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第九週■週二 晨興餧養 西二9『因爲神格一切的豐滿,都有形有體的居住在基督裏面。』 約十四10『我在父裏面,父在我裏面,你不信麼?…』 神的喜悅,神的心願,是要得着許多兒子,作祂兒子的彰顯,使祂在子裏藉着那靈彰顯出來。爲這目的,神已顯明自己,首先在基督裏—肉體裏個別的彰顯;然後在召會,基督的身體裏—肉體裏擴大團體的彰顯;最終,在新耶路撒冷裏—新天新地裏終極完成的團體彰顯。 歌羅西二章九節…的『豐滿』,不是指神的豐富,乃是指神豐富的彰顯。那居住在基督裏的,是神所是之豐富的彰顯。我們需要看見,神格的豐滿是神格的彰顯,而這彰顯是個別的在基督裏面。(新約總論第一册,一四九頁。) 信息選讀 基督是神格豐滿的具體化身。這就是說,三一神的豐滿,有形有體的居住在基督裏面。神格的豐滿有形有體的居住在基督裏面,這事實就是說,這豐滿真實且實際的居住在祂裏面。這含示基督在祂的人性裏所穿上的肉身。這指明神格一切的豐滿,都居住在這位有屬人身體的基督裏面。在祂成爲肉體以前,神格一切的豐滿,乃是居住在祂所是之永遠的話(約一1)裏面,並不是有形有體的居住在祂裏面。在祂成爲肉體以後,神格的豐滿就開始有形有體的居住在祂裏面。因此,祂是在肉體裏神的顯明,神個別的彰顯。 約翰一章一節和十四節也啓示,神顯明在基督裏,這是祂在肉體裏個別的彰顯。一節說,『太初有話,話與神同在,話就是神。』在十四節,這是神的話成了肉體。這是指成爲肉體的基督。太初祂不僅與神同在,祂也就是神。成爲肉體的基督,是神顯現於肉體。(提前三16。)(新約總論第一册,一四九至一五○頁。) 神顯現於肉體,乃是神過人性的生活。…主耶穌是真實的、完全的人,以彰顯完整的神。祂是神顯現於肉體,使永遠、無限、看不見、榮耀、無所不能、無所不知、無所不在的神,藉着必死、有限、看得見、沒有榮耀,在能力、知識、同在上都受限制的人,得着彰顯。必死的與永遠的相對,有限的與無限的相對,看得見的與看不見的相對,沒有榮耀的與榮耀的相對。神是全能的、全知的、並且無所不在,但人在能力、知識、同在上都受限制。 當主耶穌在地上時,祂一切的行事都彰顯神聖的屬性,作爲祂人性的美德。祂美德的彰顯就是神顯現於肉體。就外面說,人看見祂是拿撒勒的耶穌,但祂乃是神顯現於肉體。…主把東西整齊的留在墳墓裏,這…是祂復活的見證。(約二十7。)我們操練我們的靈,在復活裏作事,這就是我們基督徒美德的展示。這些基督徒的美德乃是神聖屬性的彰顯,也是神在肉體裏的顯現。 如果我們在復活裏作事,許多美德就要顯出來,這些美德乃是神聖屬性的彰顯。因此,我們所作的,就是將神顯現於肉體。在召會生活裏,應當有神顯現於肉體。我們雖然在肉體裏,卻不該憑肉體活着。我們乃該在復活裏並憑復活活着,使神在我們的生活裏活着,使我們能在祂那作了我們美德的屬性上成爲祂,使祂得以顯現。(新約總論第十二册,二二○至二二一頁。) 參讀:新約總論,第十三、一百六十一、二百零八篇。 WEEK 9 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment Col. 2:9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. John 14:10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me?... God’s good pleasure, God’s heart’s desire, is to have many sons for the expression of His Son so that He may be expressed in the Son through the Spirit. For this purpose, God has manifested Himself, first in Christ as an individual expression in the flesh and then in the church, the Body of Christ, as the enlarged corporate expression in the flesh. Ultimately, God will be manifested in the New Jerusalem as the consummated corporate expression in the new heaven and new earth. In Colossians 2:9 “fullness” does not refer to the riches of God; instead, it refers to the expression of the riches of God. What dwells in Christ is the expression of the riches of what God is. We need to see that the fullness of the Godhead is the expression of the Godhead and that this expression is in Christ individually. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 127) Today’s Reading Christ is the embodiment of the fullness of the Godhead. This means that the fullness of the Triune God dwells in Christ in a bodily form. The fact that the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ bodily means that it dwells in Him in a way that is both real and practical. This implies the physical body which Christ put on in His humanity. It indicates that all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ as the One who has a human body. Before His incarnation, the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Him as the eternal Word, but it did not dwell in Him bodily. After He became incarnate, the fullness of the Godhead began to dwell in Him in a bodily way. Thus, He is the manifestation of God, the individual expression of God, in the flesh. John 1:1 and 14 also reveal that God was manifested in Christ as an individual expression in the flesh. Verse 1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In verse 14, this Word, which is God, became flesh. This refers to the incarnated Christ. In the beginning He was not only with God, but He is the very God. The incarnated Christ is God manifested in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16). God being manifested in the flesh is God living a human life...The Lord Jesus was a real, perfect man to express the complete God. He was God manifested in the flesh to express the eternal, infinite, invisible, glorious, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God through the mortal, finite, visible, inglorious man, limited in power, knowledge, and presence. Mortal is versus eternal, finite is versus infinite, visible is versus invisible, and inglorious is versus glorious. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and present everywhere, but man is limited in power, knowledge, and presence. When the Lord Jesus was on the earth, He expressed the divine attributes as His human virtues in all His actions. That expression of His virtues was the manifestation of God in the flesh. Outwardly, people saw Him as Jesus from Nazareth, but He was God manifested in the flesh...When the Lord left the things in the tomb in good order, this was...a testimony of His resurrection (John 20:7). When we exercise our spirit and do things in resurrection, this is a display of our Christian virtues. These Christian virtues are expressions of the divine attributes and are the manifestation of God in the flesh. If we do things in resurrection, many virtues will be exhibited, and those virtues will be the expression of the divine attributes. Thus, what we do will be a manifestation of God in the flesh. In the church life God should be manifested in the flesh. Even though we are in the flesh, we should not live by the flesh. We should live in and by resurrection so that God may live in our living, making us Him in His attributes as our virtues for His manifestation. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 127-128, 3663-3664) Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 13, 161, 208 |
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