,就是神的召會(弗一22 下~ 23)。這身體是新造裏的新人,基督是這新人的每一個肢體(西三10 ~ 11)。這身體,這新人…至終…要擴大並終極完成爲新耶路撒冷,作神的豐滿,神團體的彰顯,直到永遠。 那靈是三一神的終極完成。…我們基督徒該只摸這靈。我們旣憑着靈得生並活着,就當憑着靈而行(加五25,羅八4)。…我們該憑靈禱告,憑靈讀經,憑靈愛人,憑靈傳福音。 加拉太六章十八節指明,那靈作爲包羅萬有的恩,與我們的靈同在。…因此,我們需要顧到我們的靈,作一切事都要操練我們的靈。這樣,我們就經歷神的靈在我們裏面活着、在我們裏面安家並變化我們。神的靈住在我們裏面禱告、讀經、說神的話、愛我們的配偶並傳福音看望罪人。這樣的生活就是經過過程的三一神,與得重生的三部分人的調和。這是新約的神聖啓示,作爲約伯受苦的答案,也是關於神創造人並對付祂選民之目的這個大問題的答案(約伯記生命讀經,一○五至一○九頁)。 參讀:真理課程一級卷三,第二十八課;生命的經歷,第八篇。 WEEK 2 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment Eph. 3:9-11 And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things, in order that now to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenlies the multifarious wisdom of God might be made known through the church, according to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord. The book of Job leaves us with a crucial twofold question concerning God’s intention in His creation of man and in His dealing with His chosen people…The answer to this question…is found not in the Old Testament but only in the New Testament. This answer, given by God in His revelation, is altogether concerned with the Triune God Himself. The New Testament unveils to us that God’s intention in His creation of the universe and of billions of items including man is to work Himself into man. God wants to enter into man to be man’s content and to be man’s life, nature, life supply, and element. (Life-study of Job, p. 91) Todays Reading The Bible is not written according to human logic but according to God’s move. Although God did many things in the Old Testament, He did not move. Rather, from Adam to Christ, God remained in His divinity and stayed in eternity…But one day…God came out of eternity and entered with His divinity into time, entering into the womb of a human virgin to join Himself to humanity. This was the first step of God’s move. The second step was His being born of that human virgin to be the God-man. After staying in the womb of a human virgin for nine months, He came out of that womb, not only with divinity but also with humanity, to be a human being by the name of Jesus. This dear One, this God-man who is both divine and human, Jesus Christ the Son of God, lived a genuine human life on earth…At the end of His life on earth, the Lord Jesus went to the cross, and He died there. After Christ finished His work on the cross, He went to sleep and rested (although He did a number of things between His death and resurrection). Then He rose up from the dead; He resurrected. Through His resurrection He brought His humanity into divinity (Rom. 1:3-4). He was also born to be the firstborn Son of God to be the leading One of the many sons of God. In His resurrection He also became a life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45b)… Furthermore, in the resurrection of Christ, all those who were chosen by God were regenerated to be the many sons of God (1 Pet. 1:3)…[who] have become the members of Christ to constitute His Body, which is the church of God (Eph. 1:22b-23). This Body is the new man in the new creation, and Christ is every member of this new man (Col. 3:10-11). This Body, this new man…eventually… The Spirit [is] the consummation of the Triune God…We Christians should just deal with this Spirit. Since we have life and live by Him, we also should walk by Him (Gal. 5:25; Rom. 8:4)…We should pray by the Spirit, read the Bible by the Spirit, love others by the Spirit, and preach the gospel by the Spirit. Galatians 6:18 indicates that the Spirit as the all-inclusive grace is with our spirit…Thus, we need to take care of our spirit, doing everything by exercising our spirit. Then we will experience the divine Spirit living in us, making His home in us, and transforming us. The divine Spirit lives in us to pray, to read the Bible, to speak God’s word, to love our spouse, and to visit sinners for the preaching of the gospel. Such a living is the mingling of the processed Triune God with the regenerated tripartite man. This is the divine revelation in the New Testament as the answer to the sufferings of Job and to the great question concerning God’s purpose in His creation of man and in His dealing with His chosen people. (Life-study of Job, pp. 91-95) Further Reading: Truth Lessons—Level One, vol. 3, lsn. 28; CWWL, 1953, vol. 3, “The Experience of Life,” ch. 8 |
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