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第一週■週一 晨興餧養 提前一3 ~ 4『我往馬其頓去的時候,曾勸你仍住在以弗所,好囑咐那幾個人,不可教導與神的經綸不同的事,也不可注意虛構無稽之事,和無窮的家譜;這等事只引起辯論,對於神在信仰裏的經綸並無助益。』 提摩太前書是論到神的經綸。在保羅的時代,有些人在教導與神的經綸不同的事。保羅告訴我們,我們必須將這一切不同的教訓放在一邊,並回到神的經綸。神的經綸就是祂的家庭行政,祂的計畫,要將祂自己分賜到我們裏面。祂的分賜產生敬虔的生活。 這樣來自神的分賜的敬虔生活,在於操練我們的靈;…敬虔的生活來自神的分賜,但神不是將自己分賜到無生命的器皿裏,…〔而是〕分賜到我們這些活的器皿裏。我們已經有自己的口味、揀選、偏好、感覺、思想、頭腦、意志等;我們若不剛強的操練我們的靈,與主合作,神就無法將自己分賜到我們裏面。我們的靈不僅是接受的器官,保留的器官,也是爲着神分賜的入口。我們的靈大大敞開的時候,我們的全人就敞開。然後神就有路將自己分賜到我們裏面。神的分賜在於我們的配合,我們的配合就是操練我們的靈(李常受文集一九七九年第一册,八○三至八○四頁)。 信息選讀 聖經包括六十六卷書,開始於創世記的神和神的創造,終極完成於啓示錄的新耶路撒冷;在聖經這兩端之間,有許多的歷史、教訓、豫言和豫表。我們若只照着這些事來明白聖經,就仍不認識聖經。我們需要看見,神永遠的經綸,就是神永遠的目的同祂心頭的願望,要將祂自己在祂神聖的三一裏,作爲父在子裏藉着那靈,分賜到祂所揀選的人裏面,作他們的生命和性情,使他們與祂一樣,作祂的豐滿,祂的彰顯。 經綸是爲着分賜而執行一項計畫的安排。神的經綸是神的計畫、神的安排,要把祂自己,祂的元素、生命、性情、屬性,以及祂所完成、所達到的一切,都分賜到祂所揀選的人裏面,使他們在神聖源頭的神聖元素裏,由神聖的素質所構成,而重新被建造,好成爲神聖的。…神用神聖的構成重新建造我們之後,我們就像主耶穌一樣,在人性裏帶着神性,也在神性裏帶着人性。基督在成爲肉體之前只有神性,但在成爲肉體之後成了神人,就是帶着神性的人。現今祂在人性裏帶着神性,又在神性裏帶着人性。我們藉着基督得了重生,成爲祂的一部分,如今也與祂一樣,在人性裏帶着神性,又在神性裏帶着人性。 重生的人在人性裏帶着神性,又在神性裏帶着人性,自然而然成了一個生機體,就是基督的身體;基督的身體就是神的召會作神新造裏的新人,以完成神的新『事業』,就是建造基督的身體,作三一神的豐滿和彰顯。這豐滿乃是三一神的生機體,要終極完成於新耶路撒冷。聖經開始於神在祂的創造裏,這乃是起初;聖經結束於新耶路撒冷,就是三一神和一切祂所揀選、救贖、重生、變化、模成並榮化之三部分人的調和。因此,新耶路撒冷乃是神和人的構成,要彰顯神,直到永遠。…這樣的看見,就是對整本聖經的概覽。我們讀聖經時,需要將我們的注意力集中在神那爲着神聖分賜的永遠經綸上。除非我們認識神的經綸,否則我們就無法明白聖經(約伯記生命讀經,六五至六七頁)。 參讀: 生命的基本功課, 第十七至二十課;約伯記生命讀經,第九、十六、十九、二十一、二十四、二十七至二十八篇。 WEEK 1 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment 1 Tim. 1:3-4 Even as I exhorted you, when I was going into Macedonia, to remain in Ephesus in order that you might charge certain ones not to teach different things nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than God’s economy, which is in faith. First Timothy is dealing with God’s economy. At Paul’s time some were teaching different things other than God’s economy. Paul told us that we have to put all these different teachings aside and come back to the economy of God. God’s economy is His household administration, His plan, to dispense Himself into us. His dispensing produces a life of godliness. Such a godly life issuing from God’s dispensing depends upon the exercise of our spirit…A godly life comes out of God’s dispensing, but God is not dispensing Himself into lifeless vessels…[but] into us, the living vessels, who already have our own taste, choice, preference, feeling, thinking, mentality, will, etc. If we do not exercise our spirit strongly to cooperate with the Lord, God cannot dispense Himself into us. Our spirit is not only the receiving organ, the retaining organ, but also the opening for God’s dispensing. When our spirit opens wide, our whole being opens. Then God has a way to impart Himself into us. God’s dispensing depends upon our coordination, and our coordination is the exercise of our spirit. (CWWL, 1979, vol. 1, “Basic Lessons on Life,” p. 599) Todays Reading The Bible, which consists of sixty-six books, begins with God and His creation in Genesis and consummates with the New Jerusalem in Revelation. Between these two ends of the Bible, there are history, teachings, prophecies, and types. But if we understand the Bible only according to these things, we still do not know the Bible. We need to see the eternal economy of God, which is God’s eternal intention with His heart’s desire to dispense Himself in His Divine Trinity as the Father in the Son by the Spirit into His chosen people to be their life and nature that they may be the same as He is for His fullness, His expression. An economy is an arrangement to carry out a plan for dispensing. God’s economy is God’s plan, God’s arrangement, for God to dispense Himself in His element, life, nature, and attributes, and all that He has achieved and attained into His chosen people that they may be rebuilt by being constituted with the divine essence in the divine element of the divine source to be something divine…After God’s rebuilding with the divine constitution we, like the Lord Jesus, become divinely human and humanly divine. Before incarnation Christ was only divine, but after His incarnation He became a God-man, a man with the divine nature. Now He is divinely human, and He is also humanly divine. Having been regenerated by Christ, we have become a part of Him, and now we are the same as He is—divinely human and humanly divine. The regenerated ones, who are divinely human and humanly divine, spontaneously become an organism, the Body of Christ, which is the church of God as the new man in God’s new creation to carry out God’s new “career,” that is, to build up the Body of Christ for the fullness, the expression, of the Triune God. This fullness as the organism of the Triune God will consummate in the New Jerusalem. The Bible begins with God in His creation as the initiation and ends with the New Jerusalem, which is the mingling of the Triune God and all His chosen, redeemed, regenerated, transformed, conformed, and glorified tripartite people. The New Jerusalem is thus a constitution of God with man to express God for eternity. To see this is to have an overview of the entire Bible. In our reading of the Bible, we need to focus our attention on God’s eternal economy for the divine dispensing. Unless we know God’s economy, we will not understand the Bible. (Life-study of Job, pp. 57-58) Further Reading: CWWL, 1979, vol. 1, “Basic Lessons on Life,” lsns. 17-20; Life-study of Job, msgs. 9, 16, 19, 21, 24, 27-28 |
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