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第二週 三一神的喜樂成爲我們的喜樂 詩歌:詩521 讀經:羅十五13,十四17,約十五4,11,加五22 【週一】 壹 三一神是喜樂的神: 一 羅馬十五章十三節說,『但願那賜盼望的神,…將一切喜樂平安充滿你們』: 1 這指明喜樂是神的一個屬性。 2 神是可享受的神。 3 在我們的經歷中,我們若享受神作恩典,就會有平安;我們若有平安,就會有喜樂。 二 基督也是信徒的喜樂: 1 在約翰十五章十一節主說,『這些事我已經對你們說了,是要叫我的喜樂可以在你們裏面,並叫你們的喜樂可以滿足。』 2 在這節的上下文中,主說到葡萄樹和枝子。 3 我們成爲神聖葡萄樹的枝子,乃是喜樂的事—喜樂的生活。 4 我們的喜樂總是來自我們住在主裏面,來自我們住在祂的愛裏。 5 就是在這種的生活裏,我們充滿了喜樂。 6 這喜樂就是基督自己;祂住在我們裏面,就是祂的喜樂住在我們裏面,作我們喜樂的源頭,叫我們的喜樂充盈、滿足,可以歡樂度日。 【週二】 三 在聖靈中有喜樂—羅十四17: 1 神要我們享受祂並爲祂的定旨而活—尼八10,弗三11。 2 三一神是喜樂的神,而使徒們乃是與眾聖徒同工,使眾聖徒喜樂—羅十五13,約十五11,十七13,徒十三52,加五22,林後一24,腓一25,二17 ~ 18。 3 我們能經歷主的話成爲我們心中的歡喜快樂—耶十五16。 4 神話語中所啓示的一個甜美思想,乃是神在基督裏將祂自己作爲恩典賜給我們,作我們的享受—約一14,16 ~ 17,林後十三14: 【週三、週四】 a 在聖經裏,頭一次題到神之於人,乃是擺在人跟前的食物;這表明神要我們享受祂—創二7,9,詩十六11,耶十五16。 b 神的意願乃是要把祂自己給我們,作我們的享受—尼八10。 c 基督徒生活的祕訣,不在於我們爲神作多少,乃在於我們吸取並享受神有多少—約十五4 ~ 5,西二6 ~ 7。 貳 三一神的喜樂正在成爲我們的喜樂: 一 基督本身就是我們的喜樂: 1 我們若住在主裏面,並藉着住在祂的愛裏而持續的住在祂裏面,我們就要被喜樂充滿—約十五10 ~ 11。 2 主正在恢復在大多數基督徒中間已失落的一些事,其中最重要的就是享受主—彼前一8。 3 喫主和享受主這件事是根據約翰六章五十七節。 4 基督徒的生活就是天天喫主,喝主,享受主—57 節,林前十4。 【週五】 5 我們要成爲忠信、正常、正確的基督徒,首要之務乃是享受主;這需要成爲我們的異象—箴二九18,徒二六19。 6 我們的靈需要領頭享受主—來四12: a 我們必須學習直接使用我們的靈,並讓魂作靈的跟隨者。 b 我們的靈在享受主的事上必須積極領頭。 7 子在向父的禱告裏說,『現在我往你那裏去,我還在世上說這話,是叫他們裏面充滿我的喜樂』—約十七13: a 這滿足的喜樂是在真實的一裏。 b 當我們藉着父的生命,在父的名裏是一,一同享受父,就會有主的喜樂充滿在我們裏面—13 節。 二 在召會這神愛子的國裏,我們經歷並享受包羅萬有的基督—西一12 ~ 13,27,二9,16 ~17,三1,4,11: 1 基督是我們所分得的分,我們的美地—神聖的基業,給我們享受—一12。 2 基督是宇宙中一切正面事物的實際—二16 ~ 17。 3 基督是坐在神右邊的那一位—三1。 4 基督住在我們裏面,成了我們榮耀的盼望—一27。 5 基督是我們的生命—三4。 6 基督是一個新人的構成成分—10 ~ 11 節。 【週六】 三 按照彼前一章八節,信徒『歡騰,有說不出來、滿有榮光的喜樂』: 1 這喜樂乃是浸沒在主這榮光裏的喜樂,因此是滿了主的彰顯。 2 藉着信入主並愛主,我們就有了大喜樂。 3 基督徒正常的光景乃是有滿有榮光的喜樂。 四 享受主有許多方面,就如:在主面前的喜樂、(詩十六11、)活在神聖羅曼史裏的喜樂、(歌一1 ~4、)神聖三一之神聖分賜的喜樂、(林後十三14,弗三14 ~ 21、)喝神樂河的水的喜樂、(詩四六4上,三六8 下、)認識神的愛的喜樂、(加二20,羅八38 ~ 39、)實行神旨意的喜樂、(詩四十8 上、)在一切景況中知足的喜樂、(腓四11、)以及進入主在國度裏的喜樂。(太二五21,23。) 五 一個基督徒該是個喜樂的人—在那靈中喜樂—加五22: 1 當我們在主裏面,祂就是我們的喜樂—羅十四17。 2 當我們住在主裏面,無論我們有甚麼難處,我們都是喜樂的;並且任何的困難都加深我們在主裏的喜樂—約十五4。 3 聖靈是喜樂的靈—羅十四17: a 如果我們喜樂了,就指明聖靈在我們裏面也喜樂—加五22。 b 按外面的環境來說,也許沒有甚麼可樂的,但住在我們裏面的主就是我們的喜樂—西一27。 Week Two The Joy of the Triune God Becoming Our Joy Hymns: 717 Scripture Reading: Rom. 15:13; 14:17; John 15:4, 11; Gal. 5:22 § Day 1 I. The Triune God is a God of joy: A. Romans 15:13 says, “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace”: 1. This indicates that joy is one of Gods attributes. 2. God is the God of enjoyment. 3. In our experience, if we enjoy God as grace, we will have peace, and if we have peace, we will have joy. B. Christ is also joy to the believers: 1. In John 15:11 the Lord said, “These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.” 2. The context of this verse is the Lords word concerning the vine and the branches. 3. For us to be branches of the divine vine is a matter of joy—a joyful life. 4. Our joy always comes from our abiding in the Lord, from our abiding in His love. 5. It is in this kind of life that we are full of joy. 6. This joy is Christ Himself; when He abides in us, His joy abides in us to be the source of our joy that our joy may abound and become full and that we may live our days with joy. § Day 2 C. There is joy in the Holy Spirit—Rom. 14:17: 1. God wants us to enjoy Him and live for His purpose—Neh. 8:10; Eph. 3:11. 2. The Triune God is a God of joy, and the apostles are fellow workers with the saints for their joy—Rom. 15:13; John 15:11; 17:13; Acts 13:52; Gal. 5:22; 2 Cor. 1:24; Phil. 1:25; 2:17-18. 3. We may experience the joy of the Lords word being in our heart—Jer. 15:16. 4. A sweet thought revealed in the Word of God is that in Christ God has given Himself to us as grace to be our enjoyment—John 1:14, 16-17; 2 Cor. 13:14: § Day 3 & Day 4 a. In the first reference in the Bible to Gods relationship with man, God presents Himself to man as food; this shows that God wants us to enjoy Him—Gen. 2:7, 9; Psa. 16:11; Jer. 15:16. b. Gods desire is to give Himself to us to be our enjoyment—Neh. 8:10. c. The secret to the Christian life is not how much we work for Him but how much we absorb Him and enjoy Him—John 15:4-5; Col. 2:6-7. II. The joy of the Triune God is becoming our joy: A. In His person Christ is our joy: 1. If we abide in the Lord and keep abiding in Him by abiding in His love, we will be filled with joy—John 15:10-11. 2. The Lord is recovering the matters that have been missed among most Christians, and enjoying the Lord is one of the most important of these matters—1 Pet. 1:8. 3. The matter of eating and enjoying the Lord is based on John 6:57. 4. The Christian living is a life of eating, drinking, and enjoying the Lord day by day—v. 57; 1 Cor. 10:4. § Day 5 5. In order for us to be faithful, normal, and proper Christians, the primary matter that we need to take care of is enjoying the Lord; this needs to be a vision to us—Prov. 29:18; Acts 26:19. 6. Our spirit needs to take the lead in enjoying the Lord—Heb. 4:12: a. We must learn to directly use our spirit and let the soul be a follower of the spirit. b. Our spirit must take the lead aggressively in enjoying the Lord. 7. In His prayer to the Father, the Son said, “Now I am coming to You, and these things I speak in the world that they may have My joy made full in themselves”—John 17:13: a. The fullness of joy is in the real oneness. b. When we are one in the Fathers name by the Fathers life, enjoying the Father together, we will have the Lords joy made full in us—v. 13. B. In the church as the kingdom of the Son of Gods love, we experience and enjoy Christ in His all-inclusiveness—Col. 1:12-13, 27; 2:9, 16-17; 3:1, 4, 11: 1. Christ is our allotted portion, our good land—the divine inheritance for our enjoyment—1:12. 2. Christ is the reality of every positive thing in the universe—2:16-17. 3. Christ is the One sitting at the right hand of God—3:1. 4. Christ dwells in us as our hope of glory—1:27. 5. Christ is our life—3:4. 6. Christ is the constituent of the one new man—vv. 10-11. § Day 6 C. According to 1 Peter 1:8, the believers “exult with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory”: 1. This joy is immersed in the Lord as glory; thus, it is full of the expression of the Lord. 2. By believing into the Lord and loving Him, we obtain great joy. 3. The normal condition of a Christian is to have joy that is full of glory. D. Enjoying the Lord has many aspects, such as the joy of the Lords presence (Psa. 16:11), the joy of living in the divine romance (S. S. 1:1-4), the joy of the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity (2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 3:14-21), the joy of drinking of the river of Gods pleasures (Psa. 46:4a; 36:8b), the joy of knowing Gods love (Gal. 2:20; Rom. 8:38-39), the joy of doing Gods will (Psa. 40:8a), the joy of contentment in all circumstances (Phil. 4:11), and entering into the joy of the Lord in the kingdom (Matt. 25:21, 23). E. A Christian should be a joyful person—joyful in the Spirit—Gal. 5:22: 1. The Lord is our joy when we are in Him—Rom. 14:17. 2. When we are abiding in the Lord, no matter what problem we have, we are joyful, and any difficulty deepens our joy in the Lord—John 15:4. 3. The Holy Spirit is a Spirit of joy—Rom. 14:17: a. If we are joyful, this indicates that the Holy Spirit in us is also joyful— Gal. 5:22. b. There may be nothing in the outward environment to make us joyful, but the Lord who lives in us is our joy—Col. 1:27. |
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