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壹 哥林多前書用舊約以色列人的歷史作新約信徒的豫表;(五7 ~ 8,十1 ~ 13;)但哥林多前書沒有題到美地,因爲就屬靈上說,美地的實際乃是在哥林多後書:

一 在哥林多後書之美地的實際乃是基督自己作神聖的恩典;主耶穌基督的恩典乃是哥林多後書的中心思想與主題—十三14,一12,四15,六1,八1,9,九8,14,十二9。

二 林前十五章十節的『這不是我,乃是神的恩』,等於加拉太二章二十節所說的『不再是我,乃是基督』;那推動使徒並在他裏面運行的恩,不是任何事物,乃是一位活的人位,(約一16 ~ 17,)復活的基督,父神的具體化身,(西二9,約十四7 ~ 11,)成了包羅萬有賜生命的靈,(林前十五45 下,林後三17,)住在使徒裏面,作他的享受加他能力。(提後四22,二1。)

三 恩典乃是神在基督裏作爲那靈賜給我們,作我們的享受,加我們力量、加我們能力、扶持我們並加強我們,使我們面對各種難處,以適應一切處境,忍受任何對待,接受各樣環境,在各種情形裏作工,並把握各種機會,使我們作好管家,將神諸般的恩典分賜到別人裏面,爲着建造召會作神的家和神的國—林前十五10,林後一3 ~ 12,十二7 ~ 9,彼前四10,弗三2。


貳 我們需要看見怎樣在神眼中過一種生活,使我們能享受美地所豫表之包羅萬有的基督—西一12,二6 ~ 7:

一 我們需要過一種在基督身上經營的生活,就是個人享受基督的生活,好使我們能一起團體的享受祂,爲着建造基督的身體,作活神的殿,就是活神的家—林前三16,提前三15。

二 神的旨意乃是要我們享受基督;(來十5 ~10,林前一9;)我們必須尋求在每一個處境中享受基督並經歷祂。(腓三7 ~ 14。)

三 基督是無限量的豐富,但今天的召會卻是在貧窮中過日子,因爲主的兒女都是懶惰的—箴六6 ~11,二四30 ~ 34,二六14,太二五26,30。

四 每逢我們來聚會敬拜主,我們不該空手而來;我們來的時候,必須雙手滿帶着基督的出產—申十六15 ~ 16:

1 我們必須出產彀多的基督,纔能有餘剩的豐富留給窮人和缺乏的人,給祭司和利未人,且把最好的給主自己—十五11,十八3 ~ 4,十二11。

2 帶着基督來敬拜神,乃是與神所有的兒女團體的來敬拜祂,彼此分享基督並與神同享基督—林前十四26。


五 我們若要作得勝者,就需要在作我們美地的基督身上經營,好贏得基督作我們的享受:

1 每早晨我們必須把自己真誠的奉獻給主,只爲着一個簡單的目的,就是享受並經歷祂—參腓三13 ~ 14。

2 每一天我們需要花時間私下、隱密的與主同在,與祂有親密的交通—太十四22 ~ 23,六6,出三三11 上。

3 我們需要每天清晨在主的話上享受祂,好使我們每天有新的起頭—詩一一九147 ~ 148。

4 我們需要徹底的對付罪,使我們與主之間沒有任何故事—約壹一7,9,參結一22,26。

5 我們需要過禱告的生活,時刻維持我們與主的交通—林後十三14,腓四6 ~ 7,哀三55 ~ 56,參太十一25 ~ 26。

6 我們需要贖回光陰,下功夫被神的聖言浸透並泡透—提後三16 ~ 17,西三16。

7 我們需要贖回光陰,藉着常常喜樂,不住的禱告,凡事謝恩,而在靈裏被充滿—弗五18,帖前五16 ~ 19。

8 我們要經歷作爲美地之基督的豐富,就必須受我們的靈所控制、管制、指引、推動並引導—林後二13。

9 我們要經歷作爲美地之基督的豐富,就必須活在基督的人位、同在、面光中—10 節,四6 ~ 7,三16 ~ 18,十二2 上。

a 我們要據有那作包羅萬有之地的基督,就必須被祂的人位,就是祂的同在所管制—出三三14。

b 因着保羅活在基督的人位裏,他就經歷基督的不改變、(林後一17 ~ 20、)溫柔與和藹、(十1、)真實、(十一10、)能力、(十二10,十三4、)恩典,(14,)以及基督作爲在他裏面說話的那一位。(3,參二17。)

10 我們乃是藉着聖靈破碎和構成的工作,接受基督作恩典,就是美地的實際,藉此我們裏面的人就爲神聖三一所重建—十二7 ~ 10,十三14。


叁 我們必須聚在一起,展覽我們所經營的基督,也就是我們所享受並經歷的基督—申十四22 ~ 23:

一 當我們爲着能在聚會生活中團體的享受基督,而在日常生活中個人享受基督,神就在我們中間,我們也就是祂的居所和祂的國。

二 當我們享受基督到這樣的程度,召會聚會就要滿了神,一切的活動都要將神傳達並傳輸給人,使人得着神的注入—林前十四25。

三 神子民對神真正的敬拜,乃是當人人都滿了基督,因基督而發光,並展覽他們所經營的基督。

四 我們在一切聚會中,應當總是有話可說,作爲向神和與會者所獻的甘心祭—26 節:

1 我們來聚會之前,應當對主有經歷,對主的話有享受,並且在禱告中和主有交通,使我們有出於主的東西,藉着這些,我們就能爲聚會豫備自己。

2 到了會中,我們就不該等候靈感,乃該運用靈,使用受過訓練的心思盡功用,擺上我們所豫備的,使主得着榮耀和滿足,並使與會者得着益處,就是得着光照、滋養和建造—31 ~ 32 節。


肆 我們必須在主所選擇的地方,就是在我們的靈裏並在一的獨一立場上,與主的兒女聚集在一起而有團體的敬拜—申十二5,11,13 ~ 14,18,十六16,約四24:

一 首先,神的聖所,祂的居所,是在我們靈裏;(弗二22;)第二,神的聖所乃是召會;(提前三15;)因此,我們要進入神的聖所,就需要轉向我們的靈,並參加召會的聚會;在我們的靈裏並在召會中,我們得着神聖的啓示,並得着一切問題的說明。(詩七三16 ~ 28。)

二 我們必須在一的真正立場上,保守基督身體獨一的一:

1 召會生活的實行乃是實行一城一會,就是一個城市只有一個召會—徒八1,十三1,林前一2,啓一11。

2 在一的真正立場上,我們享受主作塗抹的膏油,新鮮的甘露,和命定的生命之福—詩一三三。

三 主所選擇的地方有四個特徵:

1 主所選擇的地方,不可在基督的名以外有其他的名—申十二5,啓三8。

2 主所選擇的地方,滿了靈的操練—弗二22,約四24,提前四7,林前十四32。

3 主所選擇的地方,是享受基督豐富的地方—申十二7,18,詩三六8 ~ 9。

4 主所選擇的地方,是歡呼喜樂的地方—申十二7,12,18,詩四二4,一二二1。


伍 我們享受基督作美地包羅萬有的豐富,其結果乃是召會作爲殿,就是神的居所,並作爲城,就是神的國—弗二21 ~ 22:

一 地連同殿和城,是神計畫的中心—王上八48 與註1:

1 地是基督自己;殿和城是基督的豐滿,就是召會,基督的身體—弗一22 ~ 23,二21 ~ 22。

2 殿使神得着彰顯,城使神得以掌權;這成就神永遠的定旨—創一26。

二 神的家,就是使祂得着彰顯的居所,主要的方面乃是說出神的同在:

1 神的家是神同在的地方,神的同在就是神的榮耀、(詩二六8,二九9、)神的榮美(二七4,8)和神的豐富。(三六8 ~ 9。)

2 神的家是啓示和神應允的地方—七三16 ~ 17,三4,十八6。

3 神的家是我們的隱密處—二七5,參三一20,八四3。

4 神的家是我們可以被栽種、發旺、結果子的地方—九二13 ~ 14。

5 神的家是泉源之地—八七7。

6 神的家是我們得着加力的地方—六八35,九六6。

7 神的家是我們與神調和的地方—九二10。

8 神的家是神作我們分的地方—七三26。

三 神的城,就是神的國,使祂得以掌權,其主要的方面乃是說出神的權柄:

1 神的城是堅固的城,是大君王的城—三一21,四八2。

2 在神的城裏有一道河,其支流使人快樂—四六4 ~ 5。

3 神在其中自顯爲高臺—四八3。

4 她使仇敵詫異驚惶—3 ~ 6 節,七六2 ~ 3。

5 她是全美的—五十2。

6 她是神喜悅的目標—五一18。

7 審判的寶座設立在神的城中—一二二5。

8 主從其中賜福給人,也從其中受頌讚—一三四3,一三五21。

陸 我們享受基督作爲美地的終極結果,乃是經過過程之三一神與蒙祂重生、變化、榮化的三部分人,成爲神人二性的合併,作神永遠的居所和國度—啓二一3,22,

Week Twelve

Living a Life of Enjoying Christ as the Good Land with the Temple, the Dwelling Place of God, and the City, the Kingdom of God, as Its Issue


Hymns: 1168

Scripture Reading: 2 Cor. 13:14; 1:12; 4:15; 6:1; 8:1, 9; 9:8, 14; 12:9

§ Day 1

I. First Corinthians takes the history of the children of Israel in the Old Testament as a type of the New Testament believers (5:7-8; 10:1-13), but there is no reference to the good land in 1 Corinthians, because, spiritually speaking, the reality of the good land is in 2 Corinthians:

A. The reality of the good land in 2 Corinthians is Christ Himself as the divine grace; the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is the central thought and the subject of 2 Corinthians—13:14; 1:12; 4:15; 6:1; 8:1, 9; 9:8, 14; 12:9.

B. Not I but the grace of God in 1 Corinthians 15:10 equals no longer I...but...Christ in Galatians 2:20; the grace that motivated the apostle and operated in him was not some matter or some thing but a living person (John 1:16-17), the resurrected Christ, the embodiment of God the Father (Col. 2:9; John 14:7-11) who became the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:17), who dwelt in the apostle for his empowering enjoyment (2 Tim. 4:22; 2:1).

C. Grace is God in Christ as the Spirit given to us for our enjoyment, energizing us, enabling us, supporting us, and strengthening us to face any kind of trouble, to fit all situations, to endure any kind of treatment, to accept any kind of environment, to work under any kind of condition, and to take any kind of opportunity so that we may be good stewards to dispense the varied grace of God into others for the building up of the church as the house of God and the kingdom of God—1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 1:3-12; 12:7-9; 1 Pet. 4:10; Eph. 3:2.

§ Day 2

II. We need to see how to live a life in the eyes of God that will enable us to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ typified by the good land—Col. 1:12; 2:6-7a:

A. We need to live a life of laboring upon Christ, a life of enjoying Christ personally so that we may enjoy Him together collectively for the building up of the Body of Christ as the temple, the house, of the living God—1 Cor. 3:16; 1 Tim. 3:15.

B. Gods will is for us to enjoy Christ (Heb. 10:5-10; 1 Cor. 1:9); we need to seek to enjoy Christ and experience Him in every situation (Phil. 3:7-14).

C. Christ is rich beyond measure, but the church today is groveling in poverty because the Lords children are indolent—Prov. 6:6-11; 24:30- 34; 26:14; Matt. 25:26, 30.

D. When we come to the meetings to worship the Lord, we should not come with our hands empty; our hands must be full of the produce of Christ— Deut. 16:15-16:

1. We must produce enough of Him so that there will be a surplus remaining for the poor and the needy, for the priests and the Levites, and with the best for the Lord Himself—15:11; 18:3-4; 12:11.

2. To worship God with Christ is to worship Him collectively with all the children of God by enjoying Christ with one another and with God—1 Cor. 14:26.

§ Day 3

E. If we want to be overcomers, we need to labor on Christ as our good land, to gain Christ as our enjoyment:

1. Every morning we must consecrate ourselves sincerely to the Lord for the simple purpose of enjoying and experiencing Him—cf. Phil. 3:13-14.

2. Every day we need to spend time to be with the Lord privately and secretly to have intimate fellowship with Him—Matt. 14:22-23; 6:6; Exo. 33:11a.

3. We need to enjoy the Lord in the Word every day early in the morning to have a new start of each day—Psa. 119:147-148.

4. We need to deal with sins thoroughly so that there is nothing between us and the Lord—1 John 1:7, 9; cf. Ezek. 1:22, 26.

5. We need to maintain our fellowship with the Lord moment by moment, living a life of prayer—2 Cor. 13:14; Phil. 4:6-7; Lam. 3:55-56; cf. Matt. 11:25-26.

6. We need to redeem our time and spend our energy to be saturated and soaked with Gods holy Word—2 Tim. 3:16-17; Col. 3:16.

7. We should redeem the time to be filled in spirit by rejoicing always, praying unceasingly, and giving thanks in everything—Eph. 5:18; 1 Thes. 5:16-19.

8. In order to experience the riches of Christ as the good land, we must be dominated, governed, directed, moved, and led by our spirit—2 Cor. 2:13.

9. In order to experience the riches of Christ as the good land, we must live in the person, the presence, the face, of Christ—v. 10; 4:6-7; 3:16-18; 12:2a:

a. In order to possess Christ as the all-inclusive land, we must be governed by His person, His presence—Exo. 33:14.

b. Because Paul lived in the person of Christ, he experienced Christ as changelessness (2 Cor. 1:17-20), as meekness and gentleness (10:1), as truthfulness (11:10), as power (12:10; 13:4), as grace (v. 14), and as the One speaking in him (v. 3; cf. 2:17).

10. We receive Christ as grace, the reality of the good land, through the breaking and constituting work of the Holy Spirit, whereby our inner being is rebuilt with the Divine Trinity—12:7-10; 13:14.

§ Day 4

III. We must meet together to have an exhibition of the Christ upon whom we have labored, the Christ whom we have enjoyed and experienced—Deut. 14:22-23:

A. When we enjoy Christ personally in our daily life for our collective enjoyment of Him in our meeting life, God is among us, and we are His dwelling place and His kingdom.

B. When we enjoy Christ to such an extent, the church meeting will be filled with God, and all its activities will convey and transmit God to people that they may be infused with God—1 Cor. 14:25.

C. The true worship of God by His people is when everyone is full of Christ, radiant with Christ, and exhibiting the Christ upon whom they have labored.

D. We should always have something to speak in all the meetings as a freewill offering to God and to the attendants—v. 26:

1. Before coming to the meeting, we should prepare ourselves for the meeting with something of the Lord, either through our experience of Him or through our enjoyment of His word and fellowship with Him in prayer.

2. After coming into the meeting, we should not wait for inspiration; we should exercise our spirit and use our trained mind to function in presenting what we have prepared to the Lord for His glory and satisfaction and to the attendants for their benefit—their enlightenment, nourishment, and building up—vv. 31-32.

§ Day 5

IV. We must meet with the Lords children for corporate worship at the place that the Lord has chosen—in our spirit and on the unique ground of oneness—Deut. 12:5, 11, 13-14, 18; 16:16; John 4:24:

A. First, Gods sanctuary, His habitation, is in our spirit (Eph. 2:22), and second, it is the church (1 Tim. 3:15); thus, to go into the sanctuary of God, we need to turn to our spirit and go to the meetings of the church; in our spirit and in the church we receive divine revelation and the explanation to all our problems (Psa. 73:16-28).

B. We must keep the unique oneness of the Body of Christ on the genuine ground of oneness:

1. The practice of the church life is the practice of having one church for one city, one city with only one church—Acts 8:1; 13:1; 1 Cor. 1:2; Rev. 1:11.

2. On the genuine ground of oneness, we enjoy the Lord as the anointing oil, the refreshing dew, and the commanded blessing of life—Psa. 133.

C. There are four characteristics of the place the Lord has chosen:

1. The place chosen by the Lord must not have any name other than the name of Christ—Deut. 12:5; Rev. 3:8.

2. The place chosen by the Lord is full of the exercise of the spirit—Eph. 2:22; John 4:24; 1 Tim. 4:7; 1 Cor. 14:32.

3. The place chosen by the Lord is a place of the enjoyment of the riches of Christ—Deut. 12:7, 18; Psa. 36:8-9.

4. The place chosen by the Lord is a place of rejoicing—Deut. 12:7, 12, 18; Psa. 42:4; 122:1.

§ Day 6

V. The issue of our enjoyment of the all-inclusive riches of Christ as the good land is the church as the temple, the dwelling place of God, and as the city, the kingdom of God—Eph. 2:21-22:

A. The land with its temple and city is the center of Gods plan—1 Kings 8:48 and footnote 1:

1. The land is Christ Himself, and the temple and the city are the fullness of Christ, the church, which is His Body—Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22.

2. The temple is for the expression of God, and the city is for the dominion of God; this fulfills Gods eternal purpose—Gen. 1:26.

B. The main aspects of Gods house, His dwelling place for His expression, speak of Gods presence:

1. Gods house is the place of Gods presence, which is Gods glory (Psa. 26:8; 29:9), Gods beauty (27:4, 8), and Gods riches (36:8-9).

2. Gods house is the place of revelation and Gods answer—73:16-17; 3:4; 18:6.

3. Gods house is our hiding place—27:5; cf. 31:20; 84:3.

4. Gods house is the place where we may be planted, flourish, and bear fruit—92:13-14.

5. Gods house is the place of springs—87:7.

6. Gods house is the place where we are strengthened—68:35; 96:6.

7. Gods house is the place where we are mingled with God—92:10.

8. Gods house is the place where God is our portion—73:26.

C. The main aspects of Gods city, His kingdom for His dominion, speak of Gods authority:

1. Gods city is a strong city, the city of the great King—31:21; 48:2.

2. There is a river with gladdening streams in Gods city—46:4-5.

3. God is known in her and is a high retreat in her—48:3.

4. She is a terror to the enemy—vv. 3-6; 76:2-3.

5. She is the perfection of beauty—50:2.

6. She is the goal of Gods good pleasure—51:18.

7. The thrones of judgment are set in Gods city—122:5.

8. The Lord blesses others out of her and is blessed out of her—134:3; 135:21.

VI. The ultimate issue of our enjoyment of Christ as the good land is the divine-human incorporation of the processed Triune God with His regenerated, transformed, and glorified tripartite people as the eternal dwelling place and the kingdom of God—Rev. 21:3, 22; 22:5.

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