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第四週•週三 晨興餧養 歌三9 ~ 10『所羅門王用利巴嫩木,爲自己製造一乘華轎。轎柱是用銀作的,轎底是用金作的;坐墊是紫色的;其中所鋪的,是耶路撒冷眾女子的愛情。』 在第三段的經歷裏,基督的佳偶蒙呼召活在升天裏,作復活裏的新造。在升天裏生活,就是一直在我們的靈裏過生活。雖然我們這些在基督裏的信徒是在地上,但我們一在靈裏,就聯於諸天之上升天的基督。…我們要活在升天裏,就需要在我們的靈裏活着、行事、行動並作一切事(羅八4)。這需要我們分辨我們的靈與魂(來四12)(聖經恢復本,歌三6 註1)。 在國度時代,華轎所表徵之基督的佳偶,與乘坐者所表徵的基督,是在凱旋慶祝的聯結裏。基督的佳偶是一乘華轎(爲着在白晝,國度時代行動—彼後一19),作基督的乘具,是基督自己用復活、拔高並尊貴的人性(利巴嫩木)製造的,有神的性情(金)爲其基底,基督的救贖(銀)爲其支柱,基督的王權(紫色)爲其座位(歌三9 ~ 10)。華轎裏面所鋪的,是尋求基督者(眾女子)的愛情,表徵基督的佳偶在基督身體的原則裏,在愛裏與所有尋求基督者是一(歌三9 註1)。 信息選讀 華轎有兩方面:外面的架構和裏面的妝飾。所羅門用利巴嫩木造了一乘華轎。…木表徵人性,利巴嫩表徵復活和升天。…基督能以祂自己復活且升天的人性,將野馬轉變成一乘華轎。…馬是天生的、是天然的,與建造的事物絕對無關。…但華轎不是天生的,乃是建造起來的。這建造所用實質的材料,乃是耶穌在復活和升天裏的人性。基督行動的器皿不是出於天然的出生,乃是以基督復活且升天的人性建造成的。 我們需要學習接受主復活且升天的人性,作我們基本的架構,好使我們建造成爲行動的器皿,來盛裝並彰顯祂。此外,不僅有利巴嫩木,還有銀柱和金作的轎底。銀表徵主的救贖,金表徵神的神聖性情。基督的救贖是我們支撐的力量,神的神聖性情是我們建造的基礎。 我們需要在禱告中將這些事都帶到主面前,好讓祂把我們帶進實際裏。我們必須是這樣一個建造成的架構,但不是以我們天然的力量,乃是以基督的人性、耶穌的救贖和神的神性建造成的。 所羅門爲自己製造了華轎;那不是我們製造的。…多年來主一直在我們身上作工,目的是要爲祂自己造一乘華轎。祂不用我們任何天然的組成,祂乃是用祂的人性、祂的救贖以及神的神性。 我們的責任就是將我們的愛給祂。華轎內部所鋪的,是耶路撒冷眾女子的愛情。我們必須將我們的愛獻給主。除了我們的愛,祂不要我們任何東西。『約翰的兒子西門,你愛我比這些更深麼?』(約二一15)祂一直尋求我們的愛,只有我們的愛能作華轎內部的妝飾。主耶穌製造了華轎,而華轎卻是以我們的愛爲妝飾。基本的架構是木頭、銀子和金子,但只有我們的愛能妝飾華轎的內部。我們越愛祂,就越喪失我們的性格和個性。我們越愛祂,就越失去我們的意志,但華轎的內部卻得着完全的妝飾(李常受文集一九七二年第一册,三五八至三六○頁)。 參讀:雅歌中所描繪的生命與建造,第一至十三章。 WEEK 4 — DAY 3 Morning Nourishment S. S. 3:9-10 King Solomon made himself a palanquin of the wood of Lebanon. Its posts he made of silver; its bottom, of gold; its seat, of purple; its midst was inlaid with love from the daughters of Jerusalem. In the third stage of her experience the lover of Christ is called to live in ascension as the new creation in resurrection. To live in ascension is to live continually in our spirit. Although we, the believers in Christ, are on earth, when we are in our spirit, we are joined to the ascended Christ in the heavens…To live in ascension requires that we live, act, move, and do everything in our spirit (Rom. 8:4). This requires that we discern our spirit from our soul (Heb. 4:12). (S. S. 3:6, footnote 1) In the kingdom age the lover of Christ, signified by the palanquin, and Christ, signified by its rider, are in a union of triumphant celebration. Christ’s lover is a palanquin (for travel in the day, the kingdom age—2 Pet. 1:19), a carriage for Christ, made by Christ Himself out of the resurrected, uplifted, and noble humanity (the wood of Lebanon), having God’s nature (gold) as its base, Christ’s redemption (silver) as its supports, and Christ’s kingship (purple) as its seat (S. S. 3:9-10). The inside of the palanquin is inlaid with the love of Christ’s seekers (daughters), signifying that the lover of Christ is one with all the seekers of Christ in love in the principle of the Body of Christ. (S. S. 3:9, footnote 1) Today’s Reading With the palanquin there are two aspects: the exterior structure and the interior decoration. Solomon built a palanquin of the wood of Lebanon… Wood signifies humanity, and Lebanon signifies resurrection and ascension… Christ can make wild mares into a palanquin with His resurrected and ascended humanity…A mare is something natural by birth; there is absolutely nothing of building up related to it…But the palanquin is not something of birth; it is something built up. And the substantial material used for this building is the humanity of Jesus in resurrection and ascension. The moving vessel of Christ is not of natural birth but something built with We must learn to take the Lord’s resurrected and ascended humanity as our basic structure so that we may be built into the moving vessel that contains and expresses Him. Moreover, there is not only the wood of Lebanon but also the posts of silver and the golden bottom. Silver signifies the Lord’s redemption, and gold, God’s divine nature. The redemption of Christ is our supporting strength, and the divine nature of God is the very base of our building. We need to take all these things to the Lord in prayer so that He may bring us into the reality. We must be such a builded structure, not with our natural strength but with the humanity of Christ, the redemption of Jesus, and the divinity of God. Solomon made the palanquin himself. It is not that we make it… Throughout the years, the Lord has been working on us with the intention to make a palanquin for Himself. He does not use anything of our natural makeup, but He uses His humanity, His redemption, and the divinity of God. Our responsibility is simply to offer our love to Him. The interior decoration of the palanquin was inlaid with love from the daughters of Jerusalem. We must offer our love to the Lord. He does not want anything from us other than our love. “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than Further Reading: CWWL, 1972, vol. 1, “Life and Building as Portrayed in the Song of Songs,” chs. 1-13 |
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