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讀經:林前一2,9,二9 ~ 10,十三1 ~ 8,耶二13,哀三22 ~ 24
壹 哥林多前書是一卷論到享受包羅萬有之基督是召會一切難處惟一解答的書;神在祂恢復裏的心意,是要恢復基督作神經綸惟一的中心,並恢復基督作我們的一切,作我們的分,供我們享受—一2,9,24,30:
一 我們都已蒙召,進入了基督的交通,卽對基督的享受中;(9;)『交通』這辭包含享受的思想;基督是神賜給我們,作我們所分得的分,給我們享受。(2,西一12。)
二 在哥林多前書,使徒保羅的用意是要解決哥林多聖徒中間的難處;對一切的難處,特別是分裂的事,惟一的解答乃是享受包羅萬有的基督。
三 我們該專注於基督,不該專注於祂以外的任何人事物;我們該對準祂,以祂爲神所指定我們惟一的中心,使信徒中間一切的難處得以解決—一9,西一17 下,18 下。
四 我們的目標是最完滿的享受基督和最完滿的得着基督,使基督的身體得着建造;這帶進我們對基督極點的享受,作我們在千年國裏的獎賞—腓三14,太二五21,23。
五 我們需要是思念『同一件事』的人;在腓立比書中,『同一件事』是指對基督主觀的認識、經歷和享受;同一件事乃是追求基督以贏得祂並取得祂—二2,5,一20 ~ 21,三7 ~ 14,四13。
六 不思念同一件事,而思念別的事,就是背叛神的經綸;神的經綸就是要我們思念同一件事;在召會生活中,我們需要幫助所有聖徒思念同一件事;爲着召會生活,身體生活,我們的思念該集中於並充滿對基督的享受。
七 哥林多前書啓示,神已將這位至少有二十項豐富的包羅萬有之基督賜給我們,作我們的分,給我們享受;基督徒生活和召會生活的祕訣是我們要享受基督—一9:
1 我們需要享受基督作神所賜給我們的分—2 節。
2 我們需要享受基督作神的能力和智慧,成了我們的公義、聖別和救贖—24,30 節。
3 我們需要享受基督作榮耀的主,就是榮耀的王,使我們得榮耀—二7 ~ 8,羅八30,詩二四6 ~ 10。
4 我們需要享受基督作神的深奧(神深奧的事)—林前二10。
5 我們需要享受基督作神建造的惟一根基—三11。
6 我們需要享受基督作我們的逾越節、(五7、)無酵餅、(8、)靈食、靈水和靈磐石。(十3 ~ 4。)
7 我們需要享受基督作頭(十一3,西二19,弗一19 ~ 23)和身體。(林前十二12,24 ~ 25 上,弗四15 ~ 16。)
8 我們需要享受基督作初熟的果子,(林前十五20,23,)第二個人,(47,)和末後的亞當,祂成了賜生命的靈,(45,)作我們的一切。
貳 神信實的呼召我們進入了祂兒子的交通,進入對祂兒子的享受,但許多時候我們對祂呼召我們進入祂的心意並不忠信—一9,耶二13,哀三22 ~ 24:
一 神在祂經綸裏的心意,是要作活水的泉源、源頭,好將祂自己分賜到我們裏面,作我們的滿足和享受;這享受的目標是要產生召會,就是神的配偶,作神的擴增,神的擴大,好成爲神的豐滿,使祂得着彰顯—約三29 ~ 30,弗三16 ~ 19,21。
二 接受神作活水的泉源,惟一的路就是天天喝祂並將祂湧流出來;這需要我們不斷的呼求主(連同歌頌、稱謝、喜樂、禱告、讚美、並傳揚神拯救的作爲)—詩三六8 ~ 9,賽十二3 ~ 6,林前十二13,約七37 ~39,四10,14,羅十12 ~ 13,帖前五16 ~ 18。
三 神的百姓本該喝神而享受神,但他們反倒向祂不忠信,作了兩件惡事—『我的百姓,作了兩件惡事,就是離棄我這活水的泉源,爲自己鑿出池子,是破裂不能存水的池子』—耶二13:
1 第一,神的百姓離棄這位作他們享受之泉源、源頭的神;第二,他們轉向神以外的源頭,那不能滿足他們,或使他們成爲神的擴大,作祂的豐滿,使祂得着彰顯。
2 鑿出池子描繪以色列用人的勞碌辛苦,製作一些東西(偶像)頂替神;那些池子是破裂不能存水的,指明除了神自己分賜到我們裏面作活水給我們享受以外,沒有甚麼能解我們的乾渴,也沒有甚麼能使我們成爲神的擴增,使祂得着彰顯—約四13 ~ 14。
四 惡人邪惡的光景,乃是他們沒有就近主來喫喝並享受主;他們作許多事,卻不來接觸主,取用祂,接受祂,嘗祂並享受祂;在神眼中,沒有比這更邪惡的事—賽五七20,參五五1 ~ 2,6 ~ 7。
五 我們雖然不忠信,神卻是信實的,但祂的信實不是照着我們天然的領會或觀念:
1 神信實的取去我們的偶像;凡我們裏面所愛的任何事物,超過了對主的愛,或在我們的生活中頂替了主,就是偶像—結十四3,約壹五21。
2 我們外面環境的平安,個人的舒適和安逸,以及我們的財物都能成爲我們的偶像,引我們走迷;但神信實的取去這些事物,使我們飲於祂這活水的泉源。
3 神信實的允許我們有難處,使我們學習不信靠自己,只信靠祂,使祂得以引導我們進入祂的經綸,使我們享受基督,吸取基督,喝基督,喫基督,並吸收基督,好叫神在我們身上得着擴增,以完成祂的經綸—耶十七7 ~8,林後一8 ~ 9,約十六33,林前十3 ~ 4,十二13。
4 除了我們享受基督以外,神對任何事物都不感興趣;我們也許以爲,因着我們的失敗,我們是無望的;但神不失望;我們的失敗開路讓基督進來作我們的一切,使祂能把我們帶到成熟—羅八28 ~ 29,來六1 上,創三七1 與註,四七7 與註。
叁 哥林多前書啓示,享受主的路乃是愛祂,(二9 ~ 10,十六22,)並彼此相愛;(十三1 ~ 8 上;)主的恢復乃是恢復用起初的愛來愛主耶穌,(啓二4,約壹四19,)並恢復彼此相愛,使基督生機的身體得着建造(弗四16):
一 愛主是不可缺的,這使我們能進入祂的心,領畧祂心中一切的祕密,並使我們領畧且有分於神爲我們命定並豫備之深奧、隱藏的事—林前二9 ~10,太二二37 ~ 38,詩七三25,一一六1 ~ 2:
1 召會生活的內容在於享受基督;我們越享受基督,召會生活的內容就越豐富;我們若要享受基督,就必須用起初的愛來愛祂—啓二4 ~ 5,7。
2 召會的墮落開始於離棄對主起初的愛;以起初的愛,上好的愛來愛主,乃是在凡事上讓主居首位,居第一位,被祂的愛困迫,尊崇祂,並在我們的生活中接受祂作一切—4 ~ 5 節,西一18 下,林後五14 ~ 15,可十二30,詩七三25 ~ 26。
3 我們信主耶穌時所接受的生命乃是一個人位,我們應用並享受這人位惟一的路,乃是用起初的愛來愛祂;作我們生命的主耶穌旣是一個人位,我們就必須與祂有新鮮的接觸,此時此刻並天天享受祂現今的同在—約十一25,十四5 ~ 6,提前一14,約十四21,23,林後五14 ~ 15,啓二4 ~ 7,西一18 下,羅六4,七6。
4 我們必須是一個被基督的愛沖沒的人;神聖的愛該像大水澎湃沖向我們,迫使我們情不自禁的向祂活着並愛祂到極點—林後五14。
5 我們要愛主到極點,就需要渴望並尋求一生一世住在神的殿中,瞻仰祂的榮美(可愛、可悅、可喜),在神的殿裏求問神;求問神就是在我們日常生活中凡事問問神—詩二七4。
二 爲着建造召會作基督生機的身體,在我們的所是和所作上,愛乃是極超越的路—林前十二31下~十三8,13,參十四1,3,4 下:
1 『知識是叫人自高自大,惟有愛建造人;』我們可能聽了職事的信息,只得了一些知識,就自高自大—八1 下,參林後三6。
2 當生命之靈的律,就是愛的律,(羅八2,加六2 ~ 3,)在我們裏面得以發動,我們在主裏的勞苦就是愛心的勞苦;(林前十五58,帖前一3;)在其中我們扶助並扶持輭弱的人;(徒二十35,帖前五14;)『輭弱的人』指那些在靈、魂、體方面輭弱,或是在信心上輭弱的人。
3 我們所愛的基督乃是愛召會的基督;(弗五25;)當我們愛祂,我們就會像祂那樣愛召會;召會生活乃是弟兄相愛的生活,(約壹四7 ~ 8,約貳5 ~ 6,約十五12,17,啓三7,弗五2,參猶12 上,)並且身體在愛裏把自己建造起來。(弗四16。)
4 神賜給我們的靈,就是蒙了重生的靈,乃是愛的靈;我們需要有一個火熱的愛的靈,以征服今日召會的墮落—提後一7,羅十二10 ~ 11。
5 我們爲着基督身體的一、建造和實際,越進入一同相調的經歷與享受,彼此相愛對我們就越真實—林前十二14 ~ 27,羅十六1 ~ 16,西四16,約十二24,利二4 ~ 5。
Week One
The Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ as the Unique Solution to All Problems in the Church
Hymns: 477
Scripture Reading: 1 Cor. 1:2, 9; 2:9-10; 13:1-8; Jer. 2:13; Lam. 3:22- 24
§ Day 1 & Day 2
I. First Corinthians is a book on the enjoyment of the allinclusive Christ as the unique solution to all problems in the church; Gods intention in His recovery is to recover Christ as the unique center of Gods economy and as everything to us as our portion for our enjoyment—1:2, 9, 24, 30:
A. We have all been called into the fellowship, the enjoyment, of Christ (v. 9); the word fellowship includes the thought of enjoyment; Christ is our allotted portion given to us by God for our enjoyment (v. 2; Col. 1:12).
B. In 1 Corinthians the apostle Pauls intention was to solve the problems among the saints in Corinth; for all the problems, especially the matter of division, the only solution is the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ.
C. We should concentrate on Christ, not on any persons, things, or matters other than Christ; we should focus on Christ as our unique center appointed by God so that all the problems among the believers may be solved—1:9; Col. 1:17b, 18b.
D. Our goal is the fullest enjoyment of Christ and the fullest gaining of Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ; this issues in our having the uttermost enjoyment of Christ as our prize in the millennial kingdom— Phil. 3:14; Matt. 25:21, 23.
E. We need to be those who are thinking “the one thing”; the one thing in Philippians refers to the subjective knowledge, experience, and enjoyment of Christ; the one thing is the pursuing of Christ to gain Him and possess Him—2:2, 5; 1:20-21; 3:7-14; 4:13.
F. To think something other than the one thing is to rebel against Gods economy; Gods economy is that we think the one thing; in the church life we need to help all the saints to think the one thing; our thoughts should be focused on and filled with the enjoyment of Christ for the church life, the Body life.
G. First Corinthians reveals that God has given the all-inclusive Christ, with the riches of at least twenty items, to us as our portion for our enjoyment; the secret of the Christian life and the church life is for us to enjoy Christ—1:9:
1. We need to enjoy Christ as the portion given to us by God—v. 2.
2. We need to enjoy Christ as Gods power and Gods wisdom as righteousness,
sanctification, and redemption to us—vv. 24, 30.
3. We need to enjoy Christ as the Lord of glory, even as the King of glory, for our
glorification—2:7-8; Rom. 8:30; Psa. 24:6-10.
4. We need to enjoy Christ as the depths (deep things) of God—1 Cor. 2:10.
5. We need to enjoy Christ as the unique foundation of Gods building—3:11.
6. We need to enjoy Christ as our Passover (5:7), the unleavened bread (v. 8), the spiritual food, the spiritual drink, and the spiritual rock (10:3-4).
7. We need to enjoy Christ as the Head (11:3; Col. 2:19; Eph. 1:19-23) and the
Body (1 Cor. 12:12, 24-25a; Eph. 4:15-16).
8. We need to enjoy Christ as the firstfruits (1 Cor. 15:20, 23), the second man
(v. 47), and the last Adam, who became the life-giving Spirit (v. 45), to be everything to us.
§ Day 3 & Day 4
II. God is faithful in calling us into the fellowship, into the enjoyment, of His Son, but many times we are unfaithful to His calling us into His intention—1:9; Jer. 2:13; Lam. 3:22-24:
A. Gods intention in His economy is to be the fountain, the source, of living waters to dispense Himself into us for our satisfaction and enjoyment; the goal of this enjoyment is to produce the church, Gods counterpart, as Gods increase, Gods enlargement, to be Gods fullness for His expression—John 3:29-30; Eph. 3:16-19, 21.
B. The only way to take God as the fountain of living waters is to drink of Him and flow Him out day by day; this requires us to call on the Lord continually (with singing, thanking, rejoicing, praying, praising, and making Gods saving deeds known to others)—Psa. 36:8-9; Isa. 12:3-6; 1 Cor. 12:13; John 7:37-39; 4:10, 14; Rom. 10:12-13; 1 Thes. 5:16-18.
C. Instead of enjoying God by drinking of Him, Gods people were unfaithful to Him by committing two evils—“My people have committed two evils: / They have forsaken Me, / The fountain of living waters, / To hew out for themselves cisterns, / Broken cisterns, / Which hold no water”—Jer. 2:13:
1. First, Gods people forsook God as their fountain, their source, for their enjoyment; second, they turned to sources other than God that could not satisfy them or make them the enlargement of God as His fullness for His  xpression.
2. The hewing out of cisterns portrays Israels toil in their human labor to make something (idols) to replace God; that the cisterns were broken and could hold no water indicates that apart from God dispensed into us as living water for our enjoyment, nothing can quench our thirst and make us Gods increase for His expression—John 4:13-14.
D. The evil condition of the wicked is that they do not come to the Lord to eat, drink, and enjoy the Lord; they do many things, but they do not come to contact the Lord, to take Him, to receive Him, to taste Him, and to enjoy Him; in the sight of God nothing is more evil than this—Isa. 57:20; cf. 55:1-2, 6-7.
E. Although we are unfaithful, God is faithful, but His faithfulness is not according to our natural understanding or concept:
1. God is faithful to take away our idols; anything within us that we love more than the Lord or that replaces the Lord in our life is an idol—Ezek. 14:3; 1 John 5:21.
2. The outward peace in our environment, our personal comfort and ease, and our possessions can become idols to us to lead us astray; but God is faithful to take these things away so that we may drink of Him as the fountain of living waters.
3. God is faithful in allowing us to have troubles so that we may learn not to trust in ourselves but in Him and so that He may lead us into His economy for us to enjoy Christ, to absorb Christ, to drink Christ, to eat Christ, and to assimilate Christ so that God may increase in us to fulfill His economy—Jer. 17:7-8; 2 Cor. 1:8-9; John 16:33; 1 Cor. 10:3-4; 12:13.
4. God is not interested in anything other than our enjoyment of Christ; we may
think that because of our failure, we are hopeless, but with God there is no disappointment; our failure simply opens the way for Christ to come in to be everything to us, enabling Him to bring us on to maturity—Rom. 8:28-29; Heb. 6:1a; Gen. 37:1 and footnote; 47:7 and footnote.
§ Day 5
III. First Corinthians reveals that the way to enjoy the Lord is to love Him (2:9-10; 16:22) and to love one another (13:1-8a); the Lords recovery is a recovery of loving the Lord Jesus with the first love (Rev. 2:4; 1 John 4:19) and of loving one another for the building up of the organic Body of Christ (Eph. 4:16):
A. Our loving the Lord is the indispensable requirement for enabling us to enter into His heart and apprehend all its secrets and for our realization of and participation in the deep and hidden things God has ordained and prepared for us—1 Cor. 2:9-10; Matt. 22:37-38; Psa. 73:25; 116:1-2:
1. The content of the church life depends on the enjoyment of Christ; the more we enjoy Him, the richer the content will be; but to enjoy Christ requires that we love Him with the first love—Rev. 2:4-5, 7.
2. The degradation of the church begins with our leaving the first love toward the Lord; to love the Lord with the first love, the best love, is to give the Lord the preeminence, the first place, in all things, being constrained by His love to regard and take Him as everything in our life—vv. 4-5; Col. 1:18b; 2 Cor. 5:14-15; Mark 12:30; Psa. 73:25-26.
3. The very life that we received when we believed in the Lord Jesus is a person,
and the only way to apply and enjoy this person is by loving Him with the first love; since the Lord Jesus as our life is a person, we need a new contact with Him to enjoy His present presence at this very moment and day by day—John 11:25; 14:5-6; 1 Tim. 1:14; John 14:21, 23; 2 Cor. 5:14-15; Rev. 2:4-7; Col. 1:18b; Rom. 6:4; 7:6.
4. We must be persons who are flooded with the love of Christ; the divine love  hould be like the rushing tide of great waters toward us, impelling us to live to Him and love Him to the uttermost beyond our own control—2 Cor. 5:14.
5. In order to love the Lord to the uttermost, we need to be those who desire and
seek to dwell in the house of God all the days of our life, to behold His beauty
(loveliness, pleasantness, delightfulness), and to inquire of God in His temple; to
inquire of God is to check with God about everything in our daily life—Psa. 27:4.
§ Day 6
B. Love is the most excellent way for us to be anything or do anything for the building up of the church as the organic Body of Christ—1 Cor. 12:31b— 13:8, 13; cf. 14:1, 3, 4b:
1. “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up”; we may listen to the messages of the ministry and become puffed up with mere knowledge—8:1b; cf. 2 Cor. 3:6.
2. When the law of the Spirit of life as the law of love (Rom. 8:2; Gal. 6:2-3) is activated within us, our labor in the Lord is a labor of love (1 Cor. 15:58; 1 Thes. 1:3), in which we support and sustain the weak (Acts 20:35; 1 Thes. 5:14); the weak refers to those who are weak either in their spirit or soul or body, or are weak in faith.
3. The Christ whom we love is the church-loving Christ (Eph. 5:25); when we love Him, we will love the church as He does; the church life is a life of brotherly love (1 John 4:7-8; 2 John 5-6; John 15:12, 17; Rev. 3:7; Eph. 5:2; cf. Jude 12a), and the Body builds itself up in love (Eph. 4:16).
4. Our God-given, regenerated spirit is a spirit of love; we need a burning spirit
of love to conquer the degradation of todays church—2 Tim. 1:7; Rom. 12:10-11.

5. Our love for one another is made real to us as we enter more and more into the experience and enjoyment of being blended together for the oneness, the building up, and the reality of the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 12:14-27; Rom. 16:1-16; Col. 4:16; John 12:24; Lev. 2:4-5. 

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