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第一週■週二 晨興餧養 創二7『耶和華神用地上的塵土塑造人,將生命之氣吹在他鼻孔裏,人就成了活的魂。』 亞十二1『…鋪張諸天、建立地基、造人裏面之靈的耶和華說。』 諸天是爲着地,地是爲着人,神給人造了靈,使人能接觸神,接受神,敬拜神,活神,爲神完成神的定旨,並與神成爲一。在神的經綸裏,神計畫要使基督作祂在地上行動的中心與普及。爲使祂所揀選的人能關心祂這位創造主並救贖主,祂需要爲人創造一個接受的器官,使人能接受神計畫裏之基督一切的所是。因此,撒迦利亞書囑咐我們要盡力注意我們人的靈,好使我們得着該書所啓示的基督,並明白其中所啓示一切關於祂的事(弗一17 ~ 18上,三5)(聖經恢復本,亞十二1 註2)。 信息選讀 神給人造了一個靈,而這靈是人裏面特別的器官,其功用是接觸神並盛裝神。神造人成爲活物,但人不同於一切其他的活物;惟獨人有人的靈。 在神的創造裏祂作了一件特別的事,以產生我們的靈(創二7)。神藉着說話創造了宇宙。神說有,就有(詩三三9)。但是當神來創造人時,祂乃是將祂的生命之氣吹到人裏面。我們的氣不是我們自己,但沒有一樣東西比我們的氣更接近我們。照樣,神的生命之氣不是神自己,不是神聖的靈,也不是神聖的生命,但神的氣非常接近神,接近神聖的靈,並接近神聖的生命。 我們若沒有靈,就會像野獸一樣;我們會變得毫無意義。宇宙中若沒有神,整個宇宙也就是空洞的。所以要領畧我們的意義和宇宙的意義,其關鍵乃在於神的存在,也在於我們有靈。神是靈;我們必須在我們的靈裏接觸祂,敬拜祂(約四24)。這二靈應當彼此接觸,也應當成爲一(林前六17)。這樣,整個宇宙纔有意義,然後我們的生命纔有意義。…由此我們能看見我們靈的重要性。 很可惜的是,由於人的墮落,人不僅疏忽並忽畧人的靈,甚至拒絕承認人有靈。…大多數人顧到法律,不顧他們的良心。今天的社會非常需要法律,因爲多數人忽畧他們靈的一部分,就是他們的良心。良心的功用是在我們作錯事的時候,審判我們,定罪我們。…一些只受法律管治的人,想要找法律的漏洞,好作不義不正的事。但那些憑良心而活的人,活得更高尚。我們裏面的良心比外面的法律控制我們更嚴。 身爲基督徒,我們的靈已經得了重生。得重生就是得加強,一個更剛強、更豐富的東西加到我們裏面。這就是加到我們靈裏的神的生命。…當我們信主耶穌的時候,神首先賜給我們神聖的生命。其次,神賜給我們聖靈。祂也賜給我們許多屬天的事物,就如祂的赦免、公義、平安和喜樂。神已經賜給我們稱義、和好以及祂全備的救恩。這一切都是在神的生命和神的靈之外,另賜給我們的。事實上,這一切屬天的事物都包括在神的生命和神的靈裏,二者已經加到我們靈裏了。我們有一個得重生並得加強的靈,這靈是剛強的靈,有一個同伴。這個同伴就是三一神。三一神成了我們靈裏的同伴。我們所有的是何等豐富的靈!(李常受文集一九九三年第二册,二三九至二四○頁)。 參讀:活在靈中,第五篇;雅歌生命讀經,第五篇。 WEEK 1 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment Gen. 2:7 Jehovah God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Zech. 12:1 …Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him. The heavens are for the earth, the earth is for man, and man was created by God with a spirit that he may contact God, receive God, worship God, live God, fulfill God’s purpose for God, and be one with God. In His economy God planned to have Christ as the centrality and universality of His move on earth. For His chosen people, who would care for Him as the Creator and as the Redeemer, there was the need for Him to create a receiving organ so that they would have the capacity to receive all that God had planned for Christ to be. Hence, [the book of Zechariah] charges us to pay full attention to our human spirit, that we may receive the Christ revealed in this book and may understand all that is revealed therein concerning Him (Eph. 1:17-18a; 3:5). (Zech. 12:1, footnote 2) Todays Reading Man was created by God with a spirit, and this spirit is a particular organ within man that functions to contact God and contain God. Man was created by God to be a living creature, but he is different from all the other living creatures. Only man has a human spirit. In God’s creation, He did something particular to produce our spirit (Gen. 2:7). God created the universe by speaking. God spoke, and it was (Psa. 33:9). But when God came to the creation of man, He breathed His breath of life into man…God’s breath of life is not God Himself, not the divine Spirit, and not the divine life, but it is very close to God, close to the divine Spirit, and close to the divine life. If we did not have a spirit, we would be like the beasts. We would become meaningless. Also, if there were no God in the universe, the whole universe would become empty. So the key to our meaning and the meaning of the universe is in God’s existence and also in our having a spirit. God is Spirit, and we must contact Him, worship Him, in our spirit (John 4:24). These two spirits should contact each other and should become one (1 Cor. 6:17). Then the whole universe becomes meaningful. Then our life has meaning…By this we can see the importance of our spirit. Regretfully, due to the fall, men have not only overlooked and neglected the human spirit but also have even refused to admit that man has a spirit…Most people take care of the law, not their conscience. Today’s society needs the law so much because most people neglect one part of their spirit—their conscience. The conscience functions to judge us and condemn us when we do something wrong…Some who are governed merely by the law like to find loopholes in the law so that they can carry out things that are unrighteous and unjust. Those who live by the conscience, however, live in a higher way. Our inward conscience controls us much more than the outward law does. As Christians, our spirit has been regenerated. To be regenerated is to be reinforced…God’s life…has been added into our spirit…When we believe in the Lord Jesus, God first gives us the divine life. Second, God gives us the Holy Spirit. Also, He gives us many heavenly things, such as His forgiveness, righteousness, peace, and joy. God has given us justification, reconciliation, and His full salvation. All these were given in addition to God’s life and God’s Spirit. Actually, all these heavenly things are included in God’s life and God’s Spirit, which have been added into our spirit. We have a regenerated and reinforced spirit, a very strong spirit, with a companion. This companion is the Triune God. The Triune God becomes our companion in our spirit. What an enriched spirit we have! (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” Further Reading: CWWL, 1975-1976, vol. 1, “Living in the Spirit,” ch. 5; Lifestudy of Song of Songs, msg. 5 |
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