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第四週•週一 晨興餧養 歌一2 ~ 4『願他用口與我親嘴!因你的愛情比酒更美。你的膏油馨香;你的名如同倒出來的香膏,所以眾童女都愛你。願你吸引我,我們就快跑跟隨你—王帶我進了他的內室—我們必因你歡喜快樂;我們要稱讚你的愛情,勝似稱讚美酒。她們愛你是理所當然的。』 雅歌是一個絕佳婚姻裏愛的歷史,是本書著者智慧的王所羅門,與一個鄉村女子書拉密女(六13)愛的故事。…雅歌強調的不是基督團體的身體,乃是在基督裏個別的信徒,揭示個別信徒與基督愛的交通中進展〔之經歷的各階段〕。這樣一個進展的各階段,該在我們追求基督,使祂和我們互得滿足的過程中,作我們的界碑(聖經恢復本,歌一1 註1)。 這進展開始於第一階段,就是基督的佳偶受吸引追求祂以得滿足,接着經過以下的階段:(一)蒙呼召藉與十字架合一脫離己;(二)蒙呼召活在升天裏,作復活裏的新造;(三)蒙更厲害的呼召,藉復活後的十字架,在幔內生活;(四)分擔主的工作;而結束於最後一個階段,就是盼望被提(雅 信息選讀 你接受了基督作你的生命以後,必須對基督有非常個人的追求。在這件事上沒有人能代表你或爲你作甚麼。這必須是個人的。 我們都需要這種每天與主個人、情深的接觸。這成了我的習慣。每天早晨我起牀後,就到我的書桌前,我所說的第一句話是:『主耶穌,我愛你。』…我們都需要留意尋求者所說的:『願他用口與我親嘴!』隨卽她的語調更改:『你的愛情比酒更美。』這是個人、親密的禱告。『願你吸引我,我們就快跑跟隨你。』…我們需要建立與祂這樣個人、情深的關係。 基督教傳講肉身的耶穌,我們卻傳講是靈的基督,這位基督如今就是那靈(林後三17)。這一位是私下的、屬靈的。我們看過王的內室表徵我們的靈。…祂成了包羅萬有、終極完成的靈,私下探訪我們。 基督這位王將祂的尋求者帶進祂的內室,就是他們重生的靈,祂的居所。…我年輕的時候,受教導要向神這位天父禱告。人也告訴我不要向那靈禱告,因爲在全本新約中,找不着一節說到向那靈禱告。但我們越禱告,就越覺得父、子、靈都在我們裏面(弗四6,林後十三5,羅八9)。照着我們的經歷,我們的靈是至聖所—三一神的居所,內室(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第三册,三三一、三三六、三四一頁)。 〔雅歌一章二節至二章七節是全書〕的樞紐。屬靈經歷的原則都在此。這一段是以後經歷的一個畫影。此後所學的,並非新的功課,不過是一次過一次,學得更深而已。…雅歌屬靈的經歷,好像最平穩、最順利的,都在〔第〕一段。…〔但是這些經歷〕還必須經過火。…第一次的經歷並不彀深;第二次的經歷纔更進步、更牢靠。但是,當人有第二次的經歷時,好像並不及第一次那麼甜。弄來弄去,還是從前所經歷過的。旗號還是愛(倪柝聲文集第二輯第三册,一一頁)。 參讀:雅歌結晶讀經,第一至十二篇。 WEEK 4 — DAY 1 Morning Nourishment S. S. 1:2-4 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine. Your anointing oils have a pleasant fragrance; your name is like ointment poured forth; therefore the virgins love you. Draw me; we will run after you—the king has brought me into his chambers— we will be glad and rejoice in you; we will extol your love more than wine. Rightly do they love you. Song of Songs is a history of love in an excellent marriage, a story of the love between the wise King Solomon, the writer of this book, and the Shulammite (6:13), a girl of the countryside…Song of Songs stresses not the Body of Christ corporately but the believer in Christ individually, unveiling the progressive experience of an individual believer’s loving fellowship with Christ in…stages…The stages of such a progression should be landmarks to us in the course of our pursuing of Christ for His and our mutual satisfaction. (Song of Songs 1:1, footnote 1) The progress begins with the first stage of Christ’s lovers’ being drawn to pursue Him for satisfaction, continues through the following stages of (1) their being called to be delivered from the self through the oneness with the cross, (2) their being called to live in ascension as the new creation in resurrection, (3) their being called more strongly to live within the veil through the cross after resurrection, and (4) their sharing in the work of the Lord, and ends with the last stage of their hoping to be raptured. (Life-study of Song of Songs, p. 69) Today’s Reading After you have received Christ as your life, you must have a very personal seeking after Christ. No one can represent you or do anything for you in this matter. It must be personal. We all need this kind of personal, affectionate, intimate contact with the Lord every day. This has become my habit. Every morning after rising up I go to my desk, and the first thing I say is, “Lord Jesus, I love You.”…We all need to take heed to what the seeker says: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!” Right away her tone changes: “Your love is better than wine.” This is a personal, intimate prayer. “Draw me; we will run after you.”…We need to build up such a relationship with Him that is so personal and affectionate. Christianity preaches the physical Jesus, but we preach the pneumatic Christ, the Christ who is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17). This One is private and spiritual. We have seen that the king’s chambers signify our spirit…He visits us privately as the all-inclusive consummated Spirit. Christ the King brings His seekers into His chambers, that is, into their regenerated spirit, His dwelling place…When I was young, I was taught to pray to God as the heavenly Father. I was also told not to pray to the Spirit, because in the entire New Testament you cannot find a verse concerning praying to the Spirit. But the more we pray, the more we have the feeling that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all in us (Eph. 4:6; 2 Cor. 13:5; Rom. 8:9). According to our experience, our spirit is the Holy of Holies—the dwelling place, the inner chambers, of the Triune God. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 3, “Crystallization-study of Songs of Songs,” pp. 257, 260, 264-265) [Song of Songs 1:2—2:7] is the key to the whole book. All the spiritual principles are contained in this section. It foreshadows all subsequent experiences. The lessons that follow are not new; rather, they are old lessons repeated in a deeper way. The spiritual experiences in the first section are smooth and easy…However,…there is the need for these experiences to pass through the fire…The first time a person experiences something, the impression may not be very deep; the second time, the experience may be more advanced and more sure. Yet the second experience may not be as sweet as the first. In the end the experience is the same as that which was encountered at the beginning; the banner is still love. (CWWN, vol. 23, “The Song of Songs,” p. 7) Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 3, “Crystallization-study of Songs of Songs,” chs. 1-12 |
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